Ogre Version: : 1 12 13:
Operating System: :Linux Tumbleweed:
Render System: :OpenGL3+
As I said there are two markers I work on : one outlner , one increasing the brightness.
The outliner looks like this :
The simple pass through vertex program enlarges the mesh, the fragment vertex fills up the mesh with custom constant color.
I use the setDepthBias to make the inner mesh visible:
Code: Select all
myOutliner->getTechnique(myOutliner->getNumTechniques() - 1)->getPass(ii)->setDepthBias(2, 256);
However there are many problems with this : one of them is some parts of the creature which should be hidden becomes visible
Like the Stone Troll on the picture above....
I tried various settings so far , but it seems that technique is too prmitive.
Shall I use the stancil buffer as one of the Ogre examples states ? The stencil buffer is calculated as the diffrence between the Outliner ( larger , outermost mesh ) projection and Orginal mesh ( smaller , innermost mesh) . And when I have the diffrence I fill it up with the desired colour, right ? OR my approach not so botched and I can fix it ? Advice something ....