[2.1] Hlms editor

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Re: [2.1] Hlms editor

Post by Lax »

Hi folks,

I found a cool node based shader editor, just wanted to share the link for inspiration:


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Re: [2.1] Hlms editor

Post by spookyboo »

Wanted to share some stuff I'm working on. In addition to creating HLMS materials it will also become possible to paint the textures. This means that each texture type in a Pbs material can have one or more paint layers assigned to it (similar to photoshop). Painting is done by means of brushes (you can use your own brushes if you want). You can paint with colour, alpha and textures. The editor supports several paint effects such as jittering (colour, brush force, brush rotations, ...).
Still to do is an option for undo/redo and saving/loading.

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Re: [2.1] Hlms editor

Post by dark_sylinc »

OMG that looks wonderful!!!!

I've been wanting to do something like this with DERGO (by having the user paint on Blender and take advantage of Blender's painting capabilities) but sending this information via Python over TCP connection would be too slow (perhaps reasonably fast if using a C binding and shared memory? unknown).
A native application can certainly do the job much better!
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Re: [2.1] Hlms editor

Post by al2950 »

Wow, that really is very very cool.

Cant wait to see what you do next :D
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Re: [2.1] Hlms editor

Post by AshMcConnell »

Wow indeed!
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Re: [2.1] Hlms editor

Post by spookyboo »

Added basic painting to the editor
Note that there are still a few bugs and sometimes editing and painting becomes non-responsive.
Also painting on models is currently only possible if the uv range of the models is between [0..1]; mouse picking is achieved by means of a uv-map. I tried mouse picking on polygon level, but it wasn't very accurate (picking wrong triangles); needs further investigation. Also, it's not the fastest 3d painter, but at least it's free :)

Download the windows installer from: https://github.com/spookyboo/HLMSEditor ... e?raw=true
Download the code from: https://github.com/spookyboo/HLMSEditor/tree/Painter2 (I'm planning to merge it to master soon)

I've also started to make a few tutorials:

The cheatsheet is updated an found on: https://github.com/spookyboo/HLMSEditor ... 0Sheet.pdf
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Re: [2.1] Hlms editor

Post by spookyboo »

If you want to play a bit with some existing materials I've made:

Use File > Import > HLMS Editor from zip
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Re: [2.1] Hlms editor

Post by Lax »


great editor! I looked at your videos and played around a little bit. Its really intuitiv to create awsome visual effects!
The one thing I was wondering at, its only possible to export the created hlms material as json file. Did you also plan the possibility to export materials directly in hlms?

Code: Select all

hlms Material/SOLID/TEX/plattform3.png pbs
   roughness 0.1
   diffuse 3.14 3.14 3.14
   specular 0.1 0.1 0.1
   detail_map0 plattform3D.png
   detail_normal_map0 plattform3N.png

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Re: [2.1] Hlms editor

Post by spookyboo »

It is not planned to save to .material files. The use of materials in 2.1 will be only for special cases. Mainstream is hlms/json.
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Re: [2.1] Hlms editor

Post by spookyboo »

Added Erase and Carbon Copy effect to paint mode + small video tutorial how to use them
See my signature for download links
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Re: [2.1] Hlms editor

Post by spookyboo »

Added smudge effect + option to create presets. Also solved some (annoying) bugs.
:arrow: Download the Windows installer from https://github.com/spookyboo/HLMSEditor ... e?raw=true (contains only one preset to keep the download size low)
:arrow: If you want an installer with more presets already included, download it from https://github.com/spookyboo/HLMSEditor ... /setup.exe (beware that it takes some serious time to download)
:arrow: A demo showing the presets and how to apply a material to a submesh on youtube:
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Re: [2.1] Hlms editor

Post by mazataza »

it realy good job you done.
i am learning Ogre 2.1 now .. and I can't yet understand HLMS PBS/Unlit .. as i am a new to 3D world.

but i have 2 mesh (a plane mesh and and another mesh with sub meshes) when appling PBS from preset to them no effect is seen .. displayed as when no material is applied .. but when i disabled textures with normal map .. then i see the material.
could you explain why?
attached the the 2 meshes .. just try to apply and of your materials from preset.
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Re: [2.1] Hlms editor

Post by spookyboo »

From bin/Ogre.log:

Code: Select all

10:41:29: OGRE EXCEPTION(1:InvalidStateException): Renderable can't use normal maps but datablock wants normal maps. Generate Tangents for this mesh to fix the problem or use a datablock without normal maps. in HlmsPbs::calculateHashForPreCreate at C:\Users\Henry\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\ogre2.1\Components\Hlms\Pbs\src\OgreHlmsPbs.cpp (line 576)
Well, what is says.
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Re: [2.1] Hlms editor

Post by mazataza »

thanks a lot.
now i generate the mesh with -t options to generate tangents ..
and works
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Re: [2.1] Hlms editor

Post by spookyboo »

If someone wants to improve the editor, I could use a little help. See https://github.com/spookyboo/HLMSEditor/issues
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Re: [2.1] Hlms editor

Post by al2950 »

Interesting, ill certainly take a look after I have finished my current milestones. I would like to see your work in the Ogre news, it does not get as much attention as it should!
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Re: [2.1] Hlms editor

Post by kisinger »

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Re: [2.1] Hlms editor

Post by spookyboo »

Added persistent clipboard function. Just use right mouseclick to copy a block from the node editor to the clipboard (and vice versa). Dragging from the clipboard to the node editor is also possible. Currently only samplerblocks are supported, but it is easy to add this for pbs or unlit datablocks. This update also solves a problem with dragging textures from the texture tree to the node editor. See my signature for the download links.
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Re: [2.1] Hlms editor

Post by Kohedlo »

there are great editor. only neesd IBR.


