I'm having fairly simple material with alpha_blend, and after updating from 13.6.5 to 14.0.0 (14.2.6 also have this issue) my rendering became different, it seems that more transparent geometry is rendered now.
Here's old and new rendering:
This fog of war is rendered with created geometry and two geometry layers with non-transparent and partially transparent textures (single geometry and single dds texture is used) and whenever those overlap aplha blending becomes off.
I'm using non-modified RTShaderLib from Ogre/Media, RTShaderSystem/OgreShaderGenerator, GL3Plus render system on MacOS.
Code: Select all
material FogBase
lighting off
depth_check off
depth_write off
scene_blend alpha_blend
texture_unit Tex
tex_address_mode clamp
texture AllFogs.dds 2d 1
tex_coord_set 0
Note: Terrain lost its shadows, and those are also rendered with scene_blend alpha_blend
Any ideas how to debug it further?