[2.2] Declaring and passing StructuredBuffer per particle-based Renderable. Topic is solved

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[2.2] Declaring and passing StructuredBuffer per particle-based Renderable.

Post by przemir »


I am trying to make particle system and wanted to store their data (particle pos, colour, size etc.) in vertex shader.
From what I have seen in https://github.com/turanszkij/WickedEng ... cleVS.hlsl, particle data are stored in StructuredBuffer. How to create such buffer and associate with particle-based renderables In Ogre? Right now I don't want GPU particle simulation (maybe later), only pass particle data necessary for vertex shader.

I have already read viewtopic.php?t=94959 (although some links pointing to bitbucket are dead).

I already created ParticleSetRendarable with Ogre::BT_IMMUTABLE index buffer and Ogre::BT_DYNAMIC_PERSISTENT vertex buffer (I plan to change it to Ogre::BT_DEFAULT after it will be calculated via vertex shader). I also subclassed HlmsUnlit into HlmsParticle (https://spotcpp.com/creating-a-custom-h ... d-and-fog/ was really helpful here). Right now particles are rendered by filling vertex buffer each frame on CPU side.
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Re: [2.2] Declaring and passing StructuredBuffer per particle-based Renderable.

Post by dark_sylinc »

In the case of Ogre 2.2, if you want to use StructuredBuffers you'll have to create an UavBufferPacked and then call UavBufferPacked::getAsTexBufferView.

In the case of Ogre 2.3, ReadOnlyBufferPacked were introduced which support structured buffers

As for one BufferPacked per Renderable, you'll have to create your own Renderable class (and a custom MovableObject, see Samples/2.0/ApiUsage/CustomRenderable sample) and a custom Hlms that downcasts to your custom class, accesses the per-Renderable ReadOnlyBufferPacked, and binds it.

Colibri shows one way to to 'tag' MovableObjects so that Hlms can identity your custom classes that need a special path and thus make sure it's
safe for downcasting.

Note that your custom MovableObject class should set the CustomParameter. The numbers 6372 & 6373 used in Colibri were completely arbitrary and will work as long as they are uniquely used for this purpose.

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Re: [2.2] Declaring and passing StructuredBuffer per particle-based Renderable.

Post by przemir »

Thanks. I still got something wrong with binding buffer or filling it. I try to send particle data and replace just colour in vertex shader. But I don't see any particle (I expect they end up with (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) colour, although I upload buffer with (0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0)).

Fragments of generated VertexShader:

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struct Particle {
float3 pos;
float rot;
float4 colour;
float2 size;
float spriteNumber;

RWStructuredBuffer<Particle> particleDataList : register(u14);

struct VS_INPUT
	float4 vertex : POSITION;
	float4 colour : COLOR0;

	float2 uv0 : TEXCOORD0;
	uint drawId : DRAWID;
	uint vertexId : SV_VertexID;

struct PS_INPUT
	nointerpolation uint drawId	: TEXCOORD0;
	float4 colour	: TEXCOORD1;		
	float2 uv0	: TEXCOORD2;			
	float4 gl_Position : SV_Position;

PS_INPUT main( VS_INPUT input )
    outVs.colour = input.colour;

    uint particleIdx = inVs_vertexId / 4;
    uint vertexInQuad = inVs_vertexId % 4;

    Particle particle = particleDataList[particleIdx];
    outVs.colour = particle.colour;
    return outVs;
If I comment this line

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outVs.colour = particle.colour;
particles are shown with vertex buffer colour (I still have cpu calculation of vertex buffer).

Byte size of this struct:

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    const int ParticleSetRenderable::ParticleDataStructSize = sizeof(float) * 11u; // count number of floats inside 'Particle' struct
Initializing (the same place where indexBuffer and vertexBuffer are created):

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    mInstanceBuffer = vaoManager->createUavBuffer(maxParticles, ParticleDataStructSize, BB_FLAG_UAV|BB_FLAG_TEX, 0, false);
    mInstanceBufferAsTex = mInstanceBuffer->getAsTexBufferView( PFG_RGBA32_FLOAT );

    // use CPU copy to fill it and then send to GPU.
    mCpuInstanceBuffer = reinterpret_cast<float*>( OGRE_MALLOC_SIMD( maxParticles * ParticleDataStructSize, MEMCATEGORY_GENERAL ) );
Filling buffer:

