Ok. I'm not sure if anyone will ever use this, but the code I just posted has a major bug. I don't know if any of you are using OGRE in this manner, but I feel obliged to correct this mistake. Note that if you use the technique described below, although it takes alot of modelling work, it seems to be an effecient way to draw borders on a map.
Notice the framerate drop between the first and second screenshot, this was because I was adding a new scenenode for each line. I noticed this right after I posted but then moved on to another problem. Since my ultimate goal is to render 3007 seperate and distinct meshes on the screen at one time
AND thier borders using Line3d - efffectively doubling the number of veritices - optimization is key. So, I'm making
most of my display static. The outline entity method should be implemented in such a way as it pushes all points to draw in a vector before it does the draw, then after it has found all the edges, then draw the lines. Before, I was adding each line as a seperate SceneNode. Now, it's just one.
I was able to improve my FPS by a factor of 10 by doing this. Also, I used a technique in Bleder where I rendered the country map as a 2d plane first, then saved it as a seperate mesh (USA2d.mesh). Then, I extruded the edges and moved them in the negative z direction. I saved this model as a seperate mesh (USA3d.mesh). Then, I rendered USA3d.mesh and created an entity of USA2d.mesh but did not attach it to a SceneNode. Instead, I just passed the Entity to the outlineEntity helper function and drew the degenerate edges and batched them in a StaticGeometery without rendering the mesh. I'm not sure if this is a hack or if you geniuses out there would've thought of this last Monday, but it works - and quite well I might add. Here's the code:
Code: Select all
void GameState::outlineEntity(Ogre::Entity* entity,
StaticGeometry* staticGeometry,
SceneNode* sceneNode )
size_t vertex_count,index_count;
Vector3* vertices;
unsigned* indices;
Vector3 *vertexArray = new Vector3[vertex_count];
vertexArray = vertices;
Ogre::EdgeData* edgeData = entity->getMesh()->getEdgeList(0);
Ogre::EdgeData::EdgeGroupList::iterator i, iend;
Ogre::EdgeData::EdgeList::iterator ei, eiend;
Line3D *myLine = new Line3D();
iend = edgeData->edgeGroups.end();
for (i = edgeData->edgeGroups.begin(); i != iend; ++i)
int num = 0;
eiend = i->edges.end();
for (ei = i->edges.begin(); ei != eiend; ++ei, ++num)
Ogre::EdgeData::Edge& e = *ei;
//If this edge is degenerate, then take the vertex index at 0 and 1,
//Add both vertices to the Line3d dequeue..
if (e.degenerate)
Vector3 start = Vector3(vertexArray[e.vertIndex[0]]);
Vector3 end = Vector3(vertexArray[e.vertIndex[1]]);
/*Here is the major optimization. Rather than draw each line
and add it as a seperate SceneNode, I can use the inbred
batching functionality of Line3d to draw all lines at the END of
finding Silhouette Edges, and hence only have one Scene node as
opposed to several hundred. Which improved the FPS on my laptop from ~7FPS to 79FPS. */
delete[] vertices;
delete[] indices;
Here's a screenshot because I'm really excited about my progress thus far: