IberOgre and Sion Tower

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IberOgre and Sion Tower

Post by siondream »

Hello everyone!

I'm a Spanish Computing Engineering student and I'm happy to present my final degree project.


"Iber" stands for Iberic in Latin descendant languages
IberOgre [1] is a Spanish Ogre3D wiki that covers both: mathematical geometry concepts and the use of this awesome library. It isn't a mere Spanish translation of the official wiki since every piece of content and code example is completely original. It focuses on multi platform game developing using standard C++ code and open source software such as GCC, Blender and so on.

Each artice starts with an introduction, gives some theoretical concepts, explains some Ogre classes or methods along with small examples and finishes with a more complex downloadable example. This far I've covered the following topics:
  • Ogre3D basic concepts
  • Linux and Windows instalation
  • Multiplatform working enviroment configuration
  • Ogre3D initialisation and shutdown
  • Ogre3D resource management
  • Basic 3D scene creation
  • SceneNode management and manipulation
  • Lights, shadows and enviroment
  • OIS
  • Blender mesh exporting
I'm aware that it lacks some basic chapters such as animation, materials or particle effects but I'm working hard on them right now. I think being quite enthusiastic about this and having to finish it in order to obtain my degree is some kind of guarantee :).

I know you aren't the most appropiate target for IberOgre but I hope there are several Spanish speaking people around that could use some mother-language documentation. I also would like to share and spread my work since I really believe it could be helpful to somebody.

Sion Tower

Sion Tower is the other part of my final degree project. It's a action/strategy game developed using C++ and Ogre among other open source libraries. The main character is a young mage who must protect a sacred tower from an enemy invasion using his magic wisely.

It's a humble project that will be fully documented (in Spanish) to serve as a big final example for IberOgre. All of IberOgre contents will be put in practice through Sion Tower. I know this could be of less interest to you but both projects come together. Now it's in an early development stage, here is the code repository for Sion Tower and the rest of IberOgre examples [2]. For now you can check out the development blog [3] or this video which shows the collision detection and 3D audio systems I've implemented.


V Open Source University Contest

I'm participating in the 5th Open Source University Contest [4] with IberOgre and Sion Tower. It's a national Spanish competition for university students to encourage open source software and documentation development. Wish me luck!

I hope someone find this project useful, by the way, advice is hugely welcome.

Thank you very much :).

[1] http://osl2.uca.es/iberogre/index.php/P ... _Principal
[2] https://forja.rediris.es/projects/cusl5-iberogre/
[3] http://siondream.com/blog/category/proyectos/pfc/
[4] http://www.concursosoftwarelibre.org/1011/
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Re: IberOgre and Sion Tower

Post by Slappy »

At first I read the name as ÜberOgre :D

Anyway, nice job, when I finish my Spanish lessons I will read it!
Cool looking Graphical Installers in NSIS and Inno Setup: http://www.graphical-installer.com - FREE for Ogre projects
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Re: IberOgre and Sion Tower

Post by siondream »

Slappy wrote:At first I read the name as ÜberOgre :D

Anyway, nice job, when I finish my Spanish lessons I will read it!
Don't worry, for non-Spanish people it could be a little weird I supose :D.

Thank you very much!
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Re: IberOgre and Sion Tower

Post by jetmc »

Websites gives is non-english!
:( :( :( :( :( :(
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Re: IberOgre and Sion Tower

Post by betajaen »

jetmc wrote:Websites gives is non-english!
:( :( :( :( :( :(
Yes, because it's in Spanish.
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Re: IberOgre and Sion Tower

Post by siondream »

jetmc wrote:Websites gives is non-english!
:( :( :( :( :( :(
Yeah, it's an Spanish Ogre project. I posted it here looking for Spanish Ogre3D users :-) but you're welcome to give your opinion too!