I want to create a keyhole compositor effect, in which a keyhole will grow or shrink (fade in scene, fade out scene).
Its already working, if use calculate a growing/shrinking circle via distance calculation in the shader.
Now I wanted to let the user choose a custom image mask to grow/shrink, like this one:
I prepared everything. The shaders are working, but no matter what I do. I do not see the mask as compositor.
This is my reduced code so far:
Create a TextureGPU out of the Image and set for the material texture unit:
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Ogre::Image2 shapeImage;
shapeImage.load(this->shapeMask->getString(), ResourceGroupManager::AUTODETECT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME);
//const uint8 numMipmaps = image.getNumMipmaps();
TextureGpuManager* textureManager = Ogre::Root::getSingleton().getRenderSystem()->getTextureGpuManager();
Ogre::PixelFormatGpu pixelFormat = shapeImage.getPixelFormat();
this->shapeTexture = textureManager->createTexture(this->shapeMask->getString() + "_" + Ogre::StringConverter::toString(this->gameObjectPtr->getId()),
GpuPageOutStrategy::SaveToSystemRam, TextureFlags::RenderToTexture | TextureFlags::AllowAutomipmaps, TextureTypes::Type2D);
this->shapeTexture->setResolution(shapeImage.getWidth(), shapeImage.getHeight());
if (nullptr == this->shapeStagingTexture)
this->shapeStagingTexture = textureManager->getStagingTexture(shapeImage.getWidth(), shapeImage.getHeight(), 1u, 1u, pixelFormat);
TextureBox texBox = this->shapeStagingTexture->mapRegion(shapeImage.getWidth(), shapeImage.getHeight(), 1u, 1u, pixelFormat);
//for( uint8 mip=0; mip<numMipmaps; ++mip )
this->shapeStagingTexture->upload(texBox, this->shapeTexture, 0, 0, 0);
if (nullptr != this->pass)
Ogre::TextureUnitState* texUnitState = this->pass->getTextureUnitState("Keyhole_Mask");
The keyhole material:
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// GLSL shaders
fragment_program Postprocess/Keyhole_ps_GLSL glsl
source Keyhole_ps.glsl
param_named Keyhole_Mask int 0
// HLSL shaders
fragment_program Postprocess/Keyhole_ps_HLSL hlsl
source Keyhole_ps.hlsl
entry_point main
target ps_5_0 ps_4_0 ps_4_0_level_9_1 ps_4_0_level_9_3
fragment_program Postprocess/Keyhole_ps unified
delegate Postprocess/Keyhole_ps_HLSL
delegate Postprocess/Keyhole_ps_GLSL
material Postprocess/KeyholeEffect
depth_check off
depth_write off
cull_hardware none
// Use the default compositor vertex shader
vertex_program_ref Ogre/Compositor/Quad_vs
// Reference the unified keyhole fragment shader
fragment_program_ref Postprocess/Keyhole_ps
texture_unit Keyhole_Mask
tex_address_mode clamp
filtering trilinear
texture Keyhole_Mask.png 2d
The hlsl shader:
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Texture2D Keyhole_Mask : register(t0); // Keyhole mask texture
SamplerState samplerState : register(s0);
float4 main
float2 texCoord : TEXCOORD0
) : SV_Target
// Just output the sampled texture color for debugging
float4 image = Keyhole_Mask.Sample(samplerState, texCoord);
return image;
What could be wrong here? I get no error nothing.
Best Regards