Just thought I'd keep my Ogre pals updated - after all, I'm doing the same with my Newton pals, so it's only fair (unless you check http://www.portalized.org regularly, which means you're already updated).
Amazing! You are getting better and better with every iteration! Nice work!
My favourites are surely the recursive thingies at the end, and the hanging in the air portal, and now the mirror one, heh.
The mistery of Yoda's speech uncovered is:
Just an old Forth programmer Yoda was.
Of course it's going to be released (open source, though not under a "free-for-all-do-what-you-want" type of license, sorry ), but not as a plugin. It's a whole game engine on its own. I haven't show anyone all the completely teh amazing things you can do with scripting and the physics, haha.
That's seriously cool. So hare's a thought - can the portals be affected by physics? They are just a quad, right? So maybe you could knock them over, or even push one portal through another one? Maybe that gets a bit ridiculous?!
PolyVox wrote:That's seriously cool. So hare's a thought - can the portals be affected by physics? They are just a quad, right? So maybe you could knock them over, or even push one portal through another one? Maybe that gets a bit ridiculous?!
Hm. Well, they can be attached to moving objects. But for right now they're static when spawned all by themselves. Thinking of it, though... I don't really see why they can't be pushed and stuff if I make them dynamic... You know what, I'm going to try that right now!
Bet the "pass through one another" is just against the whole concept. But the physics part should be fun.
Just to give some more ideas - can you resize portals after creating them? I remember you saying, that portals are just any 2d geometry. So, can you alter it in real-time?
The mistery of Yoda's speech uncovered is:
Just an old Forth programmer Yoda was.
Yup, you can alter portals in real-time however you want. And if it doesn't work, just make a new one, lol. Creation time is 0ms for any portal as long as a portal has been created before it.
Also: LOLOL! Major LOL! I just made the portals dynamic... crazy funny! You can also pick them up and through them around, haha! It's just a crazy little hack, so now I'll go standardize it... setDynamic() -> tells the portal whether it's static or can fall and stuff.
case EA_RESERVED5: {
} break;
That's all my little "test pen" needs to toggle a portal from dynamic to static (in this case, the second portal)!
This is so awesome! PolyVox, THANK YOU for your AMAZING idea! So cool, so cool... I just put a portal on the ceiling, positioned a box under it, and another portal somewhere else. Made the first dynamic, it SLAMMED onto my object and pushed it through the other portal!!! And the portal can go through itself, lol!
nitesh201 wrote:portal itself is phenomenal but this game requires new adjectives
Wow, thanks
BTW, I've perfected dynamic portals. You can hold them, through them around, rotate them... do pretty much anything you can with normal objects. I've disabled portals going through portals because that would... break the universe (I've actually got a really humorous "game over" message in there, you'll have to wait and see ). They still work, and for some reason are smoother than wall portals... well, they can't be smoother than perfectly smooth, so let's just say that they are just as smooth.
agi_shi wrote:This is so awesome! PolyVox, THANK YOU for your AMAZING idea!
Well, good job on implementing it so fast! But that's the way it works with community interaction - I remember the first time I showed my project I was given all these ideas which were actually pretty obvious - but I just hadn't thought of them because I was too focused on my own ideas. Sometimes other people can think outside the box more easily
agi_shi wrote:This is so awesome! PolyVox, THANK YOU for your AMAZING idea!
Well, good job on implementing it so fast! But that's the way it works with community interaction - I remember the first time I showed my project I was given all these ideas which were actually pretty obvious - but I just hadn't thought of them because I was too focused on my own ideas. Sometimes other people can think outside the box more easily
Without NewtonGD, this wouldn't be possible. I totally need it's unified body system (where bodies are all the same whether they are static or not) and it's amazing callback system. NGD plus my wrapper for it = teh awesome portals .
If Valve don't hire you for Portal 2, I'm not buying it.
(Ok, I will buy it, but you know what I mean)
If you run out of ideas for things to try, how about portals which change the size of objects? (If that hasn't been suggested already) Throw a box into a small portal and it gets enlarged when it comes out of a big portal. Prey pretended it did that when you use a portal to get onto the surface of the mini moon, but really the small version and large version of the moon were seperate parts of the level.