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void ParticleSetRenderable::updateToGPU2(const std::vector<Particle>& particles)
    float * RESTRICT_ALIAS instanceBuffer = reinterpret_cast<float*>( mCpuInstanceBuffer );
    const float *instanceBufferStart = instanceBuffer;

    int count = Geometry::min<int>(particles.size(), mMaxParticles);
    for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
        const Particle& particle = particles[i];
        Ogre::ColourValue colour = particle.colour;

	// Just to check if vertex shader uses UAV buffer data, set each particle colour to blue.
        colour = Ogre::ColourValue(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);

        *instanceBuffer++ = particle.pos.x;
        *instanceBuffer++ = particle.pos.y;
        *instanceBuffer++ = particle.pos.z;
        *instanceBuffer++ = particle.rot;

        *instanceBuffer++ = colour.r;
        *instanceBuffer++ = colour.g;
        *instanceBuffer++ = colour.b;
        *instanceBuffer++ = colour.a;

        *instanceBuffer++ = particle.size.x;
        *instanceBuffer++ = particle.size.y;
        *instanceBuffer++ = (float)particle.spriteNumber;

    OGRE_ASSERT_LOW( (size_t)(instanceBuffer - instanceBufferStart) * sizeof(float) <=
                     mInstanceBuffer->getTotalSizeBytes() );

    //Fill the remaining bytes with 0
    memset( instanceBuffer, 0, mInstanceBuffer->getTotalSizeBytes() -
            (static_cast<size_t>(instanceBuffer - instanceBufferStart) * sizeof(float)) );
    mInstanceBuffer->upload( mCpuInstanceBuffer, 0u, mInstanceBuffer->getNumElements() );

Renderable binding (With ParticleDataTexSlot=14, MaxParticles = 1000):

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Ogre::uint32 HlmsParticle::fillBuffersFor(const Ogre::HlmsCache* cache, const Ogre::QueuedRenderable& queuedRenderable, bool casterPass, Ogre::uint32 lastCacheHash, Ogre::CommandBuffer* commandBuffer, bool isV1)

    const Ogre::Renderable::CustomParameterMap &customParams = queuedRenderable.renderable->getCustomParameters();
    if( customParams.find( RenderManager::ParticleRenderable ) != customParams.end() )
        ParticleSetRenderable* particleSetRenderable = dynamic_cast<ParticleSetRenderable*>(queuedRenderable.renderable);
        Ogre::TexBufferPacked* particleDataTexBuffer = particleSetRenderable->getInstanceBufferAsTex();
        int totalSize = ParticleSetRenderable::ParticleDataStructSize * particleSetRenderable->getMaxParticles();
        *commandBuffer->addCommand<Ogre::CbShaderBuffer>() = Ogre::CbShaderBuffer(Ogre::VertexShader, ParticleDataTexSlot, particleDataTexBuffer, 0, totalSize);
        *commandBuffer->addCommand<Ogre::CbShaderBuffer>() = Ogre::CbShaderBuffer(Ogre::PixelShader, ParticleDataTexSlot, particleDataTexBuffer, 0, totalSize);
//        rebindTexBuffer( commandBuffer );

    return Ogre::HlmsUnlit::fillBuffersFor(cache, queuedRenderable, casterPass, lastCacheHash, commandBuffer, isV1);
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Re: [2.2] Declaring and passing StructuredBuffer per particle-based Renderable.

Post by dark_sylinc »

This code:

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RWStructuredBuffer<Particle> particleDataList : register(u14);
Should be:

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StructuredBuffer<Particle> particleDataList : register(t14);
If you really want to use RWStructuredBuffer (which doesn't seem so), then you have to bind mInstanceBuffer instead of mInstanceBufferAsTex
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Re: [2.2] Declaring and passing StructuredBuffer per particle-based Renderable.

Post by przemir »

It works! Thanks a lot for your help!

If I understand correctly, if I want to make particle simulation I should bind mInstanceBuffer and use RWStructuredBuffer in compute job (something like in OgreVctVoxelizer.cpp). And the same buffer should still be binded as tex to VertexShader (and used as StructuredBuffer there)?
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Re: [2.2] Declaring and passing StructuredBuffer per particle-based Renderable.

Post by dark_sylinc »

That's correct.

Great that it works! :D