[Solved] Help to read Obfuscated zip in Ogre 1.7

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[Solved] Help to read Obfuscated zip in Ogre 1.7

Post by Tikoucas »

Ogre Version: :1.7.2 SDK:
Operating System: :Windows XP SP3:
Render System: :Either:
Compiler: :MinGW with Codeblocks:

I have an application that uses encrypted zip files to avoid kids to steal/claim other people's skins and maps.
The problem is that the application first has to decrypt the files in to a zip (with .sys extension in a hidden folder) so then Ogre can read the zip files, but someone found out and spread the word.
I want to make Ogre read the encrypted zip files directly, so kids can't mess around.

Seems like Ogre 1.7 code is getting rare and I have been 2 days trying to figure out where to start.

I tried reading Resources and ResourceManagers but it didn't give me a clue.
And I tried Obfuscated+Zip but I get compilation errors and missing zzip/plugin.h even after downloading zzip.
I'm not sure if I should Upgrade Ogre to 1.11 first and because I have no clue how to compile Ogre from source and if still compatible with Windows XP, and I don't want to mess too much with the code since my C++ knowledge is poor and I'm new with Ogre.

Can anyone push me in the right direction please?

Btw, the encryption is just a XOR to a pseudorandom number generator.
Last edited by Tikoucas on Tue Jan 08, 2019 2:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [solved] Help to read Obfuscated zip in Ogre 1.7

Post by Tikoucas »

I figured out that I needed Zlib together with zziplib to be able to compile them (they are 2 different things)
I kept on getting a missing header "plugin.h" because one of them were missing.

Then I ran in to compilation errors but I managed to get the code working by making some changes, but I know very little of C++ and I don't know what I'm doing. :)

In ObfuscatedZip.cpp I Changed the next line:

Code: Select all

Ogre::DataStreamPtr ObfuscatedZip::open(const Ogre::String& filename) const
by adding 1 extra argument: bool readOnly

Code: Select all

Ogre::DataStreamPtr ObfuscatedZip::open(const Ogre::String& filename, bool readOnly) const
Commented the next line:

Code: Select all

Ogre::LogManager::getSingleton().logMessage( mName + " - Unable to open file " + filename + ", error was '" + zzDesc + "'");
At this point the source code compiled fine.
I followed the tutorial about how to initialize stuff in main.cpp and I managed to sucessfully load a file "hello.OBFUSZIP" (a zip file with a XOR operation on it)

My next step was to do a better Xor Key of something larger than 1 byte, as most the users already guessed the key <.<

Maybe at some point I will get a pseudorandom number generator from the Wikipedia and use it for my XOR key, but I know they might still get stuff from RAM anyway.
Hoping a simple XOR string will stop kids from stealing and claiming the art from other users for now.

The resulting code was this:

Code: Select all

 *  ObfuscatedZip.cpp

#include "ObfuscatedZip.h"

#include <zzip/zzip.h>
#include <zzip/plugin.h>

//namespace MyNameSpace
    // Change this magic number to a value of your choosing.
    #define LONGITUDLLAVE 68
    static const char xor_value[LONGITUDLLAVE] = {104,21,, ... ,7};   //68 bytes key. ofc I deleted it :)
    static zzip_plugin_io_handlers xor_handlers = { };
    // Change "SYM" to match the file extension of your choosing.
    static zzip_strings_t xor_fileext[] = { ".SYM", ".SYO", 0 };

    // Static method that un-obfuscates an obfuscated file.
    static zzip_ssize_t xor_read (int fd, void* buf, zzip_size_t len)
        int xor_i = lseek(fd,0,SEEK_CUR);  //obtener la posicion actual del archivo
        const zzip_ssize_t bytes = read(fd, buf, len);
        zzip_ssize_t i;
        char* pch = (char*)buf;
        xor_i = xor_i % LONGITUDLLAVE;  //mover contador a una posicion válida
        for (i=0; i<bytes; ++i)
            pch[i] ^= (char) xor_value[xor_i];
            if (xor_i >= LONGITUDLLAVE)
                xor_i = 0;
        return bytes;

    /// Utility method to format out zzip errors
    Ogre::String getZzipErrorDescription(zzip_error_t zzipError)
        Ogre::String errorMsg;
        switch (zzipError)
        case ZZIP_NO_ERROR:
        case ZZIP_OUTOFMEM:
            errorMsg = "Out of memory.";
        case ZZIP_DIR_OPEN:
        case ZZIP_DIR_STAT:
        case ZZIP_DIR_SEEK:
        case ZZIP_DIR_READ:
            errorMsg = "Unable to read zip file.";
        case ZZIP_UNSUPP_COMPR:
            errorMsg = "Unsupported compression format.";
        case ZZIP_CORRUPTED:
            errorMsg = "Corrupted archive.";
            errorMsg = "Unknown error.";

        return errorMsg;