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Re: [2.1] Hlms editor

Post by nic96 »

I compiled HLMS Editor on Linux, but when trying to run it I get the following:

Code: Select all

Loading library ./RenderSystem_Direct3D11
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'Ogre::InternalErrorException'
  what():  OGRE EXCEPTION(7:InternalErrorException): Could not load dynamic library ./RenderSystem_Direct3D11.  System Error: ./RenderSystem_Direct3D11.so.2.1.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory in DynLib::load at /home/user/Documents/cpp/ogre/OgreMain/src/OgreDynLib.cpp (line 111)
It looks to me like it's trying to use the DirectX 11 render system, but as far as I know it shouldn't even try that cause no way that I have DirectX on Linux. Any help would be appreciated.
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Re: [2.1] Hlms editor

Post by spookyboo »

There is a /bin/plugins.cfg file
You can change the rendersystem in it
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Re: [2.1] Hlms editor

Post by nic96 »

Now I get this error:

Code: Select all

QObject::connect: No such slot MainWindow::doNewEditLayerMenuAction() in ../HLMSEditor/source/src/mainwindow.cpp:251
QObject::connect: No such signal TextureTreeDockWidget::resourcesDeleted() in ../HLMSEditor/source/src/texture_main.cpp:102
Edit: Here is the content of my plugins.cfg:

Code: Select all

# Defines plugins to load

# Define plugin folder

# Define plugins
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Re: [2.1] Hlms editor

Post by nic96 »

The problem might be because I'm missing some plugins. For example if I uncomment the ZipExport plugin I get:

Code: Select all

Loading library ./RenderSystem_GL3Plus
Installing plugin: GL 3+ RenderSystem
OpenGL 3+ Rendering Subsystem created.
Plugin successfully installed
Loading library ./ZipExport
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'Ogre::InternalErrorException'
  what():  OGRE EXCEPTION(7:InternalErrorException): Could not load dynamic library ./ZipExport.  System Error: ./ZipExport.so.2.1.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory in DynLib::load at /home/user/Documents/cpp/ogre/OgreMain/src/OgreDynLib.cpp (line 111)
Aborted (core dumped)
Could I get the source code for these plugins somewhere to try and compile them myself? Or where exactly are these plugins from?

Edit: Never mind. They are on your GitHub. Don't know why I didn't see them before. :oops:
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Re: [2.1] Hlms editor

Post by nic96 »

I finally got it running on Linux:
Not everything is the way I'd like it yet, but maybe once it is I'll create a pull request for all the plugins and HLMS Editor.
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Re: [2.1] Hlms editor

Post by nic96 »

Even though I got HLMS Editor running on Linux I still have several problems. Here's my log:

