Hi everyone, hope you're all doing well.
Is it possible to merge two armatures using ogre-next?
I have two models, a gun and a player model, the gun contains a subset of the player models bones (fingers, arms, etc. but not legs), with relevant animations (fire, reload, etc), now I intend to merge the two armatures together so I can play animations from a weapon directly on the player model, while also playing player animations, e.g. walking.
seems unusable in this case as I can't attach a bone to a bone through these.
For addAnimationsFromSkeleton
the documentation states
skelName skeleton must have the same structure (bone count, bone hierarchy) as this, otherwise it may output unexpected behavior or crashes.
which also makes it unviable, the weapon model may contain only a subset of the player models skeleton, and also contains additional bones for the gun itself.
Best regards