    ObfuscatedZip::ObfuscatedZip(const Ogre::String& name, const Ogre::String& archType )
        : Archive(name, archType), mZzipDir(0)
        zzip_init_io(&xor_handlers, 0);
        xor_handlers.fd.read = &xor_read;
    void ObfuscatedZip::load()
        if (!mZzipDir)
            zzip_error_t zzipError;
            mZzipDir = zzip_dir_open_ext_io(mName.c_str(), &zzipError, xor_fileext, &xor_handlers);
            checkZzipError(zzipError, "opening SYX file");
            // Cache names
            ZZIP_DIRENT zzipEntry;
            while (zzip_dir_read(mZzipDir, &zzipEntry))
                Ogre::FileInfo info;
                info.archive = this;
                // Get basename / path
                Ogre::StringUtil::splitFilename(zzipEntry.d_name, info.basename, info.path);
                info.filename = zzipEntry.d_name;
                // Get sizes
                info.compressedSize = static_cast<size_t>(zzipEntry.d_csize);
                info.uncompressedSize = static_cast<size_t>(zzipEntry.st_size);
                // folder entries
                if (info.basename.empty())
                    info.filename = info.filename.substr (0, info.filename.length () - 1);
                    Ogre::StringUtil::splitFilename(info.filename, info.basename, info.path);
                    // Set compressed size to -1 for folders; anyway nobody will check
                    // the compressed size of a folder, and if he does, its useless anyway
                    info.compressedSize = size_t (-1);



    void ObfuscatedZip::unload()
        if (mZzipDir)
            mZzipDir = 0;
    Ogre::DataStreamPtr ObfuscatedZip::open(const Ogre::String& filename, bool readOnly) const

        // Format not used here (always binary)
        ZZIP_FILE* zzipFile =
            zzip_file_open(mZzipDir, filename.c_str(), ZZIP_ONLYZIP | ZZIP_CASELESS);
        if (!zzipFile)
            int zerr = zzip_error(mZzipDir);
            Ogre::String zzDesc = getZzipErrorDescription((zzip_error_t)zerr);
            //Ogre::LogManager::getSingleton().logMessage( mName + " - Unable to open file " + filename + ", error was '" + zzDesc + "'");
            printf("ObfuscatedZip: Error in line %d\r\n",__LINE__);  //Warning: c++ newbie commented the line above

            // return null pointer
            return Ogre::DataStreamPtr();

        // Get uncompressed size too
        ZZIP_STAT zstat;
        zzip_dir_stat(mZzipDir, filename.c_str(), &zstat, ZZIP_CASEINSENSITIVE);

        // Construct & return stream
        return Ogre::DataStreamPtr(OGRE_NEW ObfuscatedZipDataStream(filename, zzipFile,  static_cast<size_t>(zstat.st_size)));
    Ogre::StringVectorPtr ObfuscatedZip::list(bool recursive, bool dirs)
        Ogre::StringVectorPtr ret = Ogre::StringVectorPtr(OGRE_NEW_T(Ogre::StringVector, Ogre::MEMCATEGORY_GENERAL)(), Ogre::SPFM_DELETE_T);

        Ogre::FileInfoList::iterator i, iend;
        iend = mFileList.end();
        for (i = mFileList.begin(); i != iend; ++i)
            if ((dirs == (i->compressedSize == size_t (-1))) &&
                (recursive || i->path.empty()))

        return ret;
    Ogre::FileInfoListPtr ObfuscatedZip::listFileInfo(bool recursive, bool dirs)
        Ogre::FileInfoList* fil = OGRE_NEW_T(Ogre::FileInfoList, Ogre::MEMCATEGORY_GENERAL)();
        Ogre::FileInfoList::const_iterator i, iend;
        iend = mFileList.end();
        for (i = mFileList.begin(); i != iend; ++i)
            if ((dirs == (i->compressedSize == size_t (-1))) &&
                (recursive || i->path.empty()))

        return Ogre::FileInfoListPtr(fil, Ogre::SPFM_DELETE_T);
    Ogre::StringVectorPtr ObfuscatedZip::find(const Ogre::String& pattern, bool recursive, bool dirs)
        Ogre::StringVectorPtr ret = Ogre::StringVectorPtr(OGRE_NEW_T(Ogre::StringVector, Ogre::MEMCATEGORY_GENERAL)(), Ogre::SPFM_DELETE_T);
        // If pattern contains a directory name, do a full match
        bool full_match = (pattern.find ('/') != Ogre::String::npos) ||
                          (pattern.find ('\\') != Ogre::String::npos);

        Ogre::FileInfoList::iterator i, iend;
        iend = mFileList.end();
        for (i = mFileList.begin(); i != iend; ++i)
            if ((dirs == (i->compressedSize == size_t (-1))) &&
                (recursive || full_match || i->path.empty()))
                // Check basename matches pattern (zip is case insensitive)
                if (Ogre::StringUtil::match(full_match ? i->filename : i->basename, pattern, false))

        return ret;
    Ogre::FileInfoListPtr ObfuscatedZip::findFileInfo(const Ogre::String& pattern,
        bool recursive, bool dirs)
        Ogre::FileInfoListPtr ret = Ogre::FileInfoListPtr(OGRE_NEW_T(Ogre::FileInfoList, Ogre::MEMCATEGORY_GENERAL)(), Ogre::SPFM_DELETE_T);
        // If pattern contains a directory name, do a full match
        bool full_match = (pattern.find ('/') != Ogre::String::npos) ||
                          (pattern.find ('\\') != Ogre::String::npos);

        Ogre::FileInfoList::iterator i, iend;
        iend = mFileList.end();
        for (i = mFileList.begin(); i != iend; ++i)
            if ((dirs == (i->compressedSize == size_t (-1))) &&
                (recursive || full_match || i->path.empty()))
                // Check name matches pattern (zip is case insensitive)
                if (Ogre::StringUtil::match(full_match ? i->filename : i->basename, pattern, false))

        return ret;
    bool ObfuscatedZip::exists(const Ogre::String& filename)
        ZZIP_STAT zstat;
        int res = zzip_dir_stat(mZzipDir, filename.c_str(), &zstat, ZZIP_CASEINSENSITIVE);

        return (res == ZZIP_NO_ERROR);

    time_t ObfuscatedZip::getModifiedTime(const Ogre::String& filename)
        // Zziplib doesn't yet support getting the modification time of individual files
        // so just check the mod time of the zip itself
        struct stat tagStat;
        bool ret = (stat(mName.c_str(), &tagStat) == 0);

        if (ret)
            return tagStat.st_mtime;
            return 0;

    void ObfuscatedZip::checkZzipError(int zzipError, const Ogre::String& operation) const
        if (zzipError != ZZIP_NO_ERROR)
            Ogre::String errorMsg = getZzipErrorDescription(static_cast<zzip_error_t>(zzipError));

                mName + " - error whilst " + operation + ": " + errorMsg,
    ObfuscatedZipDataStream::ObfuscatedZipDataStream(ZZIP_FILE* zzipFile, size_t uncompressedSize)
        : mZzipFile(zzipFile)
        mSize = uncompressedSize;
    ObfuscatedZipDataStream::ObfuscatedZipDataStream(const Ogre::String& name, ZZIP_FILE* zzipFile, size_t uncompressedSize)
        :DataStream(name), mZzipFile(zzipFile)
        mSize = uncompressedSize;
    size_t ObfuscatedZipDataStream::read(void* buf, size_t count)
        zzip_ssize_t r = zzip_file_read(mZzipFile, (char*)buf, count);
        if (r<0) {
            ZZIP_DIR *dir = zzip_dirhandle(mZzipFile);
            Ogre::String msg = zzip_strerror_of(dir);
                        mName+" - error from zziplib: "+msg,
        return (size_t) r;
    void ObfuscatedZipDataStream::skip(long count)
        zzip_seek(mZzipFile, static_cast<zzip_off_t>(count), SEEK_CUR);
    void ObfuscatedZipDataStream::seek( size_t pos )
        zzip_seek(mZzipFile, static_cast<zzip_off_t>(pos), SEEK_SET);
    size_t ObfuscatedZipDataStream::tell(void) const
        return zzip_tell(mZzipFile);
    bool ObfuscatedZipDataStream::eof(void) const
        return (zzip_tell(mZzipFile) >= static_cast<zzip_off_t>(mSize));
    void ObfuscatedZipDataStream::close(void)
        if (mZzipFile != 0)
            mZzipFile = 0;
    const Ogre::String& ObfuscatedZipFactory::getType(void) const
        static Ogre::String name = "SYM";
        return name;
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