Kojack wrote:Havok Animation is free and can probably match mechanim
Oooo I didn't realize that was free ... on mobile platforms as well or just PC? The studio part or just the runtime SDK? I'll go check it out!
Anyway yeah ... that just leaves umbra and beast and likely more that I didn't think of off the top of my head

(like Substance ... good call)
Not trying the be negative about the whole thing, just realistic. Personally I'd be happy just to see Ogitor get a few extra modules and maybe a few simple core tweaks to facilitate a basic sandbox. I actually started on a physics editor for Ogitor using bullet in a dedicated physics thread, with a message queue between render and physics threads. It was started and stopped by exposing the interface to angelscript and using scripts. I was developing it to allow non-technical level designers to work on physics dependent positioning without having to launch my actual runtime. Sadly, all my priorities ended up shifting and I had to make due another way and cut out all my tools work
I hope I have time at some point to come back to that, but it's doubtful. Prob the best I'll be able to do is just release everything in my runtime under MIT, but it's nothing special really. I need to make time to push some of my tweaks back into the projects they came from as well ... GLES2 updates for pagedgeometry, GLES2 updates and multithreaded noise gen for hydrax, and a few other goodies.