Generate tangents by default in XMLConverter

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Generate tangents by default in XMLConverter

Post by so0os »

It's obviously a papercut, since there's only a no-tangents option TBA to the converter. But I wonder if that's a good approach.

- everyone likes normal mapping

- Doubling of mesh GPU size (vertex structs need be 32-bytes aligned), but since mesh is not that much anyways (compared to texture) i guess it's not that bad.

It's like the trivialest of trivial, but I'd use that, and I guess it can be added if many find this helpful.

What do you think?
Sos Sosowski :)
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Re: Generate tangents by default in XMLConverter

Post by dark_sylinc »

What's wrong with "-t" command line option?

Everyone likes their defaults, mine is "-t -e" (generate tangents, no edge lists)
May be a better approach would be to use a config file so everyone can use their defaults, but I'm not sure how well would that work.

But, heck, it's a command line application, I have my meshes be converted by a *.bat script either in batches or one by one, it's a two line modification, one for those who don't have a skeleton:

Code: Select all

E:\Projects\SDK\Ogre\build\bin\release\OgreXMLConverter.exe -t -e Matt.mesh.xml
E:\Projects\SDK\Ogre\build\bin\release\OgreXMLConverter.exe Matt.skeleton.xml
By the way, the defaults are setup to be compatible with fixed function systems: 12 bytes for position, 12 for normals, 8 for UVs. Alternatively, 16 bytes for position, 4 bytes diffuse, 4 bytes for specular (sometimes this is just "reserved", 8 for UVs.