How to build the old version of OGRE? Topic is solved

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How to build the old version of OGRE?

Post by leviskim18 »

Ogre Version: v.1.12.12 or v.1.12.13
Operating System: Windows 10
Render System: OpenCV

Hi Ogre,

Could you provide any advice for building old version of OGRE v 1.12.12?
For one legacy project update, I have to build the old OGRE. It seems that v.1.12.12 or v.1.12.13 are the last versions of the old Ogre, so I plan to update using this.

However, after pulling the source code and running CMake, the dependencies are not being downloaded. Could you offer some advice on how to handle this case?

Orc Shaman
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Re: How to build the old version of OGRE?

Post by rpgplayerrobin »

When I try it I get this error message:

CMake Error at CMake/Dependencies.cmake:113 (file):
file DOWNLOAD HASH mismatch

Code: Select all

for file: [C:/Users/rwn00/Desktop/ogre-1.12.12/ogre-1.12.12/build/zlib-1.2.11.tar.gz]
  expected hash: [1c9f62f0778697a09d36121ead88e08e]
    actual hash: [d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e]
         status: [22;"HTTP response code said error"]

Call Stack (most recent call first):
CMakeLists.txt:290 (include)

So I guess the only issue is with zlib?

To fix it, open the "CMake/Dependencies.cmake" file in notepad.
There you will see that the "" file does not exist anymore on their server, and that is why the error happens.

Simply replace that with "" and then also replace its hash with the new MD5 hash (which is "9855b6d802d7fe5b7bd5b196a2271655" for that file).

Also, search and replace "zlib-1.2.11" with "zlib-1.3.1" in that file.

Save and then attempt CMake again and it should work, and you can also follow my guide here after the above steps: viewtopic.php?p=554037#p554037