[2.3] Sharing immutable index buffer. Topic is solved

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[2.3] Sharing immutable index buffer.

Post by przemir »


I try to make particle system manager which holds particle pool and handles multiple emitter instances and particle system types. Hovewer, right now they are still bound to one datablock. I may make texture atlas, but different particle systems requires different blendblocks.

I can make multiple renderables, each associated with different datablock. I can't use the same vao, as primitive range can be different. Can I make one big enough immutable IndexBuffer (for quads) and share it among those renderable's Vao's? Will this be just one buffer on GPU side? I already get rid of VertexBuffer so it is IndexBuffer only.

Or maybe there is some alternative solution like sending multiple datablocks with one renderable?
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Re: [2.3] Sharing immutable index buffer.

Post by dark_sylinc »

You can create two VertexArrayObjects that point to the same vertex and/or index buffers without problem. This is allowed and it is how we handle LODs.

Just be careful when you destroy your vertex/index buffers that all VAOs using them have been destroyed first; and that you don't leak these vertex/index buffers once all your VAOs are destroyed.
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Re: [2.3] Sharing immutable index buffer.

Post by przemir »

Thanks for clearing this up.