[2.3] Rendering interrupted when using ColibriGUI

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[2.3] Rendering interrupted when using ColibriGUI

Post by Nucleartree »

Hi everyone. I'm trying to get to the bottom of this issue I see in my game. It's been there for a while, I only got a warning when testing it with Metal but attempting to run the project on Linux with Vulkan I get an assertion.

I'm using ColibriGUI for gui and setting up another compositor to render the scene to a texture to be rendered in ColibriGUI. I started getting this warning when using Metal after setting this up:

Code: Select all

[2023-06-12 14:42:08.574] [OGRE] [error] WARNING: Rendering was interrupted. Likely because a StagingBuffer was used while inside HlmsPbs::fillBuffersFor; but could be caused by other reasons such as mipmaps being generated in a listener, buffer transfer/copies, manually dispatching a compute shader, etc. Performance will be degraded. This message will only appear once.
[2023-06-12 14:42:08.574] [OGRE] [error] Dumping callstack at the time rendering was interrupted: 
[2023-06-12 14:42:08.581] [OGRE] [error] 0   RenderSystem_Metal                  0x0000000107c0d45c _ZN4Ogre25MetalRenderPassDescriptor19performStoreActionsEjb + 136
[2023-06-12 14:42:08.581] [OGRE] [error] 1   RenderSystem_Metal                  0x0000000107c14d6c _ZN4Ogre17MetalRenderSystem23endRenderPassDescriptorEb + 84
[2023-06-12 14:42:08.581] [OGRE] [error] 2   RenderSystem_Metal                  0x0000000107c15bcc _ZN4Ogre17MetalRenderSystem25_notifyActiveEncoderEndedEb + 64
[2023-06-12 14:42:08.581] [OGRE] [error] 3   RenderSystem_Metal                  0x0000000107be040c _ZN4Ogre11MetalDevice16endRenderEncoderEb + 124
[2023-06-12 14:42:08.581] [OGRE] [error] 4   RenderSystem_Metal                  0x0000000107be05c0 _ZN4Ogre11MetalDevice14getBlitEncoderEv + 52
[2023-06-12 14:42:08.581] [OGRE] [error] 5   RenderSystem_Metal                  0x0000000107c3cb70 _ZN4Ogre18MetalStagingBuffer9unmapImplEPKNS_13StagingBuffer11DestinationEm + 232
[2023-06-12 14:42:08.581] [OGRE] [error] 6   Ogre                                0x000000010b3b4a78 _ZN4Ogre13StagingBuffer5unmapEPKNS0_11DestinationEm + 364
[2023-06-12 14:42:08.581] [OGRE] [error] 7   Ogre                                0x000000010ad22890 _ZN4Ogre13StagingBuffer5unmapERKNSt3__16vectorINS0_11DestinationENS_12STLAllocatorIS3_NS_22CategorisedAllocPolicyILNS_14MemoryCategoryE0EEEEEEE + 64
[2023-06-12 14:42:08.581] [OGRE] [error] 8   Ogre                                0x000000010ad22168 _ZN4Ogre15ConstBufferPool25uploadDirtyDatablocksImplEv + 1332
[2023-06-12 14:42:08.581] [OGRE] [error] 9   Ogre                                0x000000010ad21b78 _ZN4Ogre15ConstBufferPool21uploadDirtyDatablocksEv + 76
[2023-06-12 14:42:08.581] [OGRE] [error] 10  OgreHlmsUnlit                       0x00000001072a7ac0 _ZN4Ogre9HlmsUnlit15preparePassHashEPKNS_20CompositorShadowNodeEbbPNS_12SceneManagerE + 5636
[2023-06-12 14:42:08.581] [OGRE] [error] 11  av                                  0x00000001054b84e4 _ZN7Colibri14ColibriManager6renderEv + 300
[2023-06-12 14:42:08.581] [OGRE] [error] 12  av                                  0x00000001054fa678 _ZN4Ogre24CompositorPassColibriGui7executeEPKNS_6CameraE + 224
[2023-06-12 14:42:08.581] [OGRE] [error] 13  Ogre                                0x000000010abff64c _ZN4Ogre14CompositorNode7_updateEPKNS_6CameraEPNS_12SceneManagerE + 584
[2023-06-12 14:42:08.581] [OGRE] [error] 14  Ogre                                0x000000010ac32890 _ZN4Ogre19CompositorWorkspace7_updateEb + 1544
[2023-06-12 14:42:08.581] [OGRE] [error] 15  Ogre                                0x000000010abe3668 _ZN4Ogre18CompositorManager221_updateImplementationEv + 840
[2023-06-12 14:42:08.581] [OGRE] [error] 16  RenderSystem_Metal                  0x0000000107c1bcc0 _ZN4Ogre17MetalRenderSystem23updateCompositorManagerEPNS_18CompositorManager2E + 36
[2023-06-12 14:42:08.581] [OGRE] [error] 17  Ogre                                0x000000010abe3314 _ZN4Ogre18CompositorManager27_updateEv + 36
[2023-06-12 14:42:08.581] [OGRE] [error] 18  Ogre                                0x000000010b14210c _ZN4Ogre4Root23_updateAllRenderTargetsEv + 32
[2023-06-12 14:42:08.582] [OGRE] [error] 19  Ogre                                0x000000010b141fc4 _ZN4Ogre4Root14renderOneFrameEv + 124
[2023-06-12 14:42:08.582] [OGRE] [error] 20  av                                  0x00000001051411f8 _ZN2AV4Base6updateEv + 664
[2023-06-12 14:42:08.582] [OGRE] [error] 21  av                                  0x0000000105069328 main + 244
[2023-06-12 14:42:08.582] [OGRE] [error] 22  dyld                                0x00000001a63b7f28 start + 2236

This is what my compositor looks like:

Code: Select all

compositor_node renderTextureNode
    in 0 renderTexture
    target renderTexture
        pass clear
            colour_value 0.1 0.1 0.1 1
        pass render_scene

compositor_node renderWindowNode
    in 0 renderWindowTexture
    target renderWindowTexture
        pass clear
            colour_value 0 0 0 0
        pass custom colibri_gui

workspace renderTextureWorkspace
    connect_output renderTextureNode 0

workspace renderWindowWorkspace
    connect_output renderWindowNode 0

I've got no idea what might be causing this issue.
The only piece of information I think might be relevant is that I setup the compositor before my first call to root->renderOneFrame().

OpenGL in Linux doesn't complain at all, but Vulkan throws an assertion.
I've attached the entire log as well as the backtrace.

Code: Select all

(gdb) run
Starting program: /home/edward/Documents/avEngineOther/buildOther/av /home/edward/Documents/turnbasedgame/avSetup.cfg

This GDB supports auto-downloading debuginfo from the following URLs:
Enable debuginfod for this session? (y or [n]) n
Debuginfod has been disabled.
To make this setting permanent, add 'set debuginfod enabled off' to .gdbinit.
[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
Using host libthread_db library "/usr/lib/libthread_db.so.1".
[2023-06-12 15:18:19.938] [AV] [info] *************************************
[2023-06-12 15:18:19.938] [AV] [info] ** AVEngine Version 0.1.0 unstable **
[2023-06-12 15:18:19.938] [AV] [info] *************************************
[2023-06-12 15:18:19.938] [AV] [info] Engine features
[2023-06-12 15:18:19.938] [AV] [info]     Test mode available: true
[2023-06-12 15:18:19.938] [AV] [info]     Debugging tools: true
[2023-06-12 15:18:19.938] [AV] [info] *************************************
[2023-06-12 15:18:19.938] [AV] [info] Setup file found /home/edward/Documents/turnbasedgame/avSetup.cfg
[2023-06-12 15:18:19.938] [AV] [info] No user settings file was found in the master directory.
[2023-06-12 15:18:19.938] [AV] [info] Data path set to: /home/edward/Documents/turnbasedgame/
[2023-06-12 15:18:19.938] [AV] [warning] The maps directory provided at (/home/edward/Documents/turnbasedgame/maps) is not valid.
[2023-06-12 15:18:19.938] [AV] [warning] The save directory provided at (/home/edward/Documents/turnbasedgame/save) is not valid.
[2023-06-12 15:18:19.938] [AV] [info] OgreResourcesFile set to /home/edward/Documents/turnbasedgame/OgreResources.cfg
[2023-06-12 15:18:19.938] [AV] [info] SquirrelEntryFile set to /home/edward/Documents/turnbasedgame/src/SquirrelEntry.nut
[2023-06-12 15:18:19.938] [AV] [info] Maps Directory set to /home/edward/Documents/turnbasedgame/maps
[2023-06-12 15:18:19.938] [AV] [info] Save Directory set to /home/edward/Documents/turnbasedgame/save
[2023-06-12 15:18:19.939] [AV] [info] Built against SDL version 2.24.2
[2023-06-12 15:18:19.939] [AV] [info] Linking against SDL version 2.24.2
[New Thread 0x7ffff537c6c0 (LWP 37468)]
[2023-06-12 15:18:19.939] [AV] [info] Job Dispatcher creating 2 threads
[New Thread 0x7ffff4b7b6c0 (LWP 37469)]
[New Thread 0x7ffff437a6c0 (LWP 37470)]
[New Thread 0x7ffff2fe56c0 (LWP 37471)]
[New Thread 0x7ffff27e46c0 (LWP 37473)]
[New Thread 0x7ffff1fe36c0 (LWP 37475)]
[2023-06-12 15:18:20.096] [AV] [info] Opened "Navi 10 HDMI Audio Digital Stereo (HDMI)"

