[2.1] Hlms editor

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Re: [2.1] Hlms editor

Post by GlowingPotato »

spookyboo wrote:Updated the editor with the option to load both V1 and V2 meshes.
V1 meshes are automatically converted to V2 format when loading, with the option to save them to disk.
Other formats are not supported, but I will look into it when time permits (and when I feel like it).

Grab the Windows installer on https://github.com/spookyboo/HLMSEditor ... e?raw=true
Thats great news!!! i'll try it ASAP!!! :D :D :D :D

Already tried!

The "load mesh" feature worked flawless! This is gonna be very helpful.
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Re: [2.1] Hlms editor

Post by bvanevery »

spookyboo wrote:CMake was a contribution of user OgreTransporter (http://www.ogre3d.org/forums/memberlist ... le&u=39857)
Ok I'm noticing a couple of odd things about this CMake approach. First is that OGRE_DIR is not intended to be the Ogre SDK directory, as I think one would rationally expect by default. It is actually expected to be the directory of an Ogre CMake configuration file. The variable is not really named appropriately, although the balloon comment does say what it's actually for. A NOOB like myself just trying to get things built at a zillion miles per hour, is going to be going by typical naming conventions and not getting into the details. Things barf, I go "huh?" and post it here. A more appropriate name would be OGRE_CONFIG_DIR.

Second odd thing is the filenames it's asking for, don't exist. There is no OGREconfig.cmake or ogre-config.cmake to be had anywhere in the Ogre source or build directories. I do see a OgreConfigTargets.cmake file, no idea if it's meant to have the same role.

Now I will ask sanity check questions.
- are you building HLMSEditor using Ogre 2.1? Or are you only using earlier 1.9? Idea being that something may have changed a lot about CMake configurations.
- do you ever build this under Windows?
- do you ever build this under Windows 10 and Visual Studio 2015?

If I understand your build environment and case use, it may be more obvious why things work for you and not me.
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Re: [2.1] Hlms editor

Post by spookyboo »

- are you building HLMSEditor using Ogre 2.1? Or are you only using earlier 1.9? Idea being that something may have changed a lot about CMake configurations.
It only works with 2.1 because of the new material system
- do you ever build this under Windows?
Yes, but not by means of CMake. As you can see there is a .pro file. I am using Qt Creator to build it
- do you ever build this under Windows 10 and Visual Studio 2015?
Yes, this is the only setup I am building on
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Re: [2.1] Hlms editor

Post by bvanevery »

Ah well that explains it then. You are not "dog fooding" this CMake build. Is OgreTransporter not involved with your project anymore?

I tried downloading the binary to avoid the build issue. On the 1st laptop I tried, it doesn't run. However that laptop has a funky Intel driver that doesn't report OpenGL 2.x. I'll try other machines to see if I get the same result.

2nd laptop, it ran after being launched from the installer, but then crashed. Managed to pull up a debug trace on it. It was doing something in RenderSystem_GL3Plus.dll. So, that tells us what renderer was being used. Is there some way to force DirectX on init instead of OpenGL?

Both those 2 laptops are DX10 class HW, running Windows 10. Theyr'e both integrated GPUs. One's a total crap Intel, the other is a slightly better AMD. Will try some real NVIDIA HW shortly, but, uh, I'm watching kid geniuses ala the Fantastic Four go to another dimension. :lol: Man these guys are smart, but dumb!

Runs fine on NVIDIA GeForce 640 GT.
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Re: [2.1] Hlms editor

Post by dark_sylinc »

bvanevery wrote:
spookyboo wrote:Both those 2 laptops are DX10 class HW, running Windows 10. Theyr'e both integrated GPUs. One's a total crap Intel, the other is a slightly better AMD. Will try some real NVIDIA HW shortly
Yeah, DX10 hardware coming from AMD and Intel have crappy OpenGL drivers (basically, both vendors stopped releasing newer drivers). NV stopped as well, but it stopped later, conveniently late enough to support functionality Ogre needs.
As explained in HW requirements, for these cards, D3D11 will function significantly better due to the attention vendors gave to D3D drivers during these cards' lifetime.
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Re: [2.1] Hlms editor

Post by bvanevery »

dark_sylinc wrote:D3D11 will function significantly better due to the attention vendors gave to D3D drivers during these cards' lifetime.
Which is half of why I gave up on Linux / OpenGL. DirectX won the industry driver deployment wars. Also why I'll "believe it when I see it" for Vulkan. It has no purpose on Windows as DX12 is already out the gate and deployed. It has no purpose on OSX as Apple went for Metal. Valve's Steam Machines on Linux are a flop, there is not going to be any gamer revolution on Linux. Also Khronos doesn't have a track record of competence for delivering new APIs.
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Re: [2.1] Hlms editor

Post by bvanevery »

stupid double post
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Re: [2.1] Hlms editor

Post by bvanevery »

bvanevery wrote: 2nd laptop, it ran after being launched from the installer, but then crashed. Managed to pull up a debug trace on it. It was doing something in RenderSystem_GL3Plus.dll. So, that tells us what renderer was being used. Is there some way to force DirectX on init instead of OpenGL?
Looking at potential config files and other stuff in /bin, I only see RenderSystem_GL3Plus.dll. Do I correctly infer that no DirectX support exists? If so, I'm toast. Or did you only build your binary for OpenGL, and DirectX is actually possible?
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Re: [2.1] Hlms editor

Post by spookyboo »

DirectX is possible but I didn't provide the dll. It is just a matter of changi g the config. I can update the setup tonight and add the dll
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Re: [2.1] Hlms editor

Post by spookyboo »

Updated the installer and made Direct3D11 the default.
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Re: [2.1] Hlms editor

Post by bvanevery »

Now the binary works even on a crappy obsolete Intel integrated laptop. Thanks!
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Re: [2.1] Hlms editor

Post by GlowingPotato »

Hey spookyboo.

I'll leave some features request here.
I know you are not always working on this project, and I know some features might just be relevant for myself.

-render the cube map as a environment map. (like substance painter, its easier to view transparency) https://www.allegorithmic.com/sites/def ... _3d_2d.jpg
-rotate the cubemap in the viewport (its just very cool :D )
-an option to set all samplers to use anisotropic filtering.

Thanks for your time and dedication to this project. It is awesome for artist, and we don't have much (if any) art related tools.
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Re: [2.1] Hlms editor

Post by spookyboo »

Added possibility to change the light direction (to make it more interactive). See the small blue button on the renderwindow.
The binaries are uploaded, but note that the installer still overwrites any resources.cfg file (still on my todo to leave the old resources.cfg intact).

@GlowingPotato: I will take a look at your feature request :wink:
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Re: [2.1] Hlms editor

Post by NotCamelCase »


Do you have any public TODO list doc or something? I failed to see one but I'd like to get my hands dirty with this neat-looking tool of yours (I have a lot to catch up with current Ogre3D but finally got little bit of time and comfort to do so). Or just please enlighten us with how you would like contributions, will you?
Check out my projects: https://github.com/NotCamelCase
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Re: [2.1] Hlms editor

Post by spookyboo »


I don't really have a TODO list, but the idea is that this tool remains small (better do a it good instead of adding adding bugged features). Most important is that it fits in a 3d pipeline, so it becomes an addition to other tools and not a replacement. I don't want to add features that are done better in 3d tools like Maya, Blender, ...
Some features I think of are:
:arrow: Load Meshes in Ogre XML format (maybe also other formats, using assimp)
:arrow: Apply materials to submeshes (select a submesh in the renderwindow and apply the material)
:arrow: Export optimized materials (packing textures)
:arrow: Features requested in this forum
A small thing to do is better CMAKE support, because it is currently broken. All code is in github, so you can make a pullrequest.

Ogre is in desparate need of more tools. It would be great if more people devote themselves to one specialized tool.
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Re: [2.1] Hlms editor

Post by GlowingPotato »

:arrow: a button to set the object to the default position would be nice

EDIT: i'am not able to run the app into a windows 7 machine, a error saying D3DCOMPILER_47.DLL is missing. It runs fine with windows 10.
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Re: [2.1] Hlms editor

Post by spookyboo »

I saw some posts that this dll isn't shipping with Windows 7. Either download it and copy it to the bin directory or change the renderer in bin/resources.cfg to gl3+
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Re: [2.1] Hlms editor

Post by GlowingPotato »

spookyboo wrote:I saw some posts that this dll isn't shipping with Windows 7. Either download it and copy it to the bin directory or change the renderer in bin/resources.cfg to gl3+
I changed the renderer to openGL and its working!

I also placed the missing DLL there, but then the app crash with this log

Code: Select all

15:11:20: OGRE EXCEPTION(7:InternalErrorException): Could not load dynamic library .\RenderSystem_Direct3D11.  System Error: %1 não é um aplicativo Win32 válido.

in DynLib::load at C:\Users\Henry\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\ogre2.1\OgreMain\src\OgreDynLib.cpp (line 111)
(não é um aplicativo Win32 válido -> translates to -> is not a valid win32 application.
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Re: [2.1] Hlms editor

Post by dark_sylinc »

That happens when the DLL is x64 and app is x86 or viceversa.

You probably already have that DLL, deeply buried in your C:\Windows folder. Search it there, grab the correct version (x86 vs x64) and copy it to the bin folder of the app.
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Re: [2.1] Hlms editor

Post by GlowingPotato »

dark_sylinc wrote:That happens when the DLL is x64 and app is x86 or viceversa.

You probably already have that DLL, deeply buried in your C:\Windows folder. Search it there, grab the correct version (x86 vs x64) and copy it to the bin folder of the app.
Thanks dark_sylink, i'll try that.

Another thing. last versions is running id D3D right?
I notice that whenever I change some texture samplers options or any other option that reloads the texture, I have a stall, a little freeze. This doesn't happen under OpenGL.

This made me think about our problem when loading textures in D3D. As i told you guys before, we load more then 500 textures, and in d3d it takes forever to load.
Maybe there is something with DX when loading textures? might be doing some kind of conversion?
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Re: [2.1] Hlms editor

Post by GlowingPotato »

Does the EDITOR displays LODs ?
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Re: [2.1] Hlms editor

Post by spookyboo »

:arrow: Update:
Added option to export and import a project to a self-contained zip file. This makes it easier to exchange projects with other people. Currently, the imported project is installed on a fixed path, but the next version makes it possible to configure this (including some other settings).
Note, that the Windows installer now takes into account that a previous version of the editor exists, which prevents that an existing resources.cfg is overwritten
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Re: [2.1] Hlms editor

Post by hyyou »

This editor supports only Unlit and PBS, doesn't it?
Does it also support HLMS with C++ custom implementation ... with some play around JSON? :mrgreen:
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Re: [2.1] Hlms editor

Post by spookyboo »

Yes, the editor only supports pbs and unlit. Adding custom implementations is nog straightforward.
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Re: [2.1] Hlms editor

Post by AshMcConnell »

Thanks Spookyboo, this is awesome.

I'm just moving to Ogre 2.1 / HLMS and PBS now. Frankly, I've no idea what I'm doing, but I think using the HLMS editor will help get it through my thick skull :)
