Flow3D BlitzMax Ogre Wrapper and game framework BETA

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Flow3D BlitzMax Ogre Wrapper and game framework BETA

Post by Evak »

We finally released a beta of our ogre wrapper for blitzmax lastnight :) Below are images of a game demo were creating with it and the editor.
Currently Beta Win32, release date for the full version should be around Feb with Mac and Linux versions arriving soon after.


Image Image

Flow 3D is an Ogre wrapper and game dev framework that includes Ogre for rendering, Newton for physics, CEGUI for skinned UI design, works with MaxGUI for OS native GUI creation similar to WXWidgets. Has Ofusion pro sceneloaders plus custom callbacks. Comes with FlowED scene editor, we released a beta of that last week, you can check out our previous post HERE!. Which allows you to build OSM scenes from scratch using .mesh files with user defined properties and very easy transform and heirarchy linking tools.

For those new to Blitzmax and installing mods, The Blitzmax and MaxGui demo come together in a 6.8mb installer.there is a install guide on the Wiki at:

Blitzmax demo and Flow3D install guide!.

Here's a simple commented code example of setting up an ogre app and manipulating a mesh.
Only 20 lines of code to set up Ogre and run a simple app :)


Code: Select all


This demo will show you how to get started with initialising Flow3D and fG and start buidling your 3d applications as
quickly as possible. Note that with fG init you can use the config window, or specify several options. You don't HAVE 
to use the config window and you should have a look at the fG.init docs to see what you can do with it.

Import flow.main

'Used polled input, fG does not FORCE you to use a given input system.

'fG Uses the AppTitle variable for its window, but later you may use fG.changeAppTitle()
AppTitle = "fG - Getting Started [Press ESC to Exit]"

'Init fG and let the user pick the options from the ogre config window

'Load some robot walker legs and scale them down
Global RobotWalker:TEntity = fG.LoadMesh("RobotWalker", "walkie.mesh")
fG.scaleEntity(RobotWalker, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5)

'Throw in a plane for them to stand on and give it the standard unit tile material
Global plane:TEntity = fG.createPlane("Plane")

'Add some quick stencil shadows

'Basic Render Loop

	'Put the FPS and triangle count in the apptitle
	fG.changeAppTitle("fG - Getting Started - FPS : " + fG.getFPS() + " Tricount: " + fG.TrisRendered())
	'Turn our entity 1 degree along the y-axis every frame ( LOCAL )
	fG.TurnEntity(RobotWalker, 0, 1, 0)
	'Render at (very) roughly 60fps
	Delay 16.6666667
Until KeyDown(KEY_ESCAPE) Or fG.appTerminated()
Few more pics of our current project:

Image Image Image Image

Blitzmax is a multiplatform enhanced OO basic language that compiles to C++ and is oriented towards game development.

Function pointers
Fully dynamic arrays
Inheritance and polymorphism
'By reference' function parameters
Byte, Short, Int, Long, Float and Double numeric data types
Array and string slicing
Flexible 'collection' system for dealing with linked lists etc
Low level pointer handling
UTF16 strings
The ability to 'Incbin' binary data and access it as easily as if it were a regular file
External language support for interfacing with C/C++/ObjectiveC or assembly code
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Re: Flow3D BlitzMax Ogre Wrapper and game framework BETA

Post by Evak »

If you try the demo we recommend BLIDE because of its excellent intellisense features that we made use of in the flow source.

examples of Flow with BLIDE intellisense





Makes things a lot easier to learn, and you don't have to check the docs so much. Plus there's a free version you can get from:

Last edited by Evak on Sun Dec 28, 2008 1:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Flow3D BlitzMax Ogre Wrapper and game framework BETA

Post by Rambus »

Congrats on the beta release. I will be giving this a whirl asap.
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Re: Flow3D BlitzMax Ogre Wrapper and game framework BETA

Post by dodongoxp »

this is getting exciting.. im trying it right now!
Cheers!! :D
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Re: Flow3D BlitzMax Ogre Wrapper and game framework BETA

Post by jacmoe »

Congratulations! :D

How long have you been working on this?
This just oozes quality. :)
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Re: Flow3D BlitzMax Ogre Wrapper and game framework BETA

Post by Evak »

The team have been working on flow in our spare time for about two years now, with a ongoing contract project and the Maze Monkeys game using it in between. We were going to hold off till the game was finished but really wanted to get some feedback this year.

We originally created Flow for ourselves and aren't really sure how popular it will be with the Ogre community. Or with the Blitz community for that matter. We started to simplify some areas that we felt would make the transition easier coming from blitz3d easier, without taking away the regular ogre command set to keep things flexible and familiar for Ogre users.

There's still a way to go. This release of Flow3D is the latest build. Whilst FlowED had some features temporarily disabled till we find a better way to handle them. Like texture shadows, static geometry, terrains and .scene support. Our priority with the editor now is to get renaming in so it will be easier to handle a few things that really need to be more dynamic. If you use ofusion CE/Pro the editor does support the missing features still, just currently you can't edit their parameters in the editor.

With flow, we need some feedback, and once Mac and Linux versions are released, we want add a few things that are still missing, and get some of those more advanced shadow techniques in, in a easy to use way.

I'm glad that your liking what we have produced so far. It's particularly nice coming from familiar faces I see posting in the forums all the time :). We're very pleased with where the project is going, the team was more than a bit anxious about releasing flow to the public after working on it so long. It's early days yet and people haven't really gotten to use it properly but so far the response were getting has been really nice :)
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Re: Flow3D BlitzMax Ogre Wrapper and game framework BETA

Post by kutraj »

Looks fantastic!

Going to try this Blitz thingy out right away..

Congrats on the release too!
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Re: Flow3D BlitzMax Ogre Wrapper and game framework BETA

Post by Kann »

Among attached to editor FlowED scenes is the file called TerrainPlayground+water.OSM. I try to load it:

Code: Select all

Import flow.main





fG._camera.setPosition(0, 0, 0)
fG._camera.lookAt(0, 0, 20)

'Basic Render Loop

	'Render at (very) roughly 60fps
	Delay 16.6666667
Until KeyDown(KEY_ESCAPE) Or fG.appTerminated()
And i get only flat surface:

Is it possible to write a tutorial which can explain how to load such scenes like for exeample TerrainPlayground+water.OSM ?
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Re: Flow3D BlitzMax Ogre Wrapper and game framework BETA

Post by Damiensturdy »

Have you got your resources set up correctly? You can't just throw the OSM anywhere, Ogre must be able to find the resources it uses otherwise nothing will load.

As a further note, you're positioning the camera right at 0,0,0 so you're not going to get a decent view of the scene from there. Your screenshot doesn't make sense- i'm not sure i've seen that texture in use in the OSM you are loading?

Either way for further help from everyone in the team, the Flow3D forums are located at www.flow3dD.org
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Re: Flow3D BlitzMax Ogre Wrapper and game framework BETA

Post by Evak »

The scene in the screenshot shows the plane in the walkies skeleton animated robot example.

There's been a page on the wiki since day one that explains the basics of using flow coming from Blitz 3D which explains some of the basic concepts including the resource.cfg and Log.txt (ogre log) which helps when troubleshooting when things go wrong.

http://flow3d.org/wiki/index.php5?title ... om_Blitz3d

I hope you managed to get around your problem.
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Re: Flow3D BlitzMax Ogre Wrapper and game framework BETA

Post by blitzcoder »

I have to note that Flow3D is now open-sourced. Thanks to Lina!


New Blitz3D/BlitzBasic/BlitzMax Home - https://blitzcoder.org