[2023-06-12 15:18:20.096] [OGRE] [info] Creating resource group General
[2023-06-12 15:18:20.096] [OGRE] [info] Creating resource group Internal
[2023-06-12 15:18:20.096] [OGRE] [info] Creating resource group Autodetect
[2023-06-12 15:18:20.096] [OGRE] [info] SceneManagerFactory for type 'DefaultSceneManager' registered.
[2023-06-12 15:18:20.096] [OGRE] [info] Registering ResourceManager for type Material
[2023-06-12 15:18:20.096] [OGRE] [info] Registering ResourceManager for type Mesh
[2023-06-12 15:18:20.096] [OGRE] [info] Registering ResourceManager for type Mesh2
[2023-06-12 15:18:20.096] [OGRE] [info] Registering ResourceManager for type OldSkeleton
[2023-06-12 15:18:20.097] [OGRE] [info] MovableObjectFactory for type 'ParticleSystem' registered.
[2023-06-12 15:18:20.097] [OGRE] [info] ArchiveFactory for archive type FileSystem registered.
[2023-06-12 15:18:20.097] [OGRE] [info] ArchiveFactory for archive type Zip registered.
[2023-06-12 15:18:20.097] [OGRE] [info] ArchiveFactory for archive type EmbeddedZip registered.
[2023-06-12 15:18:20.097] [OGRE] [info] DDS codec registering
[2023-06-12 15:18:20.098] [OGRE] [info] FreeImage version: 3.18.0
[2023-06-12 15:18:20.098] [OGRE] [info] This program uses FreeImage, a free, open source image library supporting all common bitmap formats. See http://freeimage.sourceforge.net for details
[2023-06-12 15:18:20.098] [OGRE] [info] Supported formats: bmp,ico,jpg,jif,jpeg,jpe,jng,koa,iff,lbm,mng,pbm,pbm,pcd,pcx,pgm,pgm,png,ppm,ppm,ras,tga,targa,tif,tiff,wap,wbmp,wbm,psd,psb,cut,xbm,xpm,gif,hdr,g3,sgi,rgb,rgba,bw,exr,j2k,j2c,jp2,pfm,pct,pict,pic,3fr,arw,bay,bmq,cap,cine,cr2,crw,cs1,dc2,dcr,drf,dsc,dng,erf,fff,ia,iiq,k25,kc2,kdc,mdc,mef,mos,mrw,nef,nrw,orf,pef,ptx,pxn,qtk,raf,raw,rdc,rw2,rwl,rwz,sr2,srf,srw,sti,x3f,webp
[2023-06-12 15:18:20.098] [OGRE] [info] ETC codec registering
[2023-06-12 15:18:20.098] [OGRE] [info] OITD codec registering
[2023-06-12 15:18:20.098] [OGRE] [info] Registering ResourceManager for type HighLevelGpuProgram
[2023-06-12 15:18:20.099] [OGRE] [info] MovableObjectFactory for type 'Decal' registered.
[2023-06-12 15:18:20.099] [OGRE] [info] MovableObjectFactory for type 'InternalCubemapProbe' registered.
[2023-06-12 15:18:20.099] [OGRE] [info] MovableObjectFactory for type 'Entity' registered.
[2023-06-12 15:18:20.099] [OGRE] [info] MovableObjectFactory for type 'Item' registered.
[2023-06-12 15:18:20.099] [OGRE] [info] MovableObjectFactory for type 'Light' registered.
[2023-06-12 15:18:20.099] [OGRE] [info] MovableObjectFactory for type 'Rectangle2Dv2' registered.
[2023-06-12 15:18:20.099] [OGRE] [info] MovableObjectFactory for type 'BillboardSet' registered.
[2023-06-12 15:18:20.099] [OGRE] [info] MovableObjectFactory for type 'ManualObject2' registered.
[2023-06-12 15:18:20.099] [OGRE] [info] MovableObjectFactory for type 'BillboardChain' registered.
[2023-06-12 15:18:20.099] [OGRE] [info] MovableObjectFactory for type 'RibbonTrail' registered.
[2023-06-12 15:18:20.099] [OGRE] [info] MovableObjectFactory for type 'WireAabb' registered.
[2023-06-12 15:18:20.099] [OGRE] [error] OGRE EXCEPTION(6:FileNotFoundException): 'plugins_d.cfg' file not found! in ConfigFile::load at /home/edward/build/ogre2/OgreMain/src/OgreConfigFile.cpp (line 91)
[2023-06-12 15:18:20.099] [OGRE] [info] plugins_d.cfg not found, automatic plugin loading disabled.
[2023-06-12 15:18:20.099] [OGRE] [info] *-*-* OGRE Initialising
[2023-06-12 15:18:20.099] [OGRE] [info] *-*-* Version 2.3.2 (Daedalus)
[2023-06-12 15:18:20.099] [OGRE] [info] Loading library /home/edward/Documents/avEngineOther/buildOther/RenderSystem_GL3Plus.so
[2023-06-12 15:18:20.146] [OGRE] [info] Installing plugin: GL 3+ RenderSystem
[2023-06-12 15:18:20.146] [OGRE] [info] OpenGL 3+ Rendering Subsystem created.
[New Thread 0x7ffff0dff6c0 (LWP 37476)]
[New Thread 0x7fffd3fff6c0 (LWP 37477)]
[New Thread 0x7fffd37fe6c0 (LWP 37478)]
[New Thread 0x7fffd2ffd6c0 (LWP 37479)]
[2023-06-12 15:18:20.238] [OGRE] [info] Plugin successfully installed
[2023-06-12 15:18:20.238] [OGRE] [info] Loading library /home/edward/Documents/avEngineOther/buildOther/RenderSystem_Vulkan.so
[2023-06-12 15:18:20.981] [OGRE] [info] Installing plugin: Vulkan RenderSystem
[2023-06-12 15:18:20.981] [OGRE] [info] [Vulkan] Initializing VkInstance
[2023-06-12 15:18:20.989] [OGRE] [info] Found instance extension: VK_KHR_device_group_creation
[2023-06-12 15:18:20.989] [OGRE] [info] Found instance extension: VK_KHR_display
[2023-06-12 15:18:20.989] [OGRE] [info] Found instance extension: VK_KHR_external_fence_capabilities
[2023-06-12 15:18:20.989] [OGRE] [info] Found instance extension: VK_KHR_external_memory_capabilities
[2023-06-12 15:18:20.989] [OGRE] [info] Found instance extension: VK_KHR_external_semaphore_capabilities
[2023-06-12 15:18:20.989] [OGRE] [info] Found instance extension: VK_KHR_get_display_properties2
[2023-06-12 15:18:20.989] [OGRE] [info] Found instance extension: VK_KHR_get_physical_device_properties2
[2023-06-12 15:18:20.989] [OGRE] [info] Found instance extension: VK_KHR_get_surface_capabilities2
[2023-06-12 15:18:20.989] [OGRE] [info] Found instance extension: VK_KHR_surface
[2023-06-12 15:18:20.989] [OGRE] [info] Found instance extension: VK_KHR_surface_protected_capabilities
[2023-06-12 15:18:20.989] [OGRE] [info] Found instance extension: VK_KHR_wayland_surface
[2023-06-12 15:18:20.989] [OGRE] [info] Found instance extension: VK_KHR_xcb_surface
[2023-06-12 15:18:20.989] [OGRE] [info] Found instance extension: VK_KHR_xlib_surface
[2023-06-12 15:18:20.989] [OGRE] [info] Found instance extension: VK_EXT_acquire_drm_display
[2023-06-12 15:18:20.989] [OGRE] [info] Found instance extension: VK_EXT_acquire_xlib_display
[2023-06-12 15:18:20.989] [OGRE] [info] Found instance extension: VK_EXT_debug_report
[2023-06-12 15:18:20.989] [OGRE] [info] Found instance extension: VK_EXT_debug_utils
[2023-06-12 15:18:20.989] [OGRE] [info] Found instance extension: VK_EXT_direct_mode_display
[2023-06-12 15:18:20.989] [OGRE] [info] Found instance extension: VK_EXT_display_surface_counter
[2023-06-12 15:18:20.989] [OGRE] [info] Found instance extension: VK_EXT_surface_maintenance1
[2023-06-12 15:18:20.989] [OGRE] [info] Found instance extension: VK_EXT_swapchain_colorspace
[2023-06-12 15:18:20.989] [OGRE] [info] Found instance extension: VK_KHR_portability_enumeration
[2023-06-12 15:18:20.989] [OGRE] [info] Found instance extension: VK_LUNARG_direct_driver_loading
[2023-06-12 15:18:20.990] [OGRE] [info] Found instance layer: VK_LAYER_VALVE_steam_overlay_32
[2023-06-12 15:18:20.990] [OGRE] [info] Found instance layer: VK_LAYER_VALVE_steam_fossilize_32
[2023-06-12 15:18:20.990] [OGRE] [info] Found instance layer: VK_LAYER_VALVE_steam_overlay_64
[2023-06-12 15:18:20.990] [OGRE] [info] Found instance layer: VK_LAYER_VALVE_steam_fossilize_64
[2023-06-12 15:18:20.990] [OGRE] [info] Found instance layer: VK_LAYER_AMD_switchable_graphics_32
[2023-06-12 15:18:20.990] [OGRE] [error] WARNING: VK_LAYER_KHRONOS_validation layer not present. Extension VK_EXT_debug_marker not found
[2023-06-12 15:18:20.990] [OGRE] [info] Requesting Instance Extension: VK_KHR_xcb_surface
[2023-06-12 15:18:20.990] [OGRE] [info] Requesting Instance Extension: VK_EXT_debug_report
[2023-06-12 15:18:20.990] [OGRE] [info] Requesting Instance Extension: VK_EXT_debug_utils
[2023-06-12 15:18:20.990] [OGRE] [info] Requesting Instance Extension: VK_KHR_surface
[New Thread 0x7fffd0bff6c0 (LWP 37480)]
[2023-06-12 15:18:20.993] [OGRE] [info] [Vulkan] Found 1 devices
[2023-06-12 15:18:20.993] [OGRE] [info] [Vulkan] Found devices:
[2023-06-12 15:18:20.993] [OGRE] [info] AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT (RADV NAVI10) #0
[2023-06-12 15:18:20.993] [OGRE] [info] Plugin successfully installed
[2023-06-12 15:18:20.993] [OGRE] [info] Loading library /home/edward/Documents/avEngineOther/buildOther/Plugin_ParticleFX.so
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.014] [OGRE] [info] Installing plugin: ParticleFX
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.014] [OGRE] [info] Particle Emitter Type 'Point' registered
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.014] [OGRE] [info] Particle Emitter Type 'Box' registered
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.014] [OGRE] [info] Particle Emitter Type 'Ellipsoid' registered
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.014] [OGRE] [info] Particle Emitter Type 'Cylinder' registered
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.014] [OGRE] [info] Particle Emitter Type 'Ring' registered
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.015] [OGRE] [info] Particle Emitter Type 'HollowEllipsoid' registered
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.015] [OGRE] [info] Particle Affector Type 'LinearForce' registered
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.015] [OGRE] [info] Particle Affector Type 'ColourFader' registered
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.015] [OGRE] [info] Particle Affector Type 'ColourFader2' registered
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.015] [OGRE] [info] Particle Affector Type 'ColourImage' registered
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.015] [OGRE] [info] Particle Affector Type 'ColourInterpolator' registered
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.015] [OGRE] [info] Particle Affector Type 'Scaler' registered
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.015] [OGRE] [info] Particle Affector Type 'Rotator' registered
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.015] [OGRE] [info] Particle Affector Type 'DirectionRandomiser' registered
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.015] [OGRE] [info] Particle Affector Type 'DeflectorPlane' registered
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.015] [OGRE] [info] Plugin successfully installed
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.015] [OGRE] [info] CPU Identifier & Features
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.015] [OGRE] [info] -------------------------
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.015] [OGRE] [info]  *   CPU ID: GenuineIntel: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700K CPU @ 4.00GHz
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.015] [OGRE] [info]  *   Logical cores: 8
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.015] [OGRE] [info]  *      SSE: yes
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.015] [OGRE] [info]  *     SSE2: yes
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.015] [OGRE] [info]  *     SSE3: yes
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.015] [OGRE] [info]  *      MMX: yes
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.015] [OGRE] [info]  *   MMXEXT: yes
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.015] [OGRE] [info]  *    3DNOW: no
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.015] [OGRE] [info]  * 3DNOWEXT: no
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.015] [OGRE] [info]  *     CMOV: yes
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.015] [OGRE] [info]  *      TSC: yes
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.015] [OGRE] [info]  *      FPU: yes
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.015] [OGRE] [info]  *      PRO: yes
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.015] [OGRE] [info]  *       HT: no
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.015] [OGRE] [info] -------------------------
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.015] [OGRE] [info] [Vulkan] Found 1 devices
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.015] [OGRE] [info] [Vulkan] Selecting device 0
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.015] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_KHR_8bit_storage
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.015] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_KHR_16bit_storage
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.015] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_KHR_bind_memory2
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.015] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_KHR_buffer_device_address
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.015] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_KHR_copy_commands2
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.015] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_KHR_create_renderpass2
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.015] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_KHR_dedicated_allocation
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.015] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_KHR_deferred_host_operations
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.015] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_KHR_depth_stencil_resolve
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.015] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_KHR_descriptor_update_template
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.015] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_KHR_device_group
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.015] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_KHR_draw_indirect_count
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.015] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_KHR_driver_properties
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.015] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_KHR_dynamic_rendering
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.015] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_KHR_external_fence
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.015] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_KHR_external_fence_fd
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.015] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_KHR_external_memory
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.015] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_KHR_external_memory_fd
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.015] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_KHR_external_semaphore
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.015] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_KHR_external_semaphore_fd
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.015] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_KHR_format_feature_flags2
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_KHR_get_memory_requirements2
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_KHR_global_priority
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_KHR_image_format_list
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_KHR_imageless_framebuffer
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_KHR_incremental_present
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_KHR_maintenance1
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_KHR_maintenance2
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_KHR_maintenance3
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_KHR_maintenance4
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_KHR_map_memory2
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_KHR_multiview
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_KHR_pipeline_executable_properties
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_KHR_pipeline_library
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_KHR_present_id
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_KHR_present_wait
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_KHR_push_descriptor
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_KHR_relaxed_block_layout
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_KHR_sampler_mirror_clamp_to_edge
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_KHR_sampler_ycbcr_conversion
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_KHR_separate_depth_stencil_layouts
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_KHR_shader_atomic_int64
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_KHR_shader_clock
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_KHR_shader_draw_parameters
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_KHR_shader_float16_int8
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_KHR_shader_float_controls
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_KHR_shader_integer_dot_product
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_KHR_shader_non_semantic_info
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_KHR_shader_subgroup_extended_types
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_KHR_shader_subgroup_uniform_control_flow
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_KHR_shader_terminate_invocation
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_KHR_spirv_1_4
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_KHR_storage_buffer_storage_class
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_KHR_swapchain
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_KHR_swapchain_mutable_format
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_KHR_synchronization2
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_KHR_timeline_semaphore
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_KHR_uniform_buffer_standard_layout
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_KHR_variable_pointers
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_KHR_vulkan_memory_model
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_KHR_workgroup_memory_explicit_layout
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_KHR_zero_initialize_workgroup_memory
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_EXT_4444_formats
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_EXT_attachment_feedback_loop_layout
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_EXT_border_color_swizzle
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_EXT_buffer_device_address
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_EXT_calibrated_timestamps
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_EXT_color_write_enable
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_EXT_conditional_rendering
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_EXT_conservative_rasterization
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_EXT_custom_border_color
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_EXT_depth_clip_control
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_EXT_depth_clip_enable
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_EXT_depth_range_unrestricted
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_EXT_descriptor_buffer
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_EXT_descriptor_indexing
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_EXT_discard_rectangles
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_EXT_display_control
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_EXT_extended_dynamic_state
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_EXT_extended_dynamic_state2
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_EXT_extended_dynamic_state3
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_EXT_external_memory_dma_buf
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_EXT_external_memory_host
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_EXT_global_priority
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_EXT_global_priority_query
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_EXT_graphics_pipeline_library
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_EXT_host_query_reset
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_EXT_image_2d_view_of_3d
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_EXT_image_drm_format_modifier
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_EXT_image_robustness
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_EXT_image_sliced_view_of_3d
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_EXT_image_view_min_lod
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_EXT_index_type_uint8
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_EXT_inline_uniform_block
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_EXT_line_rasterization
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_EXT_load_store_op_none
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_EXT_memory_budget
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_EXT_memory_priority
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_EXT_multi_draw
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_EXT_mutable_descriptor_type
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_EXT_non_seamless_cube_map
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_EXT_pci_bus_info
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_EXT_physical_device_drm
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_EXT_pipeline_creation_cache_control
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_EXT_pipeline_creation_feedback
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_EXT_post_depth_coverage
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_EXT_primitive_topology_list_restart
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_EXT_primitives_generated_query
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_EXT_private_data
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_EXT_provoking_vertex
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_EXT_queue_family_foreign
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_EXT_robustness2
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_EXT_sampler_filter_minmax
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_EXT_scalar_block_layout
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_EXT_separate_stencil_usage
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_EXT_shader_atomic_float
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_EXT_shader_atomic_float2
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_EXT_shader_demote_to_helper_invocation
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_EXT_shader_image_atomic_int64
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_EXT_shader_module_identifier
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_EXT_shader_stencil_export
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_EXT_shader_subgroup_ballot
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_EXT_shader_subgroup_vote
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_EXT_shader_viewport_index_layer
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_EXT_subgroup_size_control
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_EXT_swapchain_maintenance1
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_EXT_texel_buffer_alignment
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_EXT_transform_feedback
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_EXT_vertex_attribute_divisor
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_EXT_vertex_input_dynamic_state
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_EXT_ycbcr_image_arrays
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_AMD_buffer_marker
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_AMD_device_coherent_memory
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_AMD_draw_indirect_count
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_AMD_gcn_shader
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_AMD_gpu_shader_half_float
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_AMD_gpu_shader_int16
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_AMD_memory_overallocation_behavior
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_AMD_mixed_attachment_samples
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_AMD_shader_ballot
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_AMD_shader_core_properties
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_AMD_shader_core_properties2
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_AMD_shader_early_and_late_fragment_tests
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_AMD_shader_explicit_vertex_parameter
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_AMD_shader_fragment_mask
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_AMD_shader_image_load_store_lod
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_AMD_shader_trinary_minmax
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_AMD_texture_gather_bias_lod
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_GOOGLE_decorate_string
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_GOOGLE_hlsl_functionality1
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_GOOGLE_user_type
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_INTEL_shader_integer_functions2
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_NV_compute_shader_derivatives
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Found device extension: VK_VALVE_mutable_descriptor_type
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Requesting Extension: VK_KHR_maintenance2
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Requesting Extension: VK_EXT_shader_subgroup_vote
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Requesting Extension: VK_EXT_shader_viewport_index_layer
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.016] [OGRE] [info] Requesting Extension: VK_KHR_swapchain
[New Thread 0x7fffc3fff6c0 (LWP 37481)]
[New Thread 0x7fffc37fe6c0 (LWP 37482)]
[New Thread 0x7fffc2ffd6c0 (LWP 37483)]
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.061] [OGRE] [info] [Vulkan] API Version: 1.3.246 (0x4030f6)
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.064] [OGRE] [info] [Vulkan] Driver Version (raw): 0x5c01002
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.064] [OGRE] [info] [Vulkan] Vendor ID: 0x1002
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.064] [OGRE] [info] [Vulkan] Device ID: 0x731f
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.064] [OGRE] [info] Registering ResourceManager for type GpuProgram
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.065] [OGRE] [info] RenderSystem capabilities
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.065] [OGRE] [info] -------------------------
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.065] [OGRE] [info] RenderSystem Name: Vulkan Rendering Subsystem
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.065] [OGRE] [info] GPU Vendor: amd
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.065] [OGRE] [info] Device Name: AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT (RADV NAVI10)
