ogre-next cmake rendersystem in linux

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ogre-next cmake rendersystem in linux

Post by jordiperezarti »

I am building the .so for the ogre-next rendersystem in linux.
shall be as easy as run cmake in the folder ogre-next-2.3.3/RenderSystems/GL3Plus to auomatically trigger the CMakeLists.txt
But it doesn't run for me, just i call: cmake .

Can someone point me if cmake needs some arguments? or what i need to just built this folder?


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Re: ogre-next cmake rendersystem in linux

Post by dark_sylinc »


CMake must be ran from the repository's root folder. There are a few exceptions such as the project template in Samples/2.0/Tutorials/EmptyProject but the general case is that you must build OgreNext from the project's root folder.

You may disable unwanted features via the CMake config options if you just want to just build core and GL3Plus rendersystem, but you can't build GL3Plus rendersystem as a stand alone. In fact GL3Plus RS will not link if libOgreNext.so is not already built.

Please note that a few CMake options (like OGRE_BUILD_COMPONENT_PLANAR_REFLECTIONS) may change the ABI.