Here are my notes on how to build Ogre:
If anything goes wrong (it shouldn't), check for new information here: ... -ogre.html
Go to and download the latest source release.
If you want an older release, go to: and download it instead.
Extract it to C:\OgreSDK\ogre.
Open CMake and use these settings:
Where is the source code: C:/OgreSDK/ogre
Where to build the binaries: C:/OgreSDK/ogre/build
Press Configure and choose Visual Studio 2017 with x64.
Check the log and look for this to see if everything is correct:
-- The following external packages were located on your system.
-- This installation will have the extra features provided by these packages.
- freetype
- OpenGL
- OpenGL ES 2.x
- DirectX9
- DirectX11
- pugixml
- zlib
- Assimp
- SDL2
Press Configure again.
Press Generate and close CMake.
Open the Ogre sln file.
Compile the ALL_BUILD project in debug.
Some unimportant projects might fail.
Compile the ALL_BUILD project in release.
No projects should fail.
Compile the INSTALL project in release only (and only once, never again).