I'm still having some trouble with this so I'll modify my original post. The sceneQuery eventually causes a stack overflow, it seems the cause is a very small (or zero) length on the direction of the ray. To solve this I weeded out any (0, 0, 0) directions, and normalized the vector before using it in the query. But, the problem is still occurring. There are a few ways that my rayIntersection function can be called, but I'm 99% sure the issues is in testClipping, as the rest of the calls involve straight down queries. I'll include relevant code.
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bool ogreEngine::rayIntersection(Vector3 start, Vector3 direction, Vector3* intersectionPoint, triangle* intersectionTri, float* distance, int flags)
float closeHit = -1;
triangle testTri;
Vector3 testPoint;
float testDist;
bool hasHit = false;
float rayLength = direction.length();
if ((float)direction.x == 0 && (float)direction.y == 0 && (float)direction.z == 0)
//Ogre reals consider 0 and -0 to be different values?
//Prolly an issue with double -> float precision.
return false;
printe("(%f, %f, %f)", direction.x, direction.y, direction.z);
rayTest = Ray(start, direction);
//printe("Execute query");
result = raySceneQuery->execute();
//printe("End query");
if (!result.size())
return false;
for (u_int i = 0; i < result.size(); i++)
if (result[i].worldFragment && (!hasHit || result[i].distance < testDist) && flags != 3)//FIX ME
if (intersectionTri)
Vector3 temp = result[i].worldFragment->singleIntersection;
testTri.p1 = D3DXVECTOR3(temp.x + 1, getHeight(Vector3(temp.x + 1, 1024, temp.z)), temp.z);
testTri.p2 = D3DXVECTOR3(temp.x - 1, getHeight(Vector3(temp.x - 1, 1024, temp.z)), temp.z);
testTri.p3 = D3DXVECTOR3(temp.x, getHeight(Vector3(temp.x, 1024, temp.z + 1)), temp.z + 1);
if (intersectionPoint)
testPoint = result[i].worldFragment->singleIntersection;
testDist = result[i].distance;
hasHit = true;
else if (result[i].movable && (result[i].movable->getMovableType().compare("Entity") == 0))
Ogre::Entity* entity = static_cast<Ogre::Entity*>(result[i].movable);
size_t vertex_count = 0;
size_t index_count = 0;
Ogre::Vector3 *vertices = NULL;
unsigned long *indices = NULL;
collision->GetMeshInformation(entity->getMesh(), vertex_count, vertices, index_count, indices,
for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(index_count); i += 3)
std::pair<bool, Ogre::Real> hit = Ogre::Math::intersects(rayTest, vertices[indices[i]], vertices[indices[i+1]], vertices[indices[i+2]], true, false);
if (hit.first)
if (!hasHit || hit.second < testDist)
if (intersectionTri)
testTri.p1 = Vec2DX(vertices[indices[i]]);
testTri.p2 = Vec2DX(vertices[indices[i+1]]);
testTri.p3 = Vec2DX(vertices[indices[i+2]]);
if (intersectionPoint)
testPoint = rayTest.getPoint(hit.second);
testDist = hit.second;
hasHit = true;
delete[] vertices;
delete[] indices;
if (hasHit)
if (intersectionTri)
*intersectionTri = testTri;
if (intersectionPoint)
*intersectionPoint = testPoint;
if (distance)
*distance = testDist;
if (hasHit && flags == 3 && testDist >= rayLength)//FIX ME
return false;
return hasHit;
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bool instance::testClipping(D3DXVECTOR3 start, D3DXVECTOR3 ray, triangle* intersectTri)
rayOrigin = start;
rayOrigin.y += PATHING_CUTOFF;
rayDir = ray ;
if (rayDir.x == 0 && rayDir.z == 0)//Causes hang in ray execute... FIX ME
return false;
return ogre.rayIntersection((Vector3)rayOrigin, (Vector3)rayDir, NULL, intersectTri, NULL, 3);//FIX ME
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D3DXVECTOR3 instance::getClipping(triangle testTriangle, D3DXVECTOR3 pos, D3DXVECTOR3 heading)
D3DXVECTOR3 normal;
D3DXVECTOR3 edgeLine;
triangle tempTriangle;
D3DXVec3Cross(&normal, &(testTriangle.p2 - testTriangle.p1), &(testTriangle.p3 - testTriangle.p1));
edgeLine = D3DXVECTOR3(normal.z * pos.y, 0, -normal.x * pos.y);
D3DXVec3Normalize(&edgeLine, &edgeLine);
D3DXVec3Scale(&edgeLine, &edgeLine, (length = D3DXVec3Dot(&heading, &edgeLine)));
if (testClipping(pos + edgeLine, edgeLine, &tempTriangle))
return getClipping(tempTriangle, pos + edgeLine, edgeLine);
return edgeLine;