Code: Select all

libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
Creating resource group General
Creating resource group Internal
Creating resource group Autodetect
SceneManagerFactory for type 'DefaultSceneManager' registered.
Registering ResourceManager for type Material
Registering ResourceManager for type Mesh
Registering ResourceManager for type Mesh2
Registering ResourceManager for type OldSkeleton
MovableObjectFactory for type 'ParticleSystem' registered.
ArchiveFactory for archive type FileSystem registered.
ArchiveFactory for archive type Zip registered.
ArchiveFactory for archive type EmbeddedZip registered.
DDS codec registering
FreeImage version: 3.17.0
This program uses FreeImage, a free, open source image library supporting all common bitmap formats. See http://freeimage.sourceforge.net for details
Supported formats: bmp,ico,jpg,jif,jpeg,jpe,jng,koa,iff,lbm,mng,pbm,pbm,pcd,pcx,pgm,pgm,png,ppm,ppm,ras,tga,targa,tif,tiff,wap,wbmp,wbm,psd,cut,xbm,xpm,gif,hdr,g3,sgi,rgb,rgba,bw,exr,j2k,j2c,jp2,pfm,pct,pict,pic,3fr,arw,bay,bmq,cap,cine,cr2,crw,cs1,dc2,dcr,drf,dsc,dng,erf,fff,ia,iiq,k25,kc2,kdc,mdc,mef,mos,mrw,nef,nrw,orf,pef,ptx,pxn,qtk,raf,raw,rdc,rw2,rwl,rwz,sr2,srf,srw,sti,x3f,webp,jxr,wdp,hdp
ETC codec registering
Registering ResourceManager for type HighLevelGpuProgram
MovableObjectFactory for type 'Entity' registered.
MovableObjectFactory for type 'Item' registered.
MovableObjectFactory for type 'Light' registered.
MovableObjectFactory for type 'BillboardSet' registered.
MovableObjectFactory for type 'ManualObject2' registered.
MovableObjectFactory for type 'BillboardChain' registered.
MovableObjectFactory for type 'RibbonTrail' registered.
MovableObjectFactory for type 'WireAabb' registered.
Loading library /usr/local/lib/OGRE/RenderSystem_GL3Plus_d
Installing plugin: GL 3+ RenderSystem
OpenGL 3+ Rendering Subsystem created.
Plugin successfully installed
Loading library /usr/local/lib/OGRE/ZipExport
Installing plugin: HlmsEditorPlugin
Plugin successfully installed
Loading library /usr/local/lib/OGRE/ProjectImportExport
Installing plugin: HlmsEditorPlugin
Plugin successfully installed
Loading library /usr/local/lib/OGRE/AssImpPlugin
Installing plugin: HlmsEditorPlugin
Plugin successfully installed
*-*-* OGRE Initialising
*-*-* Version 2.1.0unstable (Tindalos)
CPU Identifier & Features
 *   CPU ID: GenuineIntel: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4500U CPU @ 1.80GHz
 *   Logical cores: 4
 *      SSE: yes
 *     SSE2: yes
 *     SSE3: yes
 *      MMX: yes
 *   MMXEXT: yes
 *    3DNOW: no
 * 3DNOWEXT: no
 *     CMOV: yes
 *      TSC: yes
 *      FPU: yes
 *      PRO: yes
 *       HT: no
*** Starting GLX Subsystem ***
Added resource location '../common/ogre3' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group 'General'
Added resource location '../common/skybox' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group 'General'
Added resource location '../common/brushes' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group 'General'
Added resource location '../examples' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group 'General'
Added resource location '../import' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group 'General'
QObject::connect: No such slot MainWindow::doNewEditLayerMenuAction() in ../source/src/mainwindow.cpp:251
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
QObject::connect: No such signal TextureTreeDockWidget::resourcesDeleted() in ../source/src/texture_main.cpp:102
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
GL3PlusRenderSystem::_createRenderWindow "317122", 100x100 windowed  miscParams: currentGLContext=false externalWindowHandle=73400372 gamma=true parentWindowHandle=73400372 
Created GL 4.3 context
GLXWindow::create used FBConfigID = 121
GL_VENDOR = Intel Open Source Technology Center
GL_RENDERER = Mesa DRI Intel(R) Haswell Mobile 
Supported GLX extensions: GLX_ARB_create_context GLX_ARB_create_context_profile GLX_ARB_create_context_robustness GLX_ARB_fbconfig_float GLX_ARB_framebuffer_sRGB GLX_ARB_get_proc_address GLX_ARB_multisample GLX_EXT_import_context GLX_EXT_visual_info GLX_EXT_visual_rating GLX_EXT_fbconfig_packed_float GLX_EXT_framebuffer_sRGB GLX_EXT_create_context_es2_profile GLX_EXT_create_context_es_profile GLX_MESA_copy_sub_buffer GLX_MESA_multithread_makecurrent GLX_MESA_query_renderer GLX_MESA_swap_control GLX_OML_swap_method GLX_OML_sync_control GLX_SGI_make_current_read GLX_SGI_swap_control GLX_SGI_video_sync GLX_SGIS_multisample GLX_SGIX_fbconfig GLX_SGIX_pbuffer GLX_SGIX_visual_select_group GLX_EXT_texture_from_pixmap GLX_INTEL_swap_event GLX_EXT_buffer_age 
***   OpenGL 3+ Renderer Started   ***
Registering ResourceManager for type GpuProgram
GL3+: Using FBOs for rendering to textures
FBO PF_UNKNOWN depth/stencil support: D0S0 D0S1 D0S4 D0S8 D0S16 D16S0 D16S1 D16S4 D16S8 D16S16 D24S0 D24S1 D24S4 D24S8 D24S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 Packed-D24S8 Packed-D32S8 
FBO PF_L8 depth/stencil support: D0S0 D0S1 D0S4 D0S8 D0S16 D16S0 D16S1 D16S4 D16S8 D16S16 D24S0 D24S1 D24S4 D24S8 D24S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 Packed-D24S8 Packed-D32S8 
FBO PF_L16 depth/stencil support: D0S0 D0S1 D0S4 D0S8 D0S16 D16S0 D16S1 D16S4 D16S8 D16S16 D24S0 D24S1 D24S4 D24S8 D24S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 Packed-D24S8 Packed-D32S8 
FBO PF_A8 depth/stencil support: D0S0 D0S1 D0S4 D0S8 D0S16 D16S0 D16S1 D16S4 D16S8 D16S16 D24S0 D24S1 D24S4 D24S8 D24S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 Packed-D24S8 Packed-D32S8 
FBO PF_BYTE_LA depth/stencil support: D0S0 D0S1 D0S4 D0S8 D0S16 D16S0 D16S1 D16S4 D16S8 D16S16 D24S0 D24S1 D24S4 D24S8 D24S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 Packed-D24S8 Packed-D32S8 
FBO PF_R5G6B5 depth/stencil support: D0S0 D0S1 D0S4 D0S8 D0S16 D16S0 D16S1 D16S4 D16S8 D16S16 D24S0 D24S1 D24S4 D24S8 D24S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 Packed-D24S8 Packed-D32S8 
FBO PF_B5G6R5 depth/stencil support: D0S0 D0S1 D0S4 D0S8 D0S16 D16S0 D16S1 D16S4 D16S8 D16S16 D24S0 D24S1 D24S4 D24S8 D24S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 Packed-D24S8 Packed-D32S8 
FBO PF_A4R4G4B4 depth/stencil support: D0S0 D0S1 D0S4 D0S8 D0S16 D16S0 D16S1 D16S4 D16S8 D16S16 D24S0 D24S1 D24S4 D24S8 D24S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 Packed-D24S8 Packed-D32S8 
FBO PF_A1R5G5B5 depth/stencil support: D0S0 D0S1 D0S4 D0S8 D0S16 D16S0 D16S1 D16S4 D16S8 D16S16 D24S0 D24S1 D24S4 D24S8 D24S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 Packed-D24S8 Packed-D32S8 
FBO PF_R8G8B8 depth/stencil support: D0S0 D0S1 D0S4 D0S8 D0S16 D16S0 D16S1 D16S4 D16S8 D16S16 D24S0 D24S1 D24S4 D24S8 D24S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 Packed-D24S8 Packed-D32S8 
FBO PF_B8G8R8 depth/stencil support: D0S0 D0S1 D0S4 D0S8 D0S16 D16S0 D16S1 D16S4 D16S8 D16S16 D24S0 D24S1 D24S4 D24S8 D24S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 Packed-D24S8 Packed-D32S8 
FBO PF_A8R8G8B8 depth/stencil support: D0S0 D0S1 D0S4 D0S8 D0S16 D16S0 D16S1 D16S4 D16S8 D16S16 D24S0 D24S1 D24S4 D24S8 D24S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 Packed-D24S8 Packed-D32S8 
FBO PF_A8B8G8R8 depth/stencil support: D0S0 D0S1 D0S4 D0S8 D0S16 D16S0 D16S1 D16S4 D16S8 D16S16 D24S0 D24S1 D24S4 D24S8 D24S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 Packed-D24S8 Packed-D32S8 
FBO PF_B8G8R8A8 depth/stencil support: D0S0 D0S1 D0S4 D0S8 D0S16 D16S0 D16S1 D16S4 D16S8 D16S16 D24S0 D24S1 D24S4 D24S8 D24S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 Packed-D24S8 Packed-D32S8 
FBO PF_A2R10G10B10 depth/stencil support: D0S0 D0S1 D0S4 D0S8 D0S16 D16S0 D16S1 D16S4 D16S8 D16S16 D24S0 D24S1 D24S4 D24S8 D24S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 Packed-D24S8 Packed-D32S8 
FBO PF_A2B10G10R10 depth/stencil support: D0S0 D0S1 D0S4 D0S8 D0S16 D16S0 D16S1 D16S4 D16S8 D16S16 D24S0 D24S1 D24S4 D24S8 D24S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 Packed-D24S8 Packed-D32S8 
FBO PF_FLOAT16_RGB depth/stencil support: D0S0 D0S1 D0S4 D0S8 D0S16 D16S0 D16S1 D16S4 D16S8 D16S16 D24S0 D24S1 D24S4 D24S8 D24S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 Packed-D24S8 Packed-D32S8 
FBO PF_FLOAT16_RGBA depth/stencil support: D0S0 D0S1 D0S4 D0S8 D0S16 D16S0 D16S1 D16S4 D16S8 D16S16 D24S0 D24S1 D24S4 D24S8 D24S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 Packed-D24S8 Packed-D32S8 
FBO PF_FLOAT32_RGB depth/stencil support: D0S0 D0S1 D0S4 D0S8 D0S16 D16S0 D16S1 D16S4 D16S8 D16S16 D24S0 D24S1 D24S4 D24S8 D24S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 Packed-D24S8 Packed-D32S8 
FBO PF_FLOAT32_RGBA depth/stencil support: D0S0 D0S1 D0S4 D0S8 D0S16 D16S0 D16S1 D16S4 D16S8 D16S16 D24S0 D24S1 D24S4 D24S8 D24S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 Packed-D24S8 Packed-D32S8 
FBO PF_X8R8G8B8 depth/stencil support: D0S0 D0S1 D0S4 D0S8 D0S16 D16S0 D16S1 D16S4 D16S8 D16S16 D24S0 D24S1 D24S4 D24S8 D24S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 Packed-D24S8 Packed-D32S8 
FBO PF_X8B8G8R8 depth/stencil support: D0S0 D0S1 D0S4 D0S8 D0S16 D16S0 D16S1 D16S4 D16S8 D16S16 D24S0 D24S1 D24S4 D24S8 D24S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 Packed-D24S8 Packed-D32S8 
FBO PF_R8G8B8A8 depth/stencil support: D0S0 D0S1 D0S4 D0S8 D0S16 D16S0 D16S1 D16S4 D16S8 D16S16 D24S0 D24S1 D24S4 D24S8 D24S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 Packed-D24S8 Packed-D32S8 
FBO PF_DEPTH_DEPRECATED depth/stencil support: D0S0 D0S1 D0S4 D0S8 D0S16 D16S0 D16S1 D16S4 D16S8 D16S16 D24S0 D24S1 D24S4 D24S8 D24S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 Packed-D24S8 Packed-D32S8 
FBO PF_SHORT_RGBA depth/stencil support: D0S0 D0S1 D0S4 D0S8 D0S16 D16S0 D16S1 D16S4 D16S8 D16S16 D24S0 D24S1 D24S4 D24S8 D24S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 Packed-D24S8 Packed-D32S8 
FBO PF_R3G3B2 depth/stencil support: D0S0 D0S1 D0S4 D0S8 D0S16 D16S0 D16S1 D16S4 D16S8 D16S16 D24S0 D24S1 D24S4 D24S8 D24S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 Packed-D24S8 Packed-D32S8 
FBO PF_FLOAT16_R depth/stencil support: D0S0 D0S1 D0S4 D0S8 D0S16 D16S0 D16S1 D16S4 D16S8 D16S16 D24S0 D24S1 D24S4 D24S8 D24S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 Packed-D24S8 Packed-D32S8 
FBO PF_FLOAT32_R depth/stencil support: D0S0 D0S1 D0S4 D0S8 D0S16 D16S0 D16S1 D16S4 D16S8 D16S16 D24S0 D24S1 D24S4 D24S8 D24S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 Packed-D24S8 Packed-D32S8 
FBO PF_SHORT_GR depth/stencil support: D0S0 D0S1 D0S4 D0S8 D0S16 D16S0 D16S1 D16S4 D16S8 D16S16 D24S0 D24S1 D24S4 D24S8 D24S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 Packed-D24S8 Packed-D32S8 
FBO PF_FLOAT16_GR depth/stencil support: D0S0 D0S1 D0S4 D0S8 D0S16 D16S0 D16S1 D16S4 D16S8 D16S16 D24S0 D24S1 D24S4 D24S8 D24S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 Packed-D24S8 Packed-D32S8 
FBO PF_FLOAT32_GR depth/stencil support: D0S0 D0S1 D0S4 D0S8 D0S16 D16S0 D16S1 D16S4 D16S8 D16S16 D24S0 D24S1 D24S4 D24S8 D24S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 Packed-D24S8 Packed-D32S8 
FBO PF_SHORT_RGB depth/stencil support: D0S0 D0S1 D0S4 D0S8 D0S16 D16S0 D16S1 D16S4 D16S8 D16S16 D24S0 D24S1 D24S4 D24S8 D24S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 Packed-D24S8 Packed-D32S8 
FBO PF_R11G11B10_FLOAT depth/stencil support: D0S0 D0S1 D0S4 D0S8 D0S16 D16S0 D16S1 D16S4 D16S8 D16S16 D24S0 D24S1 D24S4 D24S8 D24S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 Packed-D24S8 Packed-D32S8 
FBO PF_R8_UINT depth/stencil support: D0S0 D0S1 D0S4 D0S8 D0S16 D16S0 D16S1 D16S4 D16S8 D16S16 D24S0 D24S1 D24S4 D24S8 D24S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 Packed-D24S8 Packed-D32S8 
FBO PF_R8G8_UINT depth/stencil support: D0S0 D0S1 D0S4 D0S8 D0S16 D16S0 D16S1 D16S4 D16S8 D16S16 D24S0 D24S1 D24S4 D24S8 D24S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 Packed-D24S8 Packed-D32S8 
FBO PF_R8G8B8_UINT depth/stencil support: D0S0 D0S1 D0S4 D0S8 D0S16 D16S0 D16S1 D16S4 D16S8 D16S16 D24S0 D24S1 D24S4 D24S8 D24S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 Packed-D24S8 Packed-D32S8 
FBO PF_R8G8B8A8_UINT depth/stencil support: D0S0 D0S1 D0S4 D0S8 D0S16 D16S0 D16S1 D16S4 D16S8 D16S16 D24S0 D24S1 D24S4 D24S8 D24S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 Packed-D24S8 Packed-D32S8 
FBO PF_R16_UINT depth/stencil support: D0S0 D0S1 D0S4 D0S8 D0S16 D16S0 D16S1 D16S4 D16S8 D16S16 D24S0 D24S1 D24S4 D24S8 D24S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 Packed-D24S8 Packed-D32S8 
FBO PF_R16G16_UINT depth/stencil support: D0S0 D0S1 D0S4 D0S8 D0S16 D16S0 D16S1 D16S4 D16S8 D16S16 D24S0 D24S1 D24S4 D24S8 D24S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 Packed-D24S8 Packed-D32S8 
FBO PF_R16G16B16_UINT depth/stencil support: D0S0 D0S1 D0S4 D0S8 D0S16 D16S0 D16S1 D16S4 D16S8 D16S16 D24S0 D24S1 D24S4 D24S8 D24S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 Packed-D24S8 Packed-D32S8 
FBO PF_R16G16B16A16_UINT depth/stencil support: D0S0 D0S1 D0S4 D0S8 D0S16 D16S0 D16S1 D16S4 D16S8 D16S16 D24S0 D24S1 D24S4 D24S8 D24S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 Packed-D24S8 Packed-D32S8 
FBO PF_R32_UINT depth/stencil support: D0S0 D0S1 D0S4 D0S8 D0S16 D16S0 D16S1 D16S4 D16S8 D16S16 D24S0 D24S1 D24S4 D24S8 D24S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 Packed-D24S8 Packed-D32S8 
FBO PF_R32G32_UINT depth/stencil support: D0S0 D0S1 D0S4 D0S8 D0S16 D16S0 D16S1 D16S4 D16S8 D16S16 D24S0 D24S1 D24S4 D24S8 D24S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 Packed-D24S8 Packed-D32S8 
FBO PF_R32G32B32_UINT depth/stencil support: D0S0 D0S1 D0S4 D0S8 D0S16 D16S0 D16S1 D16S4 D16S8 D16S16 D24S0 D24S1 D24S4 D24S8 D24S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 Packed-D24S8 Packed-D32S8 
FBO PF_R32G32B32A32_UINT depth/stencil support: D0S0 D0S1 D0S4 D0S8 D0S16 D16S0 D16S1 D16S4 D16S8 D16S16 D24S0 D24S1 D24S4 D24S8 D24S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 Packed-D24S8 Packed-D32S8 
FBO PF_R8_SINT depth/stencil support: D0S0 D0S1 D0S4 D0S8 D0S16 D16S0 D16S1 D16S4 D16S8 D16S16 D24S0 D24S1 D24S4 D24S8 D24S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 Packed-D24S8 Packed-D32S8 
FBO PF_R8G8_SINT depth/stencil support: D0S0 D0S1 D0S4 D0S8 D0S16 D16S0 D16S1 D16S4 D16S8 D16S16 D24S0 D24S1 D24S4 D24S8 D24S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 Packed-D24S8 Packed-D32S8 
FBO PF_R8G8B8_SINT depth/stencil support: D0S0 D0S1 D0S4 D0S8 D0S16 D16S0 D16S1 D16S4 D16S8 D16S16 D24S0 D24S1 D24S4 D24S8 D24S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 Packed-D24S8 Packed-D32S8 
FBO PF_R8G8B8A8_SINT depth/stencil support: D0S0 D0S1 D0S4 D0S8 D0S16 D16S0 D16S1 D16S4 D16S8 D16S16 D24S0 D24S1 D24S4 D24S8 D24S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 Packed-D24S8 Packed-D32S8 
FBO PF_R16_SINT depth/stencil support: D0S0 D0S1 D0S4 D0S8 D0S16 D16S0 D16S1 D16S4 D16S8 D16S16 D24S0 D24S1 D24S4 D24S8 D24S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 Packed-D24S8 Packed-D32S8 
FBO PF_R16G16_SINT depth/stencil support: D0S0 D0S1 D0S4 D0S8 D0S16 D16S0 D16S1 D16S4 D16S8 D16S16 D24S0 D24S1 D24S4 D24S8 D24S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 Packed-D24S8 Packed-D32S8 
FBO PF_R16G16B16_SINT depth/stencil support: D0S0 D0S1 D0S4 D0S8 D0S16 D16S0 D16S1 D16S4 D16S8 D16S16 D24S0 D24S1 D24S4 D24S8 D24S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 Packed-D24S8 Packed-D32S8 
FBO PF_R16G16B16A16_SINT depth/stencil support: D0S0 D0S1 D0S4 D0S8 D0S16 D16S0 D16S1 D16S4 D16S8 D16S16 D24S0 D24S1 D24S4 D24S8 D24S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 Packed-D24S8 Packed-D32S8 
FBO PF_R32_SINT depth/stencil support: D0S0 D0S1 D0S4 D0S8 D0S16 D16S0 D16S1 D16S4 D16S8 D16S16 D24S0 D24S1 D24S4 D24S8 D24S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 Packed-D24S8 Packed-D32S8 
