MultiRenderTarget : different clear colors

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MultiRenderTarget : different clear colors

Post by Archangel »


I have two RenderTargets that are bound in a MultiRenderTarget.
Today, I needed to clear them with two different colors (color1 for the first, color2 for the second).

I searched a little and found out that the Viewport class (which takes care of clearing the background) is not "multi render target aware".
So I tried a few things and eventually got something working!

The idea is to create an additional viewport for each of the two render targets, and use them to clear the RTs independently (before content is rendered, using a render target listener on the MRT) :

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class SceneRenderTargetListener : public Ogre::RenderTargetListener
public :

    void preRenderTargetUpdate( const Ogre::RenderTargetEvent& mEvent )
        // Clear the FIRST render target (color1)
        pRenderSystem->clearFrameBuffer(Ogre::FBT_COLOUR | Ogre::FBT_DEPTH, color1);

        // Clear the SECOND render target (color2)
        pRenderSystem->clearFrameBuffer(Ogre::FBT_COLOUR | Ogre::FBT_DEPTH, color2);
Creation of the render targets :

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// Create the two render targets
pRenderTarget1 = Ogre::TextureManager::getSingleton().createManual(
    "Target1", "General", Ogre::TEX_TYPE_2D, 1024, 1024, 0, Ogre::PF_A8R8G8B8, Ogre::TU_RENDERTARGET

pRenderTarget2 = Ogre::TextureManager::getSingleton().createManual(
    "Target2", "General", Ogre::TEX_TYPE_2D, 1024, 1024, 0, Ogre::PF_A8R8G8B8, Ogre::TU_RENDERTARGET

// Viewports for clearing

// Multi render target
pMRT_ = pRenderSystem->createMultiRenderTarget("Scene_MRT");
pMRT->addListener(new SceneRenderTargetListener());
pMRT->bindSurface(0, pRenderTarget1);
pMRT->bindSurface(1, pRenderTarget2);

// ... and its viewport
pViewport = pMRT->addViewport(pMainCamera);
I haven't measured any performance impact, so it seems to be quite efficient.

But it's not very handy... Actually I'd prefer to write something like :

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pViewport->setBackgroundColor(0, color1);
pViewport->setBackgroundColor(1, color1);
Internally, the viewport would store all the colors in an array.
Then in SceneManager::_renderScene() :

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// Clear the viewport if required
if (mCurrentViewport->getClearEveryFrame())
    MultiRenderTarget* mrt = dynamic_cast<MultiRenderTarget*>(mCurrentViewport->getTarget());
    if (mrt)
        // This viewport's target is a multi render target : clear each bound targets
        const MultiRenderTarget::BoundSurfaceList& rtList = mrt->getBoundSurfaceList();

        MultiRenderTarget::BoundSurfaceList::const_iterator iter;
        for (iter = rtList.begin(), int i = 0; iter != rtList.end(); ++iter, ++i)
            Viewport* vp = (*iter)->addViewport(NULL, SOME_MAGIC_Z_VALUE);


        // This viewport's target is a simple render target : just clear it
What do you think ?
Of course, SOME_MAGIC_Z_VALUE is to be defined... (this viewport indexing system is not very handy, if you ask me).

NOTE : this is untested code!
Arch. / Kalith
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Re: MultiRenderTarget : different clear colors

Post by SimonW »

I was just facing a (maybe) slightly different problem; I'm using a GBuffer to access depth and normal values in a compositor. And that's also where I clear my mrt that acts as the GBuffer. I'll explain my approach with some code:

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compositor SSAO/GBuffer
		// GBuffer enconding: --------------------------------------------------
		// mrt0: rgba --> unused in this sample
		// mrt1: xyz --> normals, w --> normalized lieanar depth [-1, 1]
		// mrt2: xyz --> position in view space
		// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
		texture mrt target_width target_height PF_R8G8B8A8 PF_R8G8B8A8 PF_R8G8B8A8 chain_scope

		target mrt
			input none
			shadows off
			pass clear {}
			pass render_quad
				material SSAO/ClearGBuffer

			pass render_scene {}

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fragment_program SSAO/ClearGBuffer_fp cg
	entry_point ClearGBuffer_fp
	profiles ps_2_x arbfp1

material SSAO/ClearGBuffer
			depth_write off

			fragment_program_ref SSAO/ClearGBuffer_fp {}

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void ClearGBuffer_fp
	out float4 oColor0 : COLOR0,
	out float4 oColor1 : COLOR1,
	out float4 oColor2 : COLOR2
	oColor0 = float4(0, 0, 0, 0);	// rgba
	oColor1 = float4(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1);	// normal + liear depth [0..1]
	oColor2 = float4(0, 0, 0, 0);	// position in view space + unused
Rendering to the GBuffer and all its magic is based on the deffered shading sample, that comes with ogre.

So, what does that code do:
The mrt is created, a general clear pass is executed and an full screen quad with my clear material is rendered. This material writes my clear values to the different layers of the mrt. It is important to note, that depth writing is deactivated for the clear material. This allows the later reder_scene pass to overwrite the buffers where needed.

I don't know if this code is applicable for your problem. The nice thing about is, that it neatly integrates with an existing GBuffer/deffered shading/compositor approach (at least in my case it does). Since I'm not going after performance right now, I don't know how much it costs compared to the viewport approach. Any suggestions on that?

regards, Simon
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Re: MultiRenderTarget : different clear colors

Post by Archangel »

This is surely possible (and I actually didn't think about it), but I was mainly interested in a convenient programmatical solution.
That said, isn't clearing via shaders slower than with the fixed pipeline ?
Arch. / Kalith
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Re: MultiRenderTarget : different clear colors

Post by nbeato »

For what it is worth, I cleared a MRT the same way (with a shader). The shaders are pretty straightforward and low instruction count, so I didn't think there would be a difference. It was about 5 minutes of work to set up, but programmatically, I think it is easier to maintain that way. I'd be curious to know if there is a noticeable framerate issue. I haven't seen anything unacceptably slow yet, so I haven't worried about it. If anything, I'm trying to say that I assumed it would not be slower (at least noticeably slower after scene rendering and post processing).
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