Yes, there is some modifications that we have to apply to ogreassimp, I've approved the modifications and asked to jacmoe merge it, but unfortunately he didn't did that yet =/ I've applied only transformer's modifications on my side...
https://bitbucket.org/jacmoe/ogreassimp ... edptr/diff
Hope he merges it someday, 'cause ogreassimp is a great lib and it helps a lot...
I'll have a look on material editor on monday and probably change it to decimal to avoid other platform's conflicts...
About the fish, are u importing it from other formats or it is an Ogre mesh? I've noticed that u r not using the last version, i think i didn't commited it to bitbuckt yet, i'll push it on monday, 'cause i don't have it here...
The anim are imported by assimp's lib or by ogre's importer depending on the file format, there is no relation to the rendering system, i hope to not getting back to Qt4 again, i did it only once, on the beggining of Qt5 it was not easy to deploy...
If u don't mind sending me the fish for test, u may do it by PM...
Edit: As i mentioned on the last version post, there was a bug on bone rotation, if u rotated the fish, that might be the problem, i'll push the last version on monday, but if u wish to fix it now, just change the line 212 on MeshTransform.cpp
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
When i made a refactoring on mesh transforms to remove it from mainwindow i forgot to change the method name...
Edit 2: U r the first person i know that built it besides me, the instructions were helpful?