FBO PF_R32G32_SINT depth/stencil support: D0S0 D0S1 D0S4 D0S8 D0S16 D16S0 D16S1 D16S4 D16S8 D16S16 D24S0 D24S1 D24S4 D24S8 D24S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 Packed-D24S8 Packed-D32S8 
FBO PF_R32G32B32_SINT depth/stencil support: D0S0 D0S1 D0S4 D0S8 D0S16 D16S0 D16S1 D16S4 D16S8 D16S16 D24S0 D24S1 D24S4 D24S8 D24S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 Packed-D24S8 Packed-D32S8 
FBO PF_R32G32B32A32_SINT depth/stencil support: D0S0 D0S1 D0S4 D0S8 D0S16 D16S0 D16S1 D16S4 D16S8 D16S16 D24S0 D24S1 D24S4 D24S8 D24S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 Packed-D24S8 Packed-D32S8 
FBO PF_RG8 depth/stencil support: D0S0 D0S1 D0S4 D0S8 D0S16 D16S0 D16S1 D16S4 D16S8 D16S16 D24S0 D24S1 D24S4 D24S8 D24S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 Packed-D24S8 Packed-D32S8 
FBO PF_R8_SNORM depth/stencil support: D0S0 D0S1 D0S4 D0S8 D0S16 D16S0 D16S1 D16S4 D16S8 D16S16 D24S0 D24S1 D24S4 D24S8 D24S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 Packed-D24S8 Packed-D32S8 
FBO PF_R8G8_SNORM depth/stencil support: D0S0 D0S1 D0S4 D0S8 D0S16 D16S0 D16S1 D16S4 D16S8 D16S16 D24S0 D24S1 D24S4 D24S8 D24S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 Packed-D24S8 Packed-D32S8 
FBO PF_R8G8B8_SNORM depth/stencil support: D0S0 D0S1 D0S4 D0S8 D0S16 D16S0 D16S1 D16S4 D16S8 D16S16 D24S0 D24S1 D24S4 D24S8 D24S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 Packed-D24S8 Packed-D32S8 
FBO PF_R8G8B8A8_SNORM depth/stencil support: D0S0 D0S1 D0S4 D0S8 D0S16 D16S0 D16S1 D16S4 D16S8 D16S16 D24S0 D24S1 D24S4 D24S8 D24S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 Packed-D24S8 Packed-D32S8 
FBO PF_R16_SNORM depth/stencil support: D0S0 D0S1 D0S4 D0S8 D0S16 D16S0 D16S1 D16S4 D16S8 D16S16 D24S0 D24S1 D24S4 D24S8 D24S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 Packed-D24S8 Packed-D32S8 
FBO PF_R16G16_SNORM depth/stencil support: D0S0 D0S1 D0S4 D0S8 D0S16 D16S0 D16S1 D16S4 D16S8 D16S16 D24S0 D24S1 D24S4 D24S8 D24S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 Packed-D24S8 Packed-D32S8 
FBO PF_R16G16B16_SNORM depth/stencil support: D0S0 D0S1 D0S4 D0S8 D0S16 D16S0 D16S1 D16S4 D16S8 D16S16 D24S0 D24S1 D24S4 D24S8 D24S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 Packed-D24S8 Packed-D32S8 
FBO PF_R16G16B16A16_SNORM depth/stencil support: D0S0 D0S1 D0S4 D0S8 D0S16 D16S0 D16S1 D16S4 D16S8 D16S16 D24S0 D24S1 D24S4 D24S8 D24S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 Packed-D24S8 Packed-D32S8 
FBO PF_D24_UNORM_S8_UINT depth/stencil support: D0S0 D0S1 D0S4 D0S8 D0S16 D16S0 D16S1 D16S4 D16S8 D16S16 D24S0 D24S1 D24S4 D24S8 D24S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 Packed-D24S8 Packed-D32S8 
FBO PF_D24_UNORM_X8 depth/stencil support: D0S0 D0S1 D0S4 D0S8 D0S16 D16S0 D16S1 D16S4 D16S8 D16S16 D24S0 D24S1 D24S4 D24S8 D24S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 Packed-D24S8 Packed-D32S8 
FBO PF_X24_S8_UINT depth/stencil support: D0S0 D0S1 D0S4 D0S8 D0S16 D16S0 D16S1 D16S4 D16S8 D16S16 D24S0 D24S1 D24S4 D24S8 D24S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 Packed-D24S8 Packed-D32S8 
FBO PF_D24_UNORM depth/stencil support: D0S0 D0S1 D0S4 D0S8 D0S16 D16S0 D16S1 D16S4 D16S8 D16S16 D24S0 D24S1 D24S4 D24S8 D24S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 Packed-D24S8 Packed-D32S8 
FBO PF_D16_UNORM depth/stencil support: D0S0 D0S1 D0S4 D0S8 D0S16 D16S0 D16S1 D16S4 D16S8 D16S16 D24S0 D24S1 D24S4 D24S8 D24S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 Packed-D24S8 Packed-D32S8 
FBO PF_D32_FLOAT depth/stencil support: D0S0 D0S1 D0S4 D0S8 D0S16 D16S0 D16S1 D16S4 D16S8 D16S16 D24S0 D24S1 D24S4 D24S8 D24S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 Packed-D24S8 Packed-D32S8 
FBO PF_D32_FLOAT_X24_S8_UINT depth/stencil support: D0S0 D0S1 D0S4 D0S8 D0S16 D16S0 D16S1 D16S4 D16S8 D16S16 D24S0 D24S1 D24S4 D24S8 D24S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 Packed-D24S8 Packed-D32S8 
FBO PF_D32_FLOAT_X24_X8 depth/stencil support: D0S0 D0S1 D0S4 D0S8 D0S16 D16S0 D16S1 D16S4 D16S8 D16S16 D24S0 D24S1 D24S4 D24S8 D24S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 Packed-D24S8 Packed-D32S8 
FBO PF_X32_X24_S8_UINT depth/stencil support: D0S0 D0S1 D0S4 D0S8 D0S16 D16S0 D16S1 D16S4 D16S8 D16S16 D24S0 D24S1 D24S4 D24S8 D24S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 D32S0 D32S1 D32S4 D32S8 D32S16 Packed-D24S8 Packed-D32S8 
RenderSystem capabilities
RenderSystem Name: OpenGL 3+ Rendering Subsystem
GPU Vendor: intel
Device Name: Mesa DRI Intel(R) Haswell Mobile 
Driver Version:
 * Fixed function pipeline: no
 * Hardware generation of mipmaps: no
 * Texture blending: yes
 * Anisotropic texture filtering: yes
 * Dot product texture operation: yes
 * Cube mapping: yes
 * Hardware stencil buffer: yes
   - Stencil depth: 8
   - Two sided stencil support: yes
   - Wrap stencil values: yes
 * Hardware vertex / index buffers: yes
 * 32-bit index buffers: yes
 * Vertex programs: yes
 * Number of floating-point constants for vertex programs: 16384
 * Number of integer constants for vertex programs: 16384
 * Number of boolean constants for vertex programs: 16384
 * Fragment programs: yes
 * Number of floating-point constants for fragment programs: 16384
 * Number of integer constants for fragment programs: 16384
 * Number of boolean constants for fragment programs: 16384
 * Geometry programs: yes
 * Number of floating-point constants for geometry programs: 16384
 * Number of integer constants for geometry programs: 16384
 * Number of boolean constants for geometry programs: 16384
 * Tessellation Hull programs: yes
 * Number of floating-point constants for tessellation hull programs: 16384
 * Number of integer constants for tessellation hull programs: 16384
 * Number of boolean constants for tessellation hull programs: 16384
 * Tessellation Domain programs: yes
 * Number of floating-point constants for tessellation domain programs: 16384
 * Number of integer constants for tessellation domain programs: 16384
 * Number of boolean constants for tessellation domain programs: 16384
 * Compute programs: yes
 * Number of floating-point constants for compute programs: 16384
 * Number of integer constants for compute programs: 16384
 * Number of boolean constants for compute programs: 16384
 * Supported Shader Profiles: glsl glsl130 glsl140 glsl150 glsl330 glsl400 glsl410 glsl420 glsl430 glsl440
 * Texture Compression: yes
   - DXT: yes
   - VTC: no
   - PVRTC: no
   - ATC: no
   - ETC1: no
   - ETC2: yes
   - BC4/BC5: yes
   - BC6H/BC7: yes
 * Hardware Occlusion Query: yes
 * User clip planes: yes
 * VET_UBYTE4 vertex element type: yes
 * Infinite far plane projection: yes
 * Hardware render-to-texture: yes
 * Floating point textures: yes
 * Non-power-of-two textures: yes
 * 1d textures: yes
 * Volume textures: yes
 * Max Texture resolution (2D) 16384
 * Max Texture resolution (3D) 2048
 * Max Texture resolution (Cubemaps) 16384
 * Multiple Render Targets: 8
   - With different bit depths: yes
 * Point Sprites: yes
 * Extended point parameters: yes
 * Max Point Size: 255
 * Vertex texture fetch: yes
 * Number of world matrices: 0
 * Number of texture units: 16
 * Stencil buffer depth: 8
 * Number of vertex blend matrices: 0
   - Max vertex textures: 32
   - Vertex textures shared: yes
 * Render to Vertex Buffer : yes
 * Hardware Atomic Counters: yes
 * GL 1.5 without VBO workaround: no
 * Frame Buffer objects: yes
 * Frame Buffer objects (ARB extension): no
 * Frame Buffer objects (ATI extension): no
 * PBuffer support: no
 * GL 1.5 without HW-occlusion workaround: no
 * Vertex Array Objects: yes
 * Separate shader objects: no
Registering ResourceManager for type Texture
DefaultWorkQueue('Root') initialising on thread main.
OpenGL:performance(medium) 7: CPU mapping a busy "bufferobj" BO stalled and took 0.044 ms.

Particle Renderer Type 'billboard' registered
Mesh: Loading barrel.mesh.
Corrupted chunk detected! Stream name: 'barrel.mesh' Chunk id: 36864
Mesh: Loading cube.mesh.
Corrupted chunk detected! Stream name: 'cube.mesh' Chunk id: 36864
Mesh: Loading knot.mesh.
Corrupted chunk detected! Stream name: 'knot.mesh' Chunk id: 36864
Mesh: Loading rock.mesh.
Corrupted chunk detected! Stream name: 'rock.mesh' Chunk id: 36864
Mesh: Loading sphere.mesh.
Corrupted chunk detected! Stream name: 'sphere.mesh' Chunk id: 36864
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
Parsing scripts for resource group Autodetect
Finished parsing scripts for resource group Autodetect
Creating resources for group Autodetect
All done
Parsing scripts for resource group General
Parsing script SkyPostprocess.material
Parsing script SkyPostprocess.compositor
Parsing script StonesPbs.material.json
Texture: loading floor_ao.PNG as floor_ao.PNG
OpenGL:performance(medium) 7: CPU mapping a busy "bufferobj" BO stalled and took 0.173 ms.

OpenGL:performance(medium) 7: CPU mapping a busy "bufferobj" BO stalled and took 0.054 ms.

