Ogre Version: 3.0
Operating System: Win 10
Render System: Vulkan
for the below compositor node on Vulkan Rendering System, the color output is not stored properly ( some pixels are discarded ) . I attached an image of the final output below. I think I'm doing something wrong with load/store semantics since I'm using multi pass for colibri gui. it would be really helpful if someone could explain what I'm doing wrong here.
Also i tried to do a renderdoc capture of this, but the application crashes if I do that.
final image :
compositor node :
Code: Select all
compositor_node TestNode
in 0 rt_renderwindow
texture rtt target_width target_height PFG_RGBA8_UNORM_SRGB msaa_auto
texture rtt_depthbuffer target_width target_height PFG_D32_FLOAT_S8X24_UINT msaa_auto
rtv rtt
depth_stencil rtt_depthbuffer
target rtt_depthbuffer
pass stencil
check true
mask 0xFF
read_mask 0xFF
ref_value 1
pass_op invert
depth_fail_op invert
fail_op invert
comp_func always_pass
profiling_id "Stencil buffer Pass"
pass render_scene
all clear
clear_colour 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
rq_first 10
rq_last 11
profiling_id "Main Object Closed Parts Queue Depth/Stencil Pass"
target rtt
pass stencil
check false
pass render_scene
depth clear
rq_first 6
rq_last 7
profiling_id "Bg Pass"
pass custom colibri_gui
skip_load_store_semantics false
identifier 123
profiling_id "Back Colibri GUI"
aspect_ratio_mode keep_width
pass render_scene
rq_first 7
rq_last 12
profiling_id "Main Object Closed & Non-Closed Queue Colour Pass"
pass stencil
check true
mask 0xFF
read_mask 0xFF
ref_value 0
pass_op keep
depth_fail_op zero
fail_op keep
comp_func not_equal
pass render_scene
rq_first 12
rq_last 13
profiling_id "Cap Quad Pass"
pass stencil
check false
pass render_scene
rq_first 13
rq_last 200
profiling_id "Other Objects Colour Pass"
pass render_scene
rq_first 200
rq_last 225
camera OrthoCamera
profiling_id "Ortho2D Perspective Pass"
pass custom colibri_gui
skip_load_store_semantics false
identifier 456
profiling_id "Front Colibri GUI"
aspect_ratio_mode keep_width
target rt_renderwindow
pass render_quad
load { all dont_care }
depth dont_care
stencil dont_care
material Ogre/Copy/4xFP32
input 0 rtt
profiling_id "CopyBack rtt to MainWindow RenderTexture"