[Solved] Custom moveable textbox trouble (shading)

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[Solved] Custom moveable textbox trouble (shading)

Post by hedphelym »

We have a implementation of moveabletext (billboard with text) that we've used in earlier ogre.
Now I'm working on getting this to work with the latest ogre, and I've been debugging a lot, but have not found a solution yet.

It seems to be as if the mesh object itself, and mesh for 'letters' are working, they show up looking as it should, and gets updated when the
text is changed, like this:

Also the font used is loaded fine.

We set the vertex\fragment program through code when the moveable text is created:

Code: Select all

The problem seems to the the last part of it all - the pixel shader \ program.
This is what I know the least about in the whole process, so I wanted to ask here, and maybe some one of you who knows more about it can
enlighten me if there is something wrong with it (that has to do with ogre 2.1).

TextBox.program :

Code: Select all

vertex_program TextBox_vs hlsl
    target vs_4_0
    source TextBox.hlsl
    entry_point TextBox_vs

		param_named_auto wvpMat worldviewproj_matrix
		param_named_auto wMatInv inverse_world_matrix
		param_named arrowTargetWS float4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

fragment_program TextBox_ps hlsl
    target ps_4_0
    source TextBox.hlsl
    entry_point TextBox_ps

		param_named rowsAlphaOffset float 0.0

Code: Select all

float4 TextBox_vs
	in float4 			inPosOS			: POSITION,
    in float2 			inUV			: TEXCOORD0,
	in float4 			inColor			: COLOR,
	uniform float4x4 	wvpMat,
	uniform float4x4	wMatInv,
	uniform float4 		arrowTargetWS,
    out float2 			outUV			: TEXCOORD0,
	out float4 			outPosOS		: TEXCOORD1,
	out float4 			outColor 		: COLOR
: SV_Position
	// If this is the arrow target (uv == 3.5) and we have a target (arrowTargetWS.w != 0.0), move this point to the target position.
	if(inUV.x > 3.4 && inUV.x < 3.6 && arrowTargetWS.w != 0.0)
		inPosOS = mul(wMatInv, arrowTargetWS); //float4(0.0, 5.0, 0.0, 1.0));
	outPosOS = inPosOS;
	outUV = inUV;
	outColor = inColor;
	float4 outPosSS = mul(wvpMat, inPosOS);	
	return outPosSS;

Texture2D fontMap : register(t0);
SamplerState fontSampler : register(s0);

float4 TextBox_ps
	in float2 			inUV			: TEXCOORD0,
	in float4 			inPosOO			: TEXCOORD1,
	in float4 			inColor			: COLOR,
	uniform float 		rowsAlphaOffset
	float4 outColor = float4(0, 0, 0, 1);
	if(inUV.x >= 1.0 && inUV.y >= 1.0)		// This is the background if UV is outside range [0, 1)
		outColor = inColor;		
		// Rows with slightly different color
		if(rowsAlphaOffset > 0.0)
			if((int)((inPosOO.y + 1000.0) * 4.0) % 2 == 0)	
				outColor.a += rowsAlphaOffset;
				outColor.a -= rowsAlphaOffset;
	else									// Else, it is font
		outColor = fontMap.Sample(fontSampler, inUV) * inColor;
	return outColor;
The result in Ogre viewport looks like this:

And when I use 'RenderDoc' to debug, I see that the fontmap is loaded in and referenced in the mesh's material.
It looks like this:
(This is why I suspect that there is something wrong in the shader code above causing the uv's not to align the way they should.)
In the debugger I see the uv's for each letter is set, so the mesh itself has them.
Last edited by hedphelym on Fri Apr 13, 2018 4:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Custom moveable textbox trouble (shading)

Post by dark_sylinc »

I don't see anything 2.x-related that could be wrong.

I'd suggest to look at RenderDoc's:
  • Mesh Output: See that the input UVs are right; and check that the output UVs coincide with their input and that they make sense for what you're trying to do
  • Pipeline State: Check that the shaders being used in both VS & PS are actually the ones you want, and check the parameters, that their values are what you set
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Re: Custom moveable textbox trouble (shading)

Post by hedphelym »

Hi, thank you for the reply.

The uv in the VS Input, and VS Output shows the same values in renderdoc.

I now manually 'plotted' a set of uv's of a character I know (,), then plot that on top of the image,
it then lands directly on the character it's supposed to be at (green box is uv coordinates for the two faces that makes up the letter.


I do not know if this has something to do with it, but the format in the texture viewer in 'RenderDoc' is: R8G8_UNORM

I set the vertex \ fragment by name:

Code: Select all

const std::string vertexProgramName = "TextBox_vs";
const std::string fragmentProgramName = "TextBox_ps";
if(!Ogre::HighLevelGpuProgramManager::getSingleton().getByName(vertexProgramName).isNull() && !Ogre::HighLevelGpuProgramManager::getSingleton().getByName(fragmentProgramName).isNull())
	Ogre::LogManager::getSingleton().logMessage("MovableText::setFontName(...) - Could not find shaders (\"" + vertexProgramName + "\" and \"" + fragmentProgramName + "\"). Fixed function shader will be used instead, causing some features to be disabled.", Ogre::LML_CRITICAL);
And the shader that is loaded is the correct one (I have checked that).
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Re: Custom moveable textbox trouble (shading)

Post by hedphelym »

Found the problem.
The UV's where located in 'inPosOO', and not 'inUV'.
When I use that it works as intended.
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