OpenGL:performance(medium) 7: CPU mapping a busy "bufferobj" BO stalled and took 0.013 ms.

Texture: loading floor_specular.PNG as floor_specular.PNG
OpenGL:performance(medium) 7: CPU mapping a busy "bufferobj" BO stalled and took 0.055 ms.

OpenGL:performance(medium) 7: CPU mapping a busy "bufferobj" BO stalled and took 0.015 ms.

Texture: loading floor_diffuse.PNG as floor_diffuse.PNG
OpenGL:performance(medium) 7: CPU mapping a busy "bufferobj" BO stalled and took 0.191 ms.

OpenGL:performance(medium) 7: CPU mapping a busy "bufferobj" BO stalled and took 0.041 ms.

OpenGL:performance(medium) 7: CPU mapping a busy "bufferobj" BO stalled and took 0.013 ms.

Texture: loading floor_bump.PNG as floor_bump.PNG
WARNING: normal map texture floor_bump.PNG is not BC5S compressed. This is encouraged for lower memory usage. If you don't want to see this message without compressing to BC5, set getDefaultTextureParameters()[TEXTURE_TYPE_NORMALS].pixelFormat to PF_R8G8_SNORM (or PF_BYTE_LA if RSC_TEXTURE_SIGNED_INT is not supported)
OpenGL:performance(medium) 7: CPU mapping a busy "bufferobj" BO stalled and took 0.094 ms.

OpenGL:performance(medium) 7: CPU mapping a busy "bufferobj" BO stalled and took 0.024 ms.

OpenGL:performance(medium) 7: CPU mapping a busy "bufferobj" BO stalled and took 0.065 ms.

OpenGL:performance(medium) 7: CPU mapping a busy "bufferobj" BO stalled and took 0.024 ms.

