I do understand that there's an unofficial exporter that integrates with the dotScene export. The official exporter will not be a dotScene exporter however and will solely focus on providing excellent mesh exporting. One of the feature I would like to bring back from the 2.49 exporter is the custom material template feature. Now that the new blender has better UI system, we would be able to extend this feature to be a much more mature and user friendly state.

Before I get started, my first move is to draft out the UI placement and also a rough back end script ERD. I will be posting my designs up on the wiki which I will link-in here later. Hopefully by doing so, we can have a much better feedback and probably also some helping hand on the development of the export script.

That being said, stay tuned for the next official blender exporter![/s]
After much wait, the exporter is now partially usable. Hence I've started a development release build.
What the exporter does:
- Similar workflow as the old blender 2.49b exporter.
- Per-mesh export settings or use global settings.
- Default export to use shared vertex buffer for all submeshes. (the most optimal choice)
- Sub-mesh naming and shared-vertex-buffer settings. (Submeshes are defined base on Material Slots - To create multiple submesh of the same material, just create multiple Material Slots that points to the same Material)
- Per-object export logging.
- Parallel XMLConverter execution to utilize multi-core cpus. (limits to the number of cores on the machine)
What the exporter doesn't do YET:
- Skeletal animation export
- Pose/Morph animation export
- LOD export
What the exporter will NEVER do:
- Dot scene exporting.
Wiki link: http://www.ogre3d.org/tikiwiki/Blender+2.5+Exporter
- 2.0.3 - ogre_mesh_exporter_v2.0.3.zip (21/10/2012) - tested with Blender 2.64a
Install instruction:
Manual way:
1. Unzip content to [blenderInstallPath]/[blenderversion]/scripts/addons
2. File -> User Preferences... (Ctrl+Alt+U)
3. Find Ogre Mesh Exporter (under Import-Export category) or use the find text box.
4. Click on the checkbox in the top right corner of the addon item to enable the addon.
Blender way:
1. File -> User Preferences... (Ctrl+Alt+U)
2. Goto Addons tab
3. Click on [Install Addon...] button at bottom of window
4. Find downloaded zip file and click [Install Addon...] button
5. Click on the checkbox in the top right corner of the addon item to enable the addon.