Call to showConfigDialog does absolutely nothing

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Call to showConfigDialog does absolutely nothing

Post by thevbw2 »

Ogre Version: 1.12.10 (latest available from debian)
Operating System: Debian 12 Bookworm 64-bit
Render System: :?: None yet, OpenGL and vk available

Hello, I am new to OGRE (coming from some light use of Irrlicht) and have been having trouble getting the configuration menu to appear on the screen.


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OgreRoot->showConfigDialog(NULL); called, some initialisation info is printed in the console, but no window appears.

I am including GLEW, <OGRE/Ogre.h>, and <OGRE/OgreConfigDialog.h>, and I am linking SDL2main, OgreMain, SDL2, and GL, using GCC w CodeBlocks IDE to build. What else do I have to link/include for this function to work? What do I need set up?

When debugging, it runs straight through that line to the initialise statement where it complains about not having a render system.
Complete relevant code:

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int main(int argc, char** argv)
    glewExperimental = GL_TRUE;
    Ogre::Root * OgreRoot = new Ogre::Root("plugins.cfg");
    std::cout << OgreRoot->showConfigDialog(NULL);

I have been stuck on this for days, can't find an explanation in the documentation :?
Please excuse my obliviousness!

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