Parsing script CheckerPbs.material.json
Texture: loading 1d_debug.png as 1d_debug.png
Texture: loading checker.png as checker.png
Parsing script 10Pbs.material.json
Texture: loading 10points.png as 10points.png
Parsing script BumpyMetalUnlit.material.json
Texture: loading BumpyMetal.jpg as BumpyMetal.jpg
Finished parsing scripts for resource group General
Creating resources for group General
All done
Parsing scripts for resource group Internal
Finished parsing scripts for resource group Internal
Creating resources for group Internal
All done
Supported Qt formats: bmp, bw, cur, eps, epsf, epsi, exr, gif, icns, ico, jp2, jpeg, jpg, kra, mng, ora, pbm, pcx, pgm, pic, png, ppm, psd, ras, rgb, rgba, sgi, svg, svgz, tga, tif, tiff, wbmp, webp, xbm, xcf, xpm, 
QXcbConnection: XCB error: 5 (BadAtom), sequence: 1358, resource id: 0, major code: 19 (DeleteProperty), minor code: 0
Error loading texture SkyBoxNone.dds. Texture layer will be blank. Loading the texture failed with the following exception: OGRE EXCEPTION(9:UnimplementedException): pack to PF_UNKNOWN not implemented in PixelUtil::packColour at /home/user/Documents/cpp/ogre/OgreMain/src/OgrePixelFormat.cpp (line 712)
OGRE EXCEPTION(3:RenderingAPIException): Fixed Function pipeline is no longer allowed nor supported. The material BaseWhite must use shaders in HlmsLowLevel::calculateHashFor at /home/user/Documents/cpp/ogre/OgreMain/src/OgreHlmsLowLevel.cpp (line 155)
Couldn't apply datablock '[Value 0x00000001]' to this renderable. Using default one. Check previous log messages to see if there's more information.
OGRE EXCEPTION(3:RenderingAPIException): Fixed Function pipeline is no longer allowed nor supported. The material BaseWhite must use shaders in HlmsLowLevel::calculateHashFor at /home/user/Documents/cpp/ogre/OgreMain/src/OgreHlmsLowLevel.cpp (line 155)
Couldn't apply datablock '[Value 0x00000001]' to this renderable. Using default one. Check previous log messages to see if there's more information.
OGRE EXCEPTION(3:RenderingAPIException): Fixed Function pipeline is no longer allowed nor supported. The material BaseWhite must use shaders in HlmsLowLevel::calculateHashFor at /home/user/Documents/cpp/ogre/OgreMain/src/OgreHlmsLowLevel.cpp (line 155)
Couldn't apply datablock '[Value 0x00000001]' to this renderable. Using default one. Check previous log messages to see if there's more information.
Can't find HLMS datablock material 'UVMM5432123456'. It may not be visible to this manager, try finding it by retrieving getHlms()->getDatablock()
Can't find HLMS datablock material ''. It may not be visible to this manager, try finding it by retrieving getHlms()->getDatablock()
Mesh: Loading axis.mesh.
Corrupted chunk detected! Stream name: 'axis.mesh' Chunk id: 16384
Corrupted chunk detected! Stream name: 'axis.mesh' Chunk id: 16384
Corrupted chunk detected! Stream name: 'axis.mesh' Chunk id: 36864
OGRE EXCEPTION(3:RenderingAPIException): Fixed Function pipeline is no longer allowed nor supported. The material BaseWhite must use shaders in HlmsLowLevel::calculateHashFor at /home/user/Documents/cpp/ogre/OgreMain/src/OgreHlmsLowLevel.cpp (line 155)
Couldn't apply datablock '[Value 0x00000001]' to this renderable. Using default one. Check previous log messages to see if there's more information.
OGRE EXCEPTION(3:RenderingAPIException): Fixed Function pipeline is no longer allowed nor supported. The material BaseWhite must use shaders in HlmsLowLevel::calculateHashFor at /home/user/Documents/cpp/ogre/OgreMain/src/OgreHlmsLowLevel.cpp (line 155)
Couldn't apply datablock '[Value 0x00000001]' to this renderable. Using default one. Check previous log messages to see if there's more information.
OGRE EXCEPTION(3:RenderingAPIException): Fixed Function pipeline is no longer allowed nor supported. The material BaseWhite must use shaders in HlmsLowLevel::calculateHashFor at /home/user/Documents/cpp/ogre/OgreMain/src/OgreHlmsLowLevel.cpp (line 155)
Couldn't apply datablock '[Value 0x00000001]' to this renderable. Using default one. Check previous log messages to see if there's more information.
Texture: loading uv_mapping.png as uv_mapping.png
OpenGL:performance(medium) 7: CPU mapping a busy "bufferobj" BO stalled and took 0.682 ms.

OpenGL:performance(medium) 7: CPU mapping a busy "bufferobj" BO stalled and took 7.553 ms.

OpenGL:error(high) 18: GL_INVALID_VALUE in glBindAttribLocation(16 >= 16)
OpenGL:error(high) 18: GL_INVALID_VALUE in glBindAttribLocation(16 >= 16)
Vertex Shader: 1610678272VertexShader_vs
Fragment Shader: 1610678272PixelShader_ps
 GLSL validation result : 
active samplers with a different type refer to the same texture image unit
Shader Compiler:message(high) 25: 0:170(28): warning: `nNormal' used uninitialized
Shader Compiler:message(high) 26: 0:171(28): warning: `nNormal' used uninitialized
Shader Compiler:message(high) 27: 0:174(14): warning: `material' used uninitialized
Shader Compiler:message(high) 28: 0:174(30): warning: `material' used uninitialized
Shader Compiler:message(high) 29: 0:192(19): warning: `material' used uninitialized
Shader Compiler:message(high) 30: 0:192(68): warning: `material' used uninitialized
Shader Compiler:message(high) 31: 0:195(37): warning: `material' used uninitialized
Shader Compiler:message(high) 32: 0:199(21): warning: `material' used uninitialized
Shader Compiler:message(high) 33: 0:200(45): warning: `material' used uninitialized
Shader Compiler:message(high) 34: 0:201(50): warning: `material' used uninitialized
Shader Compiler:message(high) 35: 0:208(69): warning: `diffuseCol' used uninitialized
GLSL compiled: 536871040PixelShader_ps
0:170(28): warning: `nNormal' used uninitialized
0:171(28): warning: `nNormal' used uninitialized
0:174(14): warning: `material' used uninitialized
0:174(30): warning: `material' used uninitialized
0:192(19): warning: `material' used uninitialized
0:192(68): warning: `material' used uninitialized
0:195(37): warning: `material' used uninitialized
0:199(21): warning: `material' used uninitialized
0:200(45): warning: `material' used uninitialized
0:201(50): warning: `material' used uninitialized
0:208(69): warning: `diffuseCol' used uninitialized
OpenGL:error(high) 18: GL_INVALID_VALUE in glBindAttribLocation(16 >= 16)
I tried to figured out my problems, but wasn't able to. I'll try again later, but if anyone has an idea on how to fix the issues would be great.