Can a VAO take multiple vertex buffers? Topic is solved

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Can a VAO take multiple vertex buffers?

Post by jwwalker »

In the source code of Sample_DynamicGeometry, there is a comment:
//Now the Vao. We'll just use one vertex buffer source (multi-source not working yet)
Is this remark, which I think goes back to 2015, still valid? In other words, does the method VaoManager::createVertexArrayObject really accept multiple vertex buffers, or must it be passed a single buffer of interleaved vertex data?
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Re: Can a VAO take multiple vertex buffers?

Post by dark_sylinc »

The remark still holds.

Due to how the engine's memory layout is structured, it's become extremely hard to support multi-source vertex buffers. It's one of the downsides of the type of Azdo approach we followed.

And without enough incentive there weren't more efforts to explore possible solutions
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Re: Can a VAO take multiple vertex buffers?

Post by jwwalker »

Thanks. It would be nice if that were mentioned in the API docs of VaoManager::createVertexArrayObject.