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.065] [OGRE] [info] Driver Version:
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.065] [OGRE] [info]  * Fixed function pipeline: no
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.065] [OGRE] [info]  * Hardware generation of mipmaps: yes
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.065] [OGRE] [info]  * Texture blending: yes
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.065] [OGRE] [info]  * Anisotropic texture filtering: yes
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.065] [OGRE] [info]  * Dot product texture operation: yes
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.065] [OGRE] [info]  * Cube mapping: yes
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.065] [OGRE] [info]  * Hardware stencil buffer: yes
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.065] [OGRE] [info]    - Stencil depth: 8
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.065] [OGRE] [info]    - Two sided stencil support: yes
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.065] [OGRE] [info]    - Wrap stencil values: yes
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.065] [OGRE] [info]  * Hardware vertex / index buffers: yes
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.066] [OGRE] [info]  * 32-bit index buffers: no
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.066] [OGRE] [info]  * Vertex programs: no
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.066] [OGRE] [info]  * Number of floating-point constants for vertex programs: 256
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.066] [OGRE] [info]  * Number of integer constants for vertex programs: 256
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.066] [OGRE] [info]  * Number of boolean constants for vertex programs: 256
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.066] [OGRE] [info]  * Fragment programs: no
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.066] [OGRE] [info]  * Number of floating-point constants for fragment programs: 256
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.066] [OGRE] [info]  * Number of integer constants for fragment programs: 256
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.066] [OGRE] [info]  * Number of boolean constants for fragment programs: 256
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.066] [OGRE] [info]  * Geometry programs: no
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.066] [OGRE] [info]  * Number of floating-point constants for geometry programs: 256
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.066] [OGRE] [info]  * Number of integer constants for geometry programs: 256
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.066] [OGRE] [info]  * Number of boolean constants for geometry programs: 256
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.066] [OGRE] [info]  * Tessellation Hull programs: no
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.066] [OGRE] [info]  * Number of floating-point constants for tessellation hull programs: 256
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.066] [OGRE] [info]  * Number of integer constants for tessellation hull programs: 256
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.066] [OGRE] [info]  * Number of boolean constants for tessellation hull programs: 256
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.066] [OGRE] [info]  * Tessellation Domain programs: no
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.066] [OGRE] [info]  * Number of floating-point constants for tessellation domain programs: 256
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.066] [OGRE] [info]  * Number of integer constants for tessellation domain programs: 256
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.066] [OGRE] [info]  * Number of boolean constants for tessellation domain programs: 256
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.066] [OGRE] [info]  * Compute programs: yes
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.066] [OGRE] [info]  * Number of floating-point constants for compute programs: 256
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.066] [OGRE] [info]  * Number of integer constants for compute programs: 256
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.066] [OGRE] [info]  * Number of boolean constants for compute programs: 256
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.066] [OGRE] [info]  * Supported Shader Profiles: glsl glslvk hlsl hlslvk
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.066] [OGRE] [info]  * Texture Compression: yes
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.066] [OGRE] [info]    - DXT: yes
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.066] [OGRE] [info]    - VTC: no
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.066] [OGRE] [info]    - PVRTC: no
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.067] [OGRE] [info]    - ATC: no
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.067] [OGRE] [info]    - ETC1: no
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.067] [OGRE] [info]    - ETC2: no
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.067] [OGRE] [info]    - BC4/BC5: yes
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.067] [OGRE] [info]    - BC6H/BC7: yes
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.067] [OGRE] [info]    - ASTC: no
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.067] [OGRE] [info]  * Hardware Occlusion Query: no
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.067] [OGRE] [info]  * User clip planes: yes
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.067] [OGRE] [info]  * VET_UBYTE4 vertex element type: yes
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.067] [OGRE] [info]  * Infinite far plane projection: yes
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.067] [OGRE] [info]  * Hardware render-to-texture: yes
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.067] [OGRE] [info]  * Floating point textures: yes
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.067] [OGRE] [info]  * Non-power-of-two textures: yes
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.067] [OGRE] [info]  * 1d textures: yes
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.067] [OGRE] [info]  * Volume textures: yes
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.067] [OGRE] [info]  * Max Texture resolution (2D) 16384
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.067] [OGRE] [info]  * Max Texture resolution (3D) 4096
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.067] [OGRE] [info]  * Max Texture resolution (Cubemaps) 16384
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.067] [OGRE] [info]  * Multiple Render Targets: 1
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.067] [OGRE] [info]    - With different bit depths: no
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.067] [OGRE] [info]  * Point Sprites: yes
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.067] [OGRE] [info]  * Extended point parameters: yes
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.067] [OGRE] [info]  * Max Point Size: 256
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.067] [OGRE] [info]  * Vertex texture fetch: no
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.067] [OGRE] [info]  * Number of world matrices: 0
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.067] [OGRE] [info]  * Number of texture units: 32
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.067] [OGRE] [info]  * Stencil buffer depth: 8
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.067] [OGRE] [info]  * Number of vertex blend matrices: 0
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.067] [OGRE] [info]  * Render to Vertex Buffer : no
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.067] [OGRE] [info]  * Hardware Atomic Counters: no
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.068] [OGRE] [info]  * Compute max threads per threadgroup per axis: 1024, 1024, 1024
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.068] [OGRE] [info]  * Compute max threads per threadgroup total: 1024
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.068] [OGRE] [info]  * Using Reverse Z: yes
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.068] [OGRE] [info] Supported memory types for general buffer usage: 1965
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.068] [OGRE] [info] Supported memory types for reading: 1965
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.068] [OGRE] [info] VkDevice will use coherent memory buffers: true
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.068] [OGRE] [info] VkDevice will use non-coherent memory buffers: false
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.068] [OGRE] [info] VkDevice will use coherent memory for reading: true
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.068] [OGRE] [info] VkDevice read memory is coherent: true
[New Thread 0x7fffc27fc6c0 (LWP 37484)]
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.072] [OGRE] [info] Trying presentMode = IMMEDIATE_KHR
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.072] [OGRE] [info] Chosen presentMode = IMMEDIATE_KHR
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.072] [OGRE] [info] surfaceCaps.currentTransform = 1
[New Thread 0x7fffc1ffb6c0 (LWP 37485)]
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.079] [OGRE] [info] DefaultWorkQueue('Root') initialising on thread main.
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.079] [OGRE] [info]  _hlmsMacroblockCreated 
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.079] [OGRE] [info]  _hlmsBlendblockCreated 
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.080] [OGRE] [info] Particle Renderer Type 'billboard' registered
[Thread 0x7fffc1ffb6c0 (LWP 37485) exited]
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.081] [OGRE] [info] Trying presentMode = FIFO_KHR
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.081] [OGRE] [info] Chosen presentMode = FIFO_KHR
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.081] [OGRE] [info] surfaceCaps.currentTransform = 1
[New Thread 0x7fffc1ffb6c0 (LWP 37486)]
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.083] [OGRE] [info] Creating resource group avInternal/General
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.083] [OGRE] [info] Added resource location '/home/edward/Documents/avEngineOther/buildOther//essential/terrain' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group 'avInternal/General'
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.083] [OGRE] [info] Added resource location '/home/edward/Documents/avEngineOther/buildOther//essential/terrain/GLSL' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group 'avInternal/General'
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.083] [OGRE] [info] Added resource location '/home/edward/Documents/avEngineOther/buildOther//essential/terrain/HLSL' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group 'avInternal/General'
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.083] [OGRE] [info] Added resource location '/home/edward/Documents/avEngineOther/buildOther//essential/terrain/Metal' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group 'avInternal/General'
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.083] [OGRE] [info] Added resource location '/home/edward/Documents/avEngineOther/buildOther//essential/common' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group 'avInternal/General'
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.083] [OGRE] [info] Added resource location '/home/edward/Documents/avEngineOther/buildOther//essential/common/Any' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group 'avInternal/General'
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.083] [OGRE] [info] Added resource location '/home/edward/Documents/avEngineOther/buildOther//essential/common/GLSL' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group 'avInternal/General'
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.083] [OGRE] [info] Added resource location '/home/edward/Documents/avEngineOther/buildOther//essential/common/HLSL' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group 'avInternal/General'
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.083] [OGRE] [info] Added resource location '/home/edward/Documents/avEngineOther/buildOther//essential/common/Metal' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group 'avInternal/General'
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.084] [OGRE] [info] Added resource location '/home/edward/Documents/avEngineOther/buildOther//essential/compositor' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group 'avInternal/General'
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.084] [OGRE] [info] Initialising resource group avInternal/General
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.084] [OGRE] [info] Parsing scripts for resource group avInternal/General
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.085] [OGRE] [info] Parsing script Quad.program
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.313] [OGRE] [info] Shader Ogre/Compositor/Quad_vs_VK compiled successfully.
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.316] [OGRE] [info] Shader Ogre/Compositor/QuadCameraDir_vs_VK compiled successfully.
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.319] [OGRE] [info] Shader Ogre/Compositor/QuadCameraDirNoUV_vs_VK compiled successfully.
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.319] [OGRE] [info] Parsing script GpuNormalMapper.material
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.325] [OGRE] [info] Shader Terra/GpuNormalMapper_ps_VK compiled successfully.
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.326] [OGRE] [info]  _hlmsSamplerblockCreated 
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.326] [OGRE] [info]  _hlmsSamplerblockCreated 
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.326] [OGRE] [info]  _hlmsMacroblockCreated 
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.326] [OGRE] [info]  _hlmsSamplerblockCreated 
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.326] [OGRE] [info] Parsing script EsmGaussianBlurLogFilter.material
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.330] [OGRE] [info] Shader ESM/GaussianLogFilterH_ps_VK compiled successfully.
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.334] [OGRE] [info] Shader ESM/GaussianLogFilterV_ps_VK compiled successfully.
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.335] [OGRE] [info]  _hlmsSamplerblockCreated 
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.335] [OGRE] [info]  _hlmsSamplerblockCreated 
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.335] [OGRE] [info] Parsing script DPM.material
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.338] [OGRE] [info] Shader Ogre/DPM/CubeToDpm_4xFP16_ps_VK compiled successfully.
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.338] [OGRE] [info]  _hlmsSamplerblockCreated 
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.338] [OGRE] [info]  _hlmsSamplerblockCreated 
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.338] [OGRE] [info]  _hlmsMacroblockCreated 
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.338] [OGRE] [info] Parsing script DepthUtils.material
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.342] [OGRE] [info] Shader Ogre/Depth/DownscaleMax_ps_VK compiled successfully.
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.343] [OGRE] [info]  _hlmsSamplerblockCreated 
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.343] [OGRE] [info]  _hlmsMacroblockCreated 
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.343] [OGRE] [info] Parsing script HiddenAreaMeshVr.material
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.347] [OGRE] [info] Shader Ogre/VR/HiddenAreaMeshVr_vs_VK compiled successfully.
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.349] [OGRE] [info] Shader Ogre/VR/HiddenAreaMeshVr_ps_VK compiled successfully.
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.349] [OGRE] [info]  _hlmsBlendblockCreated 
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.349] [OGRE] [info] Parsing script DPSM.material
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.353] [OGRE] [info] Shader Ogre/DPSM/CubeToDpsm_ps_VK compiled successfully.
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.353] [OGRE] [info]  _hlmsSamplerblockCreated 
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.356] [OGRE] [info] Shader Ogre/DPSM/CubeToDpsm_Colour_ps_VK compiled successfully.
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.356] [OGRE] [info]  _hlmsSamplerblockCreated 
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.356] [OGRE] [info] Parsing script RadialDensityMask.material
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.359] [OGRE] [info] Shader Ogre/Compositor/RadialDensityMask_vs_VK compiled successfully.
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.363] [OGRE] [info] Shader Ogre/VR/RadialDensityMask_ps_VK compiled successfully.
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.363] [OGRE] [info]  _hlmsMacroblockCreated 
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.363] [OGRE] [info] Parsing script Copyback.material
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.366] [OGRE] [info] Shader Ogre/Copy/4xFP32_ps_VK compiled successfully.
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.367] [OGRE] [info]  _hlmsSamplerblockCreated 
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.369] [OGRE] [info] Shader Ogre/Copy/4xFP32_2DArray_ps_VK compiled successfully.
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.369] [OGRE] [info]  _hlmsSamplerblockCreated 
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.369] [OGRE] [info]  _hlmsSamplerblockCreated 
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.372] [OGRE] [info] Shader Ogre/Copy/1xFP32_ps_VK compiled successfully.
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.376] [OGRE] [info] Shader Ogre/Resolve/1xFP32_Subsample0_ps_VK compiled successfully.
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.376] [OGRE] [info]  _hlmsSamplerblockCreated 
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.377] [OGRE] [info] Parsing script Sky.material
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.380] [OGRE] [info] Shader Ogre/Sky/Cubemap_ps_VK compiled successfully.
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.380] [OGRE] [info]  _hlmsSamplerblockCreated 
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.380] [OGRE] [info]  _hlmsSamplerblockCreated 
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.380] [OGRE] [info]  _hlmsMacroblockCreated 
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.383] [OGRE] [info] Shader Ogre/Sky/Equirectangular_ps_VK compiled successfully.
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.383] [OGRE] [info]  _hlmsSamplerblockCreated 
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.384] [OGRE] [info] Parsing script PccDepthCompressor.material
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.388] [OGRE] [info] Shader PccDepthCompressor_ps_VK compiled successfully.
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.388] [OGRE] [info]  _hlmsSamplerblockCreated 
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.388] [OGRE] [info]  _hlmsBlendblockCreated 
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.388] [OGRE] [info] Parsing script GpuNormalMapper.compositor
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.389] [OGRE] [info] Parsing script BaseCompositor.compositor
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.389] [OGRE] [info] Parsing script Mipmaps.material.json
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.389] [OGRE] [info]  _hlmsSamplerblockCreated 
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.389] [OGRE] [info] Parsing script EsmGaussianBlurLogFilter.material.json
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.389] [OGRE] [info] Finished parsing scripts for resource group avInternal/General
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.389] [OGRE] [info] Creating resources for group avInternal/General
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.389] [OGRE] [info] All done
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.389] [AV] [info] Parsing OgreResourceFile at path /home/edward/Documents/turnbasedgame/OgreResources.cfg
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.389] [OGRE] [info] Added resource location '/home/edward/Documents/turnbasedgame/build/assets/textures' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group 'General'
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.389] [AV] [info] Adding /home/edward/Documents/turnbasedgame/build/assets/textures to General
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.389] [OGRE] [info] Added resource location '/home/edward/Documents/turnbasedgame/build/assets/materials' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group 'General'
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.389] [AV] [info] Adding /home/edward/Documents/turnbasedgame/build/assets/materials to General
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.390] [OGRE] [info] Added resource location '/home/edward/Documents/turnbasedgame/build/assets/models' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group 'General'
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.390] [AV] [info] Adding /home/edward/Documents/turnbasedgame/build/assets/models to General
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.390] [OGRE] [info] Added resource location '/home/edward/Documents/turnbasedgame/build/assets/compositor' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group 'General'
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.390] [AV] [info] Adding /home/edward/Documents/turnbasedgame/build/assets/compositor to General
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.390] [OGRE] [info]  _hlmsSamplerblockCreated 
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.390] [OGRE] [info]  _hlmsSamplerblockCreated 
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.390] [OGRE] [info]  _hlmsSamplerblockCreated 
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.390] [OGRE] [info]  _hlmsSamplerblockCreated 
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.391] [OGRE] [info] Parsing scripts for resource group Autodetect
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.391] [OGRE] [info] Finished parsing scripts for resource group Autodetect
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.391] [OGRE] [info] Creating resources for group Autodetect
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.391] [OGRE] [info] All done
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.391] [OGRE] [info] Parsing scripts for resource group General
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.392] [OGRE] [info] Parsing script renderWindowTexture.compositor
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.392] [OGRE] [info] Parsing script ui.material.json
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.392] [OGRE] [info]  _hlmsBlendblockCreated 
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.392] [OGRE] [info] Parsing script baseObjects.material.json
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.392] [OGRE] [info] Finished parsing scripts for resource group General
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.392] [OGRE] [info] Creating resources for group General
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.392] [OGRE] [info] All done
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.392] [OGRE] [info] Parsing scripts for resource group Internal
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.392] [OGRE] [info] Finished parsing scripts for resource group Internal
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.392] [OGRE] [info] Creating resources for group Internal
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.392] [OGRE] [info] All done
[New Thread 0x7fffc17fa6c0 (LWP 37487)]
[New Thread 0x7fffc0ff96c0 (LWP 37488)]
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.393] [OGRE] [info] MovableObjectFactory for type 'Rect2dMovable' registered.
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.393] [OGRE] [info]  _hlmsBlendblockCreated 
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.394] [OGRE] [info]  _hlmsMacroblockCreated 
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.394] [OGRE] [info]  _hlmsSamplerblockCreated 
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.397] [OGRE] [info] Mesh: Loading goblin.mesh.
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.410] [SQUIRREL] [info] Setting up screen for layer 0
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.422] [OGRE] [info] Shader 300000000VertexShader_vs compiled successfully.
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.428] [OGRE] [info] Shader 300000000PixelShader_ps compiled successfully.
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.428] [OGRE] [info]  _hlmsMacroblockCreated 
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.435] [OGRE] [info] Shader 300000001VertexShader_vs compiled successfully.
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.443] [OGRE] [info] Shader 300000001PixelShader_ps compiled successfully.
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.443] [OGRE] [info]  _hlmsMacroblockCreated 
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.449] [OGRE] [info] Shader 300000002VertexShader_vs compiled successfully.
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.456] [OGRE] [info] Shader 300000002PixelShader_ps compiled successfully.
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.462] [OGRE] [info] Shader 300000003VertexShader_vs compiled successfully.
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.470] [OGRE] [info] Shader 300000003PixelShader_ps compiled successfully.
[2023-06-12 15:18:21.470] [OGRE] [error] OGRE EXCEPTION(9:UnimplementedException): TODO_use_render_pass_that_can_load in VulkanRenderPassDescriptor::performLoadActions at /home/edward/build/ogre2/RenderSystems/Vulkan/src/OgreVulkanRenderPassDescriptor.cpp (line 945)
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'Ogre::UnimplementedException'
  what():  OGRE EXCEPTION(9:UnimplementedException): TODO_use_render_pass_that_can_load in VulkanRenderPassDescriptor::performLoadActions at /home/edward/build/ogre2/RenderSystems/Vulkan/src/OgreVulkanRenderPassDescriptor.cpp (line 945)

Thread 1 "av" received signal SIGABRT, Aborted.
0x00007ffff589f26c in ?? () from /usr/lib/libc.so.6
(gdb) backtrace
#0  0x00007ffff589f26c in ?? () from /usr/lib/libc.so.6
#1  0x00007ffff584fa08 in raise () from /usr/lib/libc.so.6
#2  0x00007ffff5838538 in abort () from /usr/lib/libc.so.6
#3  0x00007ffff5a9ca6f in __gnu_cxx::__verbose_terminate_handler () at /usr/src/debug/gcc/gcc/libstdc++-v3/libsupc++/vterminate.cc:95
#4  0x00007ffff5ab011c in __cxxabiv1::__terminate (handler=<optimized out>) at /usr/src/debug/gcc/gcc/libstdc++-v3/libsupc++/eh_terminate.cc:48
#5  0x00007ffff5ab0189 in std::terminate () at /usr/src/debug/gcc/gcc/libstdc++-v3/libsupc++/eh_terminate.cc:58
#6  0x00007ffff5ab03ed in __cxxabiv1::__cxa_throw (obj=<optimized out>, tinfo=0x5555560ad878 <typeinfo for Ogre::UnimplementedException>, dest=0x7ffff634142c <Ogre::UnimplementedException::~UnimplementedException()>)
    at /usr/src/debug/gcc/gcc/libstdc++-v3/libsupc++/eh_throw.cc:98
#7  0x00007fffd1d4b557 in Ogre::ExceptionFactory::throwException (code=Ogre::Exception::ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, number=9, desc="TODO_use_render_pass_that_can_load", src="VulkanRenderPassDescriptor::performLoadActions", 
    file=0x7fffd23d6db8 "/home/edward/build/ogre2/RenderSystems/Vulkan/src/OgreVulkanRenderPassDescriptor.cpp", line=945) at /home/edward/build/ogre2/OgreMain/include/OgreException.h:291
#8  0x00007fffd1d8e714 in Ogre::VulkanRenderPassDescriptor::performLoadActions (this=0x555556db5ff0, renderingWasInterrupted=true) at /home/edward/build/ogre2/RenderSystems/Vulkan/src/OgreVulkanRenderPassDescriptor.cpp:945
#9  0x00007fffd1d9e142 in Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::executeRenderPassDescriptorDelayedActions (this=0x5555565f1940, officialCall=false) at /home/edward/build/ogre2/RenderSystems/Vulkan/src/OgreVulkanRenderSystem.cpp:2526
#10 0x00007fffd1d9c112 in Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::_setPipelineStateObject (this=0x5555565f1940, pso=0x555556e700a0) at /home/edward/build/ogre2/RenderSystems/Vulkan/src/OgreVulkanRenderSystem.cpp:1909
#11 0x00007ffff683ccff in Ogre::CommandBuffer::execute_setPso (_this=0x555556daebd0, _cmd=0x555556f06070) at /home/edward/build/ogre2/OgreMain/src/CommandBuffer/OgreCbPipelineStateObject.cpp:47
#12 0x00007ffff683e4f1 in Ogre::CommandBuffer::execute (this=0x555556daebd0) at /home/edward/build/ogre2/OgreMain/src/CommandBuffer/OgreCommandBuffer.cpp:110
#13 0x0000555555c48e24 in Colibri::ColibriManager::render (this=0x555556b33540) at /home/edward/build/colibri/src/ColibriGui/ColibriManager.cpp:1682
#14 0x0000555555c8fba5 in Ogre::CompositorPassColibriGui::execute (this=0x555556dac550, lodCamera=0x0) at /home/edward/build/colibri/src/ColibriGui/Ogre/CompositorPassColibriGui.cpp:83
#15 0x00007ffff6854df7 in Ogre::CompositorNode::_update (this=0x55555689fd40, lodCamera=0x0, sceneManager=0x555556bc5e40) at /home/edward/build/ogre2/OgreMain/src/Compositor/OgreCompositorNode.cpp:820
#16 0x00007ffff68715df in Ogre::CompositorWorkspace::_update (this=0x555556db4ae0, bInsideAutoreleasePool=true) at /home/edward/build/ogre2/OgreMain/src/Compositor/OgreCompositorWorkspace.cpp:838
#17 0x00007ffff68425a4 in Ogre::CompositorManager2::_updateImplementation (this=0x5555565ed560) at /home/edward/build/ogre2/OgreMain/src/Compositor/OgreCompositorManager2.cpp:783
#18 0x00007ffff65d25b2 in Ogre::RenderSystem::updateCompositorManager (this=0x5555565f1940, compositorManager=0x5555565ed560) at /home/edward/build/ogre2/OgreMain/src/OgreRenderSystem.cpp:1343
#19 0x00007ffff68421fb in Ogre::CompositorManager2::_update (this=0x5555565ed560) at /home/edward/build/ogre2/OgreMain/src/Compositor/OgreCompositorManager2.cpp:705
#20 0x00007ffff6637592 in Ogre::Root::_updateAllRenderTargets (this=0x555556519160) at /home/edward/build/ogre2/OgreMain/src/OgreRoot.cpp:1593
#21 0x00007ffff6634b1f in Ogre::Root::renderOneFrame (this=0x555556519160) at /home/edward/build/ogre2/OgreMain/src/OgreRoot.cpp:1128
#22 0x00007ffff7b3516f in AV::Base::update (this=0x7fffffffe510) at /home/edward/Documents/avEngineOther/src/System/Base.cpp:222
#23 0x00005555558655e0 in main (argc=2, argv=0x7fffffffe748) at /home/edward/Documents/avEngineOther/src/Platforms/Main.cpp:60

Any ideas? I'm hoping this will just be a simple incorrect api use or something easy to fix :D . Thanks very much.

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Joined: Sat Jul 21, 2007 4:55 pm
Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina
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Re: [2.3] Rendering interrupted when using ColibriGUI

Post by dark_sylinc »

Short version

This likely gets fixed with the following:

Code: Select all

compositor_node renderTextureNode
    in 0 renderTexture
    target renderTexture
        pass render_scene
                all clear
                clear_colour 0.1 0.1 0.1 1
		all		store_or_resolve

compositor_node renderWindowNode
    in 0 renderWindowTexture
    target renderWindowTexture
        pass custom colibri_gui
                all clear
                clear_colour 0 0 0 0
		all		store_or_resolve

        // !! Important !!
        skip_load_store_semantics false

        profiling_id "Colibri GUI"

workspace renderTextureWorkspace
    connect_output renderTextureNode 0

workspace renderWindowWorkspace
    connect_output renderWindowNode 0

The most important part is the skip_load_store_semantics false bit.

Long version

skip_load_store_semantics is an optimization for mobile (and some desktop GPUs) which, when true, a pass must assume the previous pass started a rendering "encoder pass" and we should continue using that encoder's pass.

For usability it defaults to false but Colibri explicitly defaults it to true because it usually is what the user wants (better speed without any major downsides).

But in your case it doesn't work because:

  1. It is the first & only rendering pass in the workspace, preceeded by a clear.
  2. The clear opens the encoder pass.
  3. There were dirty materials pending update
    • Dirty materials require to "close" the rendering encoder pass in order to open the "copy encoder" so we can upload data from CPU to GPU and copy memory around.
  4. This breaks because clear opens the encoder, Colibri's pass needs to update dirty materials but that requires closing the encoder, and Colibri was specifically instructed (this is the default for Colibri) to not reopen the rendering encoder pass.

Thus skip_load_store_semantics false will/should fix it.

Additionally I merged your clear and rendering passes using load/store semantics because that is much friendlier to mobile GPUs and APIs like Metal and Vulkan.

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Re: [2.3] Rendering interrupted when using ColibriGUI

Post by Nucleartree »

Thanks for such a quick response. Well I've tried that, it seems to have progressed a bit further but I've got a new segfault in a different place!

Code: Select all

Thread 1 "av" received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00007ffff5ebd120 in Ogre::RenderPassDescriptor::getNumColourEntries (this=0x0) at /home/edward/build/ogre2/OgreMain/include/OgreRenderPassDescriptor.h:233
233	        uint8 getNumColourEntries(void) const       { return mNumColourEntries; }
(gdb) backtrace
#0  0x00007ffff5ebd120 in Ogre::RenderPassDescriptor::getNumColourEntries (this=0x0) at /home/edward/build/ogre2/OgreMain/include/OgreRenderPassDescriptor.h:233
#1  0x00007ffff5eb7ba7 in Ogre::HlmsUnlit::preparePassHash (this=0x555556ba1280, shadowNode=0x0, casterPass=false, dualParaboloid=false, sceneManager=0x555556bf3370)
    at /home/edward/build/ogre2/Components/Hlms/Unlit/src/OgreHlmsUnlit.cpp:616
#2  0x0000555555c48ae1 in Colibri::ColibriManager::render (this=0x555556b8a0b0) at /home/edward/build/colibri/src/ColibriGui/ColibriManager.cpp:1630
#3  0x0000555555c8fba5 in Ogre::CompositorPassColibriGui::execute (this=0x555556db48c0, lodCamera=0x0) at /home/edward/build/colibri/src/ColibriGui/Ogre/CompositorPassColibriGui.cpp:83
#4  0x00007ffff6854df7 in Ogre::CompositorNode::_update (this=0x5555568dd0b0, lodCamera=0x0, sceneManager=0x555556bf3370) at /home/edward/build/ogre2/OgreMain/src/Compositor/OgreCompositorNode.cpp:820
#5  0x00007ffff68715df in Ogre::CompositorWorkspace::_update (this=0x555556db4780, bInsideAutoreleasePool=true) at /home/edward/build/ogre2/OgreMain/src/Compositor/OgreCompositorWorkspace.cpp:838
#6  0x00007ffff68425a4 in Ogre::CompositorManager2::_updateImplementation (this=0x5555565edf20) at /home/edward/build/ogre2/OgreMain/src/Compositor/OgreCompositorManager2.cpp:783
#7  0x00007ffff65d25b2 in Ogre::RenderSystem::updateCompositorManager (this=0x5555565f2300, compositorManager=0x5555565edf20) at /home/edward/build/ogre2/OgreMain/src/OgreRenderSystem.cpp:1343
#8  0x00007ffff68421fb in Ogre::CompositorManager2::_update (this=0x5555565edf20) at /home/edward/build/ogre2/OgreMain/src/Compositor/OgreCompositorManager2.cpp:705
#9  0x00007ffff6637592 in Ogre::Root::_updateAllRenderTargets (this=0x555556519ac0) at /home/edward/build/ogre2/OgreMain/src/OgreRoot.cpp:1593
#10 0x00007ffff6634b1f in Ogre::Root::renderOneFrame (this=0x555556519ac0) at /home/edward/build/ogre2/OgreMain/src/OgreRoot.cpp:1128
#11 0x00007ffff7b3516f in AV::Base::update (this=0x7fffffffe510) at /home/edward/Documents/avEngineOther/src/System/Base.cpp:222
#12 0x00005555558655e0 in main (argc=2, argv=0x7fffffffe748) at /home/edward/Documents/avEngineOther/src/Platforms/Main.cpp:60

The issue is the pass descriptor is null. To me this is very likely something involving what was mentioned at the very bottom here. My colibri pass is the last, but then that seems like the responsibility of colibri to ensure it cleans itself up.

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Re: [2.3] Rendering interrupted when using ColibriGUI

Post by dark_sylinc »

I was stumped on why it was crashing. I started writing several steps you could try to troubleshoot the cause; when I noticed this:

Code: Select all

		if( !definition->mSkipLoadStoreSemantics )
			initialize( rtv );

Basically the proper fix requires OgreNext 3.0

If you can't port to 3.0 easily (it should'nt be the case, since 3.0 is more of maintenance rather than radical changes) you can just modify Colibri:

Code: Select all

		if( !definition->mSkipLoadStoreSemantics )
			initialize( rtv );
				"skip_load_store_semantics MUST be false when compiled with COLIBRI_MULTIPASS_SUPPORT",
				"CompositorPassColibriGui::CompositorPassColibriGui" );
#	endif
		initialize( rtv ); // !!!NEW CODE!!!

It basically is the same as forcing mSkipLoadStoreSemantics = false for all OgreNext versions < 3.0

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Re: [2.3] Rendering interrupted when using ColibriGUI

Post by Nucleartree »

Had a go with OgreNext 3.0, but seems it won't be a trivial port as there were enough things wrong that I tried your modifications to Colibri. (BTW I'm right in thinking that OgreNext 3.0 is what would've been Ogre 2.4, as in what's on the master branch right now? It's not released yet right?). The Colibri modifications sort of worked although my full diff to avoid the seg fault was:

Code: Select all

diff --git a/src/ColibriGui/Ogre/CompositorPassColibriGui.cpp b/src/ColibriGui/Ogre/CompositorPassColibriGui.cpp
index 48b5781..0554804 100644
--- a/src/ColibriGui/Ogre/CompositorPassColibriGui.cpp
+++ b/src/ColibriGui/Ogre/CompositorPassColibriGui.cpp
@@ -39,7 +39,9 @@ namespace Ogre
 				"skip_load_store_semantics MUST be false when compiled with COLIBRI_MULTIPASS_SUPPORT",
 				"CompositorPassColibriGui::CompositorPassColibriGui" );
-#	endif
+#    endif
+		initialize( rtv ); // !!!NEW CODE!!!
 		mCamera = defaultCamera;
@@ -62,11 +64,11 @@ namespace Ogre
	SceneManager *sceneManager = mCamera->getSceneManager();
	sceneManager->_setCamerasInProgress( CamerasInProgress( mCamera ) );

But things definitely don't look correct.

Original compositor:

New compositor:

What's interesting is that both have the colibri patch in it, it's only changing the compositor that breaks it. And I should mention I still get the metal warning on both, even the one with the load in the compositor. I haven't tested Vulkan as I only have my macbook right now but feel it'll just assert as before.

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Re: [2.3] Rendering interrupted when using ColibriGUI

Post by dark_sylinc »

I just edited the compositor script to see if that fixes it.

Does OpenGL work? (D3D11 is also fine but more work for me...) Because if so and you can take a RenderDoc capture with and without the compositor changes so we can compare side by side to see what's wrong.

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Re: [2.3] Rendering interrupted when using ColibriGUI

Post by Nucleartree »

Thanks very much for your time! Finally back at my Linux pc so gave OpenGL a go. It does run but is noticeably bungled.

Without changes: Render doc


With changes: Render doc


I couldn't make head or tail of the 'with changes' render doc, as you can see from above the final image looked way more complete than render doc seemed to describe it as (seemingly just text). I modified my original compositor just to add the profiling id. Thanks again.

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Re: [2.3] Rendering interrupted when using ColibriGUI

Post by dark_sylinc »

OK analyzing the captures it seems that we got something wrong from mimicing what OgreNext 3.0 does.

Because if we compare them side by side:

The 2nd pass scene correctly has a clear pass, but the 1st Colibri pass has no matching clear.

Now it hits me the problem is rather obvious:

Code: Select all

	void CompositorPassColibriGuiProvider::translateCustomPass( ScriptCompiler *compiler,
																const AbstractNodePtr &node,
																IdString customId,
																CompositorPassDef *customPassDef )

The code that parses the script is only compiled for OgreNext 3.0.

Getting rid of the macro seems troublesome since the signature of CompositorPassProvider::translateCustomPass has changed slightly.

It looks like you'll have to stick to:

Code: Select all

compositor_node renderWindowNode
    in 0 renderWindowTexture
    target renderWindowTexture
        pass clear
            colour_value 0 0 0 0
        pass custom colibri_gui

in order to get it working properly on Colibri + OgreNext 2.3; and use your customization (force initialize( rtv );) to w/ 2.3

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Re: [2.3] Rendering interrupted when using ColibriGUI

Post by Nucleartree »

Thanks again for your time. I think I should point out that even with our modified compositor and code alterations I still get the pipeline interruption message on metal and an assert in vulkan. The assert is from this line. So really not sure this does fix it. But at the same time, this is more of an annoyance for me. It's been there for about 6 months and I was hoping I could kill it off quickly. I think given the circumstances it would be easier to park it until OgreNext 3.0 is released and pick it up then.

Out of curiosity the assert says TODO. Assuming that's a job for the Ogre team, is that a big job to do, as metal seems to be able to handle it?

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Re: [2.3] Rendering interrupted when using ColibriGUI

Post by dark_sylinc »

But at the same time, this is more of an annoyance for me. It's been there for about 6 months and I was hoping I could kill it off quickly. I think given the circumstances it would be easier to park it until OgreNext 3.0 is released and pick it up then.

The only other thing I can think of (for 2.3), is that you take the changes you made (i.e. intialize rtv in 2.3), use the compositor script the merges clear + colibri into one pass; and just grab the pass definition from C++ and set the load actions to clear, by hand:

Code: Select all

CompositorNodeDef *nodeDef =
	compositorManager->getNodeDefinitionNonConst( "renderWindowNode" );
CompositorTargetDef *targetDef = nodeDef->getTargetPass( 0u );
CompositorPassDef *passDef = targetDef->getCompositorPassesNonConst()[0];
assert( passDef->getType() == PASS_CUSTOM );  // Make sure the definition is correct
passDef->setAllLoadActions( LoadAction::Clear );
passDef->setAllClearColours( ColourValue( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ) );

Out of curiosity the assert says TODO. Assuming that's a job for the Ogre team, is that a big job to do, as metal seems to be able to handle it?

Yesish. Kinda.

Strictly yes; but we don't have much encouragement to implement it. The real solution is implementing a proper pass (in this case you're being prevented because of a design flaw in Colibri & OgreNext, that's been fixed for 3.0).

Even on Metal it's a last attempt (a slow one) to try to make things work.

On Vulkan it is hard to setup the whole RenderPassDescriptor, and the issue is that we have to setup a temporary one (and "temporary" that probably has to stick because likely the next frame is going to make the same mistake; but in other cases not necessarily).

On Metal setting up that temporary descriptor is much easier, so we just do it.

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Re: [2.3] Rendering interrupted when using ColibriGUI

Post by Nucleartree »

Hi. With the latest Ogre release I'm moving my engine over and thought I'd see if these changes solved the problem. I've built a fresh OgreNext 3.0 and latest Colibri. Unfortunately the backtrace still gets printed the same as before. I can verify that skip_load_store_semantics has an effect on the render, infact if it's not present Ogre throws an error. Seems there was an attempt to upload the dirty datablocks which caused mInterruptedRenderCommandEncoder to be set to true. Unfortunately I don't really understand what the Metal render system is trying to do here.

First call to performLoadActions (the function that prints the backtrace)

Code: Select all

  * frame #0: 0x0000000103584fb0 RenderSystem_Metal`Ogre::MetalRenderPassDescriptor::performLoadActions(this=0x00000001359dd5b0, passDesc=0x00006000012ee490, renderingWasInterrupted=false) at OgreMetalRenderPassDescriptor.mm:531:13
    frame #1: 0x000000010358cc4c RenderSystem_Metal`Ogre::MetalRenderSystem::executeRenderPassDescriptorDelayedActions(this=0x00000001352bd000, officialCall=true) at OgreMetalRenderSystem.mm:1086:26
    frame #2: 0x000000010358d3f0 RenderSystem_Metal`Ogre::MetalRenderSystem::executeRenderPassDescriptorDelayedActions(this=0x00000001352bd000) at OgreMetalRenderSystem.mm:1196:9
    frame #3: 0x000000010062dc24 av`Ogre::CompositorPassColibriGui::execute(this=0x0000600001ad0bb0, lodCamera=0x0000000000000000) at CompositorPassColibriGui.cpp:81:17
    frame #4: 0x0000000105871b70 Ogre`Ogre::CompositorNode::_update(this=0x00006000012d81e0, lodCamera=0x0000000000000000, sceneManager=0x0000000136048a10) at OgreCompositorNode.cpp:833:23
    frame #5: 0x000000010589fefc Ogre`Ogre::CompositorWorkspace::_update(this=0x00000001359de320, bInsideAutoreleasePool=true) at OgreCompositorWorkspace.cpp:836:27
    frame #6: 0x0000000105853ad8 Ogre`Ogre::CompositorManager2::_updateImplementation(this=0x0000000133f883f0) at OgreCompositorManager2.cpp:790:28
    frame #7: 0x0000000103594338 RenderSystem_Metal`Ogre::MetalRenderSystem::updateCompositorManager(this=0x00000001352bd000, compositorManager=0x0000000133f883f0) at OgreMetalRenderSystem.mm:2752:32
    frame #8: 0x00000001058537b4 Ogre`Ogre::CompositorManager2::_update(this=0x0000000133f883f0) at OgreCompositorManager2.cpp:712:24
    frame #9: 0x0000000105cec0d4 Ogre`Ogre::Root::_updateAllRenderTargets(this=0x0000000133f7fe30) at OgreRoot.cpp:1568:30
    frame #10: 0x0000000105cebf8c Ogre`Ogre::Root::renderOneFrame(this=0x0000000133f7fe30) at OgreRoot.cpp:1102:14
    frame #11: 0x0000000100209854 av`AV::Base::update(this=0x000000016fdff028) at Base.cpp:233:16
    frame #12: 0x00000001001177b0 av`main(argc=2, argv=0x000000016fdff3e0) at Main.cpp:61:14
    frame #13: 0x00000001954f4274 dyld`start + 2840

Second call to performLoadActions (the one that prints the backtrace)

Code: Select all

  * frame #0: 0x0000000103584fb0 RenderSystem_Metal`Ogre::MetalRenderPassDescriptor::performLoadActions(this=0x00000001359dd5b0, passDesc=0x00006000012ce0d0, renderingWasInterrupted=true) at OgreMetalRenderPassDescriptor.mm:531:13
    frame #1: 0x000000010358cc4c RenderSystem_Metal`Ogre::MetalRenderSystem::executeRenderPassDescriptorDelayedActions(this=0x00000001352bd000, officialCall=false) at OgreMetalRenderSystem.mm:1086:26
    frame #2: 0x0000000103592748 RenderSystem_Metal`Ogre::MetalRenderSystem::_setPipelineStateObject(this=0x00000001352bd000, pso=0x0000000133c24b30) at OgreMetalRenderSystem.mm:2084:13
    frame #3: 0x000000010584c4e8 Ogre`Ogre::CommandBuffer::execute_setPso(_this=0x0000600002d53020, _cmd=0x0000000134a18800) at OgreCbPipelineStateObject.cpp:47:31
    frame #4: 0x000000010584e1f4 Ogre`Ogre::CommandBuffer::execute(this=0x0000600002d53020) at OgreCommandBuffer.cpp:108:13
    frame #5: 0x00000001005e5354 av`Colibri::ColibriManager::render(this=0x000000013530b600) at ColibriManager.cpp:1683:20
    frame #6: 0x000000010062dc30 av`Ogre::CompositorPassColibriGui::execute(this=0x0000600001ad0bb0, lodCamera=0x0000000000000000) at CompositorPassColibriGui.cpp:83:21
    frame #7: 0x0000000105871b70 Ogre`Ogre::CompositorNode::_update(this=0x00006000012d81e0, lodCamera=0x0000000000000000, sceneManager=0x0000000136048a10) at OgreCompositorNode.cpp:833:23
    frame #8: 0x000000010589fefc Ogre`Ogre::CompositorWorkspace::_update(this=0x00000001359de320, bInsideAutoreleasePool=true) at OgreCompositorWorkspace.cpp:836:27
    frame #9: 0x0000000105853ad8 Ogre`Ogre::CompositorManager2::_updateImplementation(this=0x0000000133f883f0) at OgreCompositorManager2.cpp:790:28
    frame #10: 0x0000000103594338 RenderSystem_Metal`Ogre::MetalRenderSystem::updateCompositorManager(this=0x00000001352bd000, compositorManager=0x0000000133f883f0) at OgreMetalRenderSystem.mm:2752:32
    frame #11: 0x00000001058537b4 Ogre`Ogre::CompositorManager2::_update(this=0x0000000133f883f0) at OgreCompositorManager2.cpp:712:24
    frame #12: 0x0000000105cec0d4 Ogre`Ogre::Root::_updateAllRenderTargets(this=0x0000000133f7fe30) at OgreRoot.cpp:1568:30
    frame #13: 0x0000000105cebf8c Ogre`Ogre::Root::renderOneFrame(this=0x0000000133f7fe30) at OgreRoot.cpp:1102:14
    frame #14: 0x0000000100209854 av`AV::Base::update(this=0x000000016fdff028) at Base.cpp:233:16
    frame #15: 0x00000001001177b0 av`main(argc=2, argv=0x000000016fdff3e0) at Main.cpp:61:14
    frame #16: 0x00000001954f4274 dyld`start + 2840

Backtrace where mInterruptedRenderCommandEncoder is set to true

Code: Select all

  * frame #0: 0x000000010358d4a8 RenderSystem_Metal`Ogre::MetalRenderSystem::endRenderPassDescriptor(this=0x0000000128096c00, isInterruptingRender=true) at OgreMetalRenderSystem.mm:1210:48
    frame #1: 0x000000010358e364 RenderSystem_Metal`Ogre::MetalRenderSystem::_notifyActiveEncoderEnded(this=0x0000000128096c00, callEndRenderPassDesc=true) at OgreMetalRenderSystem.mm:1430:13
    frame #2: 0x0000000103559f18 RenderSystem_Metal`Ogre::MetalDevice::endRenderEncoder(this=0x0000000128098a88, endRenderPassDesc=true) at OgreMetalDevice.mm:96:32
    frame #3: 0x000000010355a15c RenderSystem_Metal`Ogre::MetalDevice::getBlitEncoder(this=0x0000000128098a88) at OgreMetalDevice.mm:153:13
    frame #4: 0x00000001035b413c RenderSystem_Metal`Ogre::MetalStagingBuffer::unmapImpl(this=0x000060000191a2f0, destinations=0x0000000127655140, numDestinations=1) at OgreMetalStagingBuffer.mm:235:82
    frame #5: 0x0000000105ee919c Ogre`Ogre::StagingBuffer::unmap(this=0x000060000191a2f0, destinations=0x0000000127655140, numDestinations=1) at OgreStagingBuffer.cpp:118:9
    frame #6: 0x0000000105963198 Ogre`Ogre::StagingBuffer::unmap(this=0x000060000191a2f0, destinations=size=1) at OgreStagingBuffer.h:266:13
    frame #7: 0x0000000105962c74 Ogre`Ogre::ConstBufferPool::uploadDirtyDatablocksImpl(this=0x00000001280ba010) at OgreConstBufferPool.cpp:228:24
    frame #8: 0x0000000105962654 Ogre`Ogre::ConstBufferPool::uploadDirtyDatablocks(this=0x00000001280ba010) at OgreConstBufferPool.cpp:125:13
    frame #9: 0x0000000102a3f868 OgreHlmsUnlit`Ogre::HlmsUnlit::preparePassHash(this=0x00000001280ba010, shadowNode=0x0000000000000000, casterPass=false, dualParaboloid=false, sceneManager=0x0000000120155010) at OgreHlmsUnlit.cpp:879:9
    frame #10: 0x00000001005e5064 av`Colibri::ColibriManager::render(this=0x00000001200a0e00) at ColibriManager.cpp:1631:37
    frame #11: 0x000000010062dc30 av`Ogre::CompositorPassColibriGui::execute(this=0x0000600001519fa0, lodCamera=0x0000000000000000) at CompositorPassColibriGui.cpp:83:21
    frame #12: 0x0000000105871b70 Ogre`Ogre::CompositorNode::_update(this=0x0000600001d1d950, lodCamera=0x0000000000000000, sceneManager=0x0000000120155010) at OgreCompositorNode.cpp:833:23
    frame #13: 0x000000010589fefc Ogre`Ogre::CompositorWorkspace::_update(this=0x00000001175050f0, bInsideAutoreleasePool=true) at OgreCompositorWorkspace.cpp:836:27
    frame #14: 0x0000000105853ad8 Ogre`Ogre::CompositorManager2::_updateImplementation(this=0x0000000117766b80) at OgreCompositorManager2.cpp:790:28
    frame #15: 0x0000000103594338 RenderSystem_Metal`Ogre::MetalRenderSystem::updateCompositorManager(this=0x0000000128096c00, compositorManager=0x0000000117766b80) at OgreMetalRenderSystem.mm:2752:32
    frame #16: 0x00000001058537b4 Ogre`Ogre::CompositorManager2::_update(this=0x0000000117766b80) at OgreCompositorManager2.cpp:712:24
    frame #17: 0x0000000105cec0d4 Ogre`Ogre::Root::_updateAllRenderTargets(this=0x0000000117651a10) at OgreRoot.cpp:1568:30
    frame #18: 0x0000000105cebf8c Ogre`Ogre::Root::renderOneFrame(this=0x0000000117651a10) at OgreRoot.cpp:1102:14
    frame #19: 0x0000000100209854 av`AV::Base::update(this=0x000000016fdff028) at Base.cpp:233:16
    frame #20: 0x00000001001177b0 av`main(argc=2, argv=0x000000016fdff3e0) at Main.cpp:61:14
    frame #21: 0x00000001954f4274 dyld`start + 2840

Full Ogre Log

Code: Select all

[2024-12-03 13:20:20.039] [AV] [info] *********************************************
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.039] [AV] [info] ** AVEngine Version 0.1.0 unstable 3869381 **
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.039] [AV] [info] *********************************************
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.039] [AV] [info] Engine features
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.039] [AV] [info]     Test mode available: true
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.039] [AV] [info]     Debugging tools: true
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.039] [AV] [info] *********************************************
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.039] [AV] [info] Setup file found /Users/edward/Documents/ProceduralExplorationGame/avSetup.cfg
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.040] [AV] [info] Setup file found /Users/edward/Documents/ProceduralExplorationGame/avSetupSecondary.cfg
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.040] [AV] [info] No user settings file was found in the master directory.
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.040] [AV] [info] Data path set to: /Users/edward/Documents/ProceduralExplorationGame/
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.040] [AV] [warning] The maps directory provided at (/Users/edward/Documents/ProceduralExplorationGame/maps) is not valid.
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.040] [AV] [warning] The save directory provided at (/Users/edward/Documents/ProceduralExplorationGame/save) is not valid.
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.040] [AV] [info] OgreResourcesFile set to /Users/edward/Documents/ProceduralExplorationGame/OgreResources.cfg
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.040] [AV] [info] SquirrelEntryFile set to /Users/edward/Documents/ProceduralExplorationGame/src/SquirrelEntry.nut
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.040] [AV] [info] Maps Directory set to /Users/edward/Documents/ProceduralExplorationGame/maps
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.040] [AV] [info] Save Directory set to /Users/edward/Documents/ProceduralExplorationGame/save
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.040] [AV] [info] Built against SDL version 2.30.2
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.040] [AV] [info] Linking against SDL version 2.30.2
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.040] [AV] [info] Job Dispatcher creating 2 threads
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.227] [AV] [info] Attempting to call SquirrelEntry setup function.
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.381] [AV] [info] Opened "External Headphones"
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.382] [OGRE] [info] Creating resource group General
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.382] [OGRE] [info] Creating resource group Internal
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.382] [OGRE] [info] Creating resource group Autodetect
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.382] [OGRE] [info] SceneManagerFactory for type 'DefaultSceneManager' registered.
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.382] [OGRE] [info] Registering ResourceManager for type Material
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.382] [OGRE] [info] Registering ResourceManager for type Mesh
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.382] [OGRE] [info] Registering ResourceManager for type Mesh2
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.382] [OGRE] [info] Registering ResourceManager for type OldSkeleton
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.382] [OGRE] [info] MovableObjectFactory for type 'ParticleSystem' registered.
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.382] [OGRE] [info] ArchiveFactory for archive type FileSystem registered.
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.382] [OGRE] [info] ArchiveFactory for archive type Zip registered.
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.382] [OGRE] [info] ArchiveFactory for archive type EmbeddedZip registered.
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.382] [OGRE] [info] DDS codec registering
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.383] [OGRE] [info] FreeImage version: 3.18.0
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.383] [OGRE] [info] This program uses FreeImage, a free, open source image library supporting all common bitmap formats. See http://freeimage.sourceforge.net for details
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.383] [OGRE] [info] Supported formats: bmp,ico,jpg,jif,jpeg,jpe,jng,koa,iff,lbm,mng,pbm,pbm,pcd,pcx,pgm,pgm,png,ppm,ppm,ras,tga,targa,tif,tiff,wap,wbmp,wbm,psd,psb,cut,xbm,xpm,gif,hdr,g3,sgi,rgb,rgba,bw,exr,j2k,j2c,jp2,pfm,pct,pict,pic,3fr,arw,bay,bmq,cap,cine,cr2,crw,cs1,dc2,dcr,drf,dsc,dng,erf,fff,ia,iiq,k25,kc2,kdc,mdc,mef,mos,mrw,nef,nrw,orf,pef,ptx,pxn,qtk,raf,raw,rdc,rw2,rwl,rwz,sr2,srf,srw,sti,x3f,webp,jxr,wdp,hdp
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.383] [OGRE] [info] OITD codec registering
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.383] [OGRE] [info] Registering ResourceManager for type HighLevelGpuProgram
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.384] [OGRE] [info] MovableObjectFactory for type 'Decal' registered.
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.384] [OGRE] [info] MovableObjectFactory for type 'InternalCubemapProbe' registered.
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.384] [OGRE] [info] MovableObjectFactory for type 'Entity' registered.
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.384] [OGRE] [info] MovableObjectFactory for type 'Item' registered.
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.384] [OGRE] [info] MovableObjectFactory for type 'Light' registered.
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.384] [OGRE] [info] MovableObjectFactory for type 'Rectangle2Dv2' registered.
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.384] [OGRE] [info] MovableObjectFactory for type 'BillboardSet' registered.
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.384] [OGRE] [info] MovableObjectFactory for type 'ManualObject2' registered.
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.384] [OGRE] [info] MovableObjectFactory for type 'BillboardChain' registered.
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.384] [OGRE] [info] MovableObjectFactory for type 'RibbonTrail' registered.
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.384] [OGRE] [info] MovableObjectFactory for type 'WireAabb' registered.
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.384] [OGRE] [info] *-*-* OGRE Initialising
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.384] [OGRE] [info] *-*-* Version 3.0.0 (Eris)
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.384] [OGRE] [info] Loading library RenderSystem_Metal
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.384] [OGRE] [info] Installing plugin: Metal RenderSystem
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.384] [OGRE] [info] Metal: Devices Detection Starts
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.384] [OGRE] [info] Metal: "Apple M1 Pro"
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.384] [OGRE] [info] Metal: Devices Detection Ends
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.384] [OGRE] [info] Plugin successfully installed
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.384] [OGRE] [info] Loading library Plugin_ParticleFX
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.385] [OGRE] [info] Installing plugin: ParticleFX
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.385] [OGRE] [info] Particle Emitter Type 'Point' registered
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.385] [OGRE] [info] Particle Emitter Type 'Box' registered
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.385] [OGRE] [info] Particle Emitter Type 'Ellipsoid' registered
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.385] [OGRE] [info] Particle Emitter Type 'Cylinder' registered
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.385] [OGRE] [info] Particle Emitter Type 'Ring' registered
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.385] [OGRE] [info] Particle Emitter Type 'HollowEllipsoid' registered
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.385] [OGRE] [info] Particle Affector Type 'LinearForce' registered
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.385] [OGRE] [info] Particle Affector Type 'ColourFader' registered
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.385] [OGRE] [info] Particle Affector Type 'ColourFader2' registered
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.385] [OGRE] [info] Particle Affector Type 'ColourImage' registered
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.385] [OGRE] [info] Particle Affector Type 'ColourInterpolator' registered
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.385] [OGRE] [info] Particle Affector Type 'ScaleInterpolator' registered
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.385] [OGRE] [info] Particle Affector Type 'Scaler' registered
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.385] [OGRE] [info] Particle Affector Type 'Rotator' registered
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.385] [OGRE] [info] Particle Affector Type 'DirectionRandomiser' registered
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.385] [OGRE] [info] Particle Affector Type 'DeflectorPlane' registered
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.385] [OGRE] [info] Plugin successfully installed
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.385] [OGRE] [info] CPU Identifier & Features
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.385] [OGRE] [info] -------------------------
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.385] [OGRE] [info]  *   CPU ID: ARM64E
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.385] [OGRE] [info]  *   Logical cores: 10
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.385] [OGRE] [info]  *     NEON: yes
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.385] [OGRE] [info] -------------------------
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.385] [OGRE] [info] Metal: Devices Detection Starts
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.385] [OGRE] [info] Metal: "Apple M1 Pro"
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.385] [OGRE] [info] Metal: Devices Detection Ends
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.386] [OGRE] [info] Metal: Requested "(default)", selected "Apple M1 Pro (system default)"
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.386] [OGRE] [info] Supports: OSX_GPUFamily1_v1
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.386] [OGRE] [info] Registering ResourceManager for type GpuProgram
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.390] [OGRE] [info] DefaultWorkQueue('Root') initialising on thread main.
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.391] [OGRE] [info] Particle Renderer Type 'billboard' registered
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.391] [OGRE] [info] Creating resource group avInternal/General
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.391] [OGRE] [info] Added resource location '/Users/edward/Documents/avEngine/buildNew/Debug/av.app/Contents/Resources//essential/terrain' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group 'avInternal/General'
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.391] [OGRE] [info] Added resource location '/Users/edward/Documents/avEngine/buildNew/Debug/av.app/Contents/Resources//essential/terrain/GLSL' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group 'avInternal/General'
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.392] [OGRE] [info] Added resource location '/Users/edward/Documents/avEngine/buildNew/Debug/av.app/Contents/Resources//essential/terrain/HLSL' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group 'avInternal/General'
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.392] [OGRE] [info] Added resource location '/Users/edward/Documents/avEngine/buildNew/Debug/av.app/Contents/Resources//essential/terrain/Metal' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group 'avInternal/General'
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.392] [OGRE] [info] Added resource location '/Users/edward/Documents/avEngine/buildNew/Debug/av.app/Contents/Resources//essential/common' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group 'avInternal/General'
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.392] [OGRE] [info] Added resource location '/Users/edward/Documents/avEngine/buildNew/Debug/av.app/Contents/Resources//essential/common/Any' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group 'avInternal/General'
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.392] [OGRE] [info] Added resource location '/Users/edward/Documents/avEngine/buildNew/Debug/av.app/Contents/Resources//essential/common/GLSL' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group 'avInternal/General'
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.393] [OGRE] [info] Added resource location '/Users/edward/Documents/avEngine/buildNew/Debug/av.app/Contents/Resources//essential/common/HLSL' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group 'avInternal/General'
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.393] [OGRE] [info] Added resource location '/Users/edward/Documents/avEngine/buildNew/Debug/av.app/Contents/Resources//essential/common/Metal' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group 'avInternal/General'
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.393] [OGRE] [info] Added resource location '/Users/edward/Documents/avEngine/buildNew/Debug/av.app/Contents/Resources//essential/compositor' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group 'avInternal/General'
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.393] [OGRE] [info] Initialising resource group avInternal/General
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.393] [OGRE] [info] Parsing scripts for resource group avInternal/General
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.394] [OGRE] [info] Parsing script Quad.program
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.395] [OGRE] [info] Shader Ogre/Compositor/Quad_vs_Metal compiled successfully.
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.396] [OGRE] [info] Shader Ogre/Compositor/QuadCameraDir_vs_Metal compiled successfully.
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.396] [OGRE] [info] Shader Ogre/Compositor/QuadCameraDirNoUV_vs_Metal compiled successfully.
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.396] [OGRE] [info] Parsing script GpuNormalMapper.material
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.397] [OGRE] [info] Shader Terra/GpuNormalMapper_ps_Metal compiled successfully.
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.398] [OGRE] [info] Parsing script HiddenAreaMeshVr.material
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.398] [OGRE] [info] Shader Ogre/VR/HiddenAreaMeshVr_vs_Metal compiled successfully.
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.399] [OGRE] [info] Shader Ogre/VR/HiddenAreaMeshVr_ps_Metal compiled successfully.
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.399] [OGRE] [info] Parsing script EsmGaussianBlurLogFilter.material
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.399] [OGRE] [info] Shader ESM/GaussianLogFilterH_ps_Metal compiled successfully.
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.399] [OGRE] [info] Shader ESM/GaussianLogFilterV_ps_Metal compiled successfully.
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.400] [OGRE] [info] Parsing script RadialDensityMask.material
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.400] [OGRE] [info] Shader Ogre/Compositor/RadialDensityMask_vs_Metal compiled successfully.
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.401] [OGRE] [info] Shader Ogre/VR/RadialDensityMask_ps_Metal compiled successfully.
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.401] [OGRE] [info] Parsing script DPSM.material
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.401] [OGRE] [info] Shader Ogre/DPSM/CubeToDpsm_ps_Metal compiled successfully.
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.402] [OGRE] [info] Shader Ogre/DPSM/CubeToDpsm_Colour_ps_Metal compiled successfully.
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.402] [OGRE] [info] Parsing script DPM.material
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.402] [OGRE] [info] Shader Ogre/DPM/CubeToDpm_4xFP16_ps_Metal compiled successfully.
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.402] [OGRE] [info] Parsing script PccDepthCompressor.material
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.403] [OGRE] [error] OGRE EXCEPTION(6:FileNotFoundException): Cannot locate resource metal_stdlib in resource group avInternal/General or any other group. in ResourceGroupManager::openResource at /Users/edward/buildOther/ogre2/OgreMain/src/OgreResourceGroupManager.cpp (line 737)
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.403] [OGRE] [info] Shader PccDepthCompressor_ps_Metal compiled successfully.
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.403] [OGRE] [info] Parsing script DepthUtils.material
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.403] [OGRE] [info] Shader Ogre/Depth/DownscaleMax_ps_Metal compiled successfully.
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.404] [OGRE] [info] Parsing script Sky.material
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.404] [OGRE] [info] Shader Ogre/Sky/Cubemap_ps_Metal compiled successfully.
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.405] [OGRE] [info] Shader Ogre/Sky/Equirectangular_ps_Metal compiled successfully.
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.405] [OGRE] [info] Parsing script Copyback.material
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.406] [OGRE] [info] Shader Ogre/Copy/4xFP32_ps_Metal compiled successfully.
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.406] [OGRE] [info] Shader Ogre/Copy/4xFP32_2DArray_ps_Metal compiled successfully.
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.406] [OGRE] [info] Shader Ogre/Copy/1xFP32_ps_Metal compiled successfully.
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.407] [OGRE] [info] Shader Ogre/Resolve/1xFP32_Subsample0_ps_Metal compiled successfully.
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.407] [OGRE] [info] Parsing script GpuNormalMapper.compositor
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.407] [OGRE] [info] Parsing script BaseCompositor.compositor
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.407] [OGRE] [info] Parsing script EsmGaussianBlurLogFilter.material.json
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.407] [OGRE] [info] Parsing script Mipmaps.material.json
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.408] [OGRE] [info] Finished parsing scripts for resource group avInternal/General
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.408] [OGRE] [info] Creating resources for group avInternal/General
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.408] [OGRE] [info] All done
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.408] [AV] [info] Parsing OgreResourceFile at path /Users/edward/Documents/ProceduralExplorationGame/OgreResources.cfg
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.408] [OGRE] [info] Added resource location '/Users/edward/Documents/ProceduralExplorationGame/build/assets/textures' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group 'General'
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.408] [AV] [info] Adding /Users/edward/Documents/ProceduralExplorationGame/build/assets/textures to General
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.409] [OGRE] [info] Added resource location '/Users/edward/Documents/ProceduralExplorationGame/build/assets/materials' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group 'General'
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.409] [AV] [info] Adding /Users/edward/Documents/ProceduralExplorationGame/build/assets/materials to General
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.409] [OGRE] [info] Added resource location '/Users/edward/Documents/ProceduralExplorationGame/build/assets/meshes' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group 'General'
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.409] [AV] [info] Adding /Users/edward/Documents/ProceduralExplorationGame/build/assets/meshes to General
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.410] [OGRE] [info] Added resource location '/Users/edward/Documents/ProceduralExplorationGame/build/assets/models' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group 'General'
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.410] [AV] [info] Adding /Users/edward/Documents/ProceduralExplorationGame/build/assets/models to General
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.410] [OGRE] [info] Added resource location '/Users/edward/Documents/ProceduralExplorationGame/build/assets/models/player' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group 'General'
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.410] [AV] [info] Adding /Users/edward/Documents/ProceduralExplorationGame/build/assets/models/player to General
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.411] [OGRE] [info] Added resource location '/Users/edward/Documents/ProceduralExplorationGame/build/assets/models/goblin' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group 'General'
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.411] [AV] [info] Adding /Users/edward/Documents/ProceduralExplorationGame/build/assets/models/goblin to General
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.411] [OGRE] [info] Added resource location '/Users/edward/Documents/ProceduralExplorationGame/build/assets/models/dungeon' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group 'General'
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.411] [AV] [info] Adding /Users/edward/Documents/ProceduralExplorationGame/build/assets/models/dungeon to General
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.411] [OGRE] [info] Added resource location '/Users/edward/Documents/ProceduralExplorationGame/build/assets/models/squid' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group 'General'
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.411] [AV] [info] Adding /Users/edward/Documents/ProceduralExplorationGame/build/assets/models/squid to General
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.411] [OGRE] [info] Added resource location '/Users/edward/Documents/ProceduralExplorationGame/build/assets/models/crab' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group 'General'
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.411] [AV] [info] Adding /Users/edward/Documents/ProceduralExplorationGame/build/assets/models/crab to General
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.411] [OGRE] [info] Added resource location '/Users/edward/Documents/ProceduralExplorationGame/build/assets/models/skeleton' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group 'General'
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.411] [AV] [info] Adding /Users/edward/Documents/ProceduralExplorationGame/build/assets/models/skeleton to General
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.412] [OGRE] [info] Added resource location '/Users/edward/Documents/ProceduralExplorationGame/build/assets/models/forestGuardian' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group 'General'
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.412] [AV] [info] Adding /Users/edward/Documents/ProceduralExplorationGame/build/assets/models/forestGuardian to General
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.412] [OGRE] [info] Added resource location '/Users/edward/Documents/ProceduralExplorationGame/build/assets/compositor' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group 'General'
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.412] [AV] [info] Adding /Users/edward/Documents/ProceduralExplorationGame/build/assets/compositor to General
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.412] [OGRE] [info] Added resource location '/Users/edward/Documents/ProceduralExplorationGame/build/assets/particles' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group 'General'
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.412] [AV] [info] Adding /Users/edward/Documents/ProceduralExplorationGame/build/assets/particles to General
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.414] [OGRE] [info] Parsing scripts for resource group Autodetect
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.415] [OGRE] [info] Finished parsing scripts for resource group Autodetect
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.415] [OGRE] [info] Creating resources for group Autodetect
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.415] [OGRE] [info] All done
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.415] [OGRE] [info] Parsing scripts for resource group General
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.416] [OGRE] [info] Parsing script base.particle
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.418] [OGRE] [info] Parsing script renderWindowTexture.compositor
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.419] [OGRE] [info] Parsing script ui.material.json
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.419] [OGRE] [info] Parsing script particles.material.json
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.420] [OGRE] [info] Parsing script testing.material.json
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.420] [OGRE] [info] Parsing script baseObjects.material.json
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.420] [OGRE] [info] WARNING: PBS Datablock 'PlaceBeacon' disabling transparency but forcing a blendblock to keep using alpha blending. Performance will be affected.
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.420] [OGRE] [info] Finished parsing scripts for resource group General
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.420] [OGRE] [info] Creating resources for group General
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.420] [OGRE] [info] All done
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.420] [OGRE] [info] Parsing scripts for resource group Internal
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.420] [OGRE] [info] Finished parsing scripts for resource group Internal
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.420] [OGRE] [info] Creating resources for group Internal
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.420] [OGRE] [info] All done
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.421] [OGRE] [info] MovableObjectFactory for type 'Rect2dMovable' registered.
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.424] [AV] [info] Loading dynamic plugins
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.424] [AV] [info] Loading plugin at path /Users/edward/Documents/ProceduralExplorationGame/native/build/plugin/Debug/libProceduralExplorationGamePlugin.so
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.429] [AV] [info] Registering plugin with name 'ProceduralExplorationGameCore'
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.429] [GAME_CORE] [info] Beginning initialisation for game core plugin
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.429] [OGRE] [info] Registering ResