MOC and GetMeshInformation

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MOC and GetMeshInformation

Post by Sharsnik »

I'm trying to implement mesh intersection tests. I was told to use MOC and/or the GetMeshInformation function found here: ... ygon_level

However, this function seems to cause a crash in the system (nothing in the log file) when it exits. Also, there's two lines of code that seem to be outdated in the MOC code...

Code: Select all

Can anyone help me either get MOC running, or show me another way to pull the intersection triangle from an entity?

Here's the full code of the getHeight function... mebbe I'm missing something stupid

Code: Select all

float ogreEngine::getHeight(Vector3 start)
	float closeHit = -1;

	start.y += PATHING_CUTOFF;

	rayTest = Ray(start, Vector3::NEGATIVE_UNIT_Y);

	RaySceneQueryResult &result = raySceneQuery->execute();
	for (u_int i = 0; i < result.size(); i++)
		if (result[i].worldFragment)
			return result[i].worldFragment->singleIntersection.y;
		else if (result[i].movable )
			Ogre::Entity* entity = static_cast<Ogre::Entity*>(result[i].movable);

			if (entity->getParentNode())
				size_t vertex_count = 0;
				size_t index_count = 0;
				Ogre::Vector3 *vertices = NULL;
				unsigned long *indices = NULL;

				collision->GetMeshInformation(entity->getMesh(), vertex_count, vertices, index_count, indices,             

				if (vertices)
					for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(index_count); i += 3)
						std::pair<bool, Ogre::Real> hit = Ogre::Math::intersects(rayTest, vertices[indices[i]], vertices[indices[i+1]], vertices[indices[i+2]], true, false);

						if (hit.first)
							if ((closeHit < 0.0f) || (hit.second < closeHit))
								closeHit = hit.second;

					delete[] vertices;
					delete[] indices;

					return rayTest.getPoint(closeHit).y;

	return -1000;
Seems to crash on the _getDerivedScale() line...
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Re: MOC and GetMeshInformation

Post by ajs15822 »

Try replacing "_getDerivedScale()" with "getScale()".
Posts: 44
Joined: Wed Feb 11, 2009 5:41 pm

Re: MOC and GetMeshInformation

Post by Sharsnik »

Nah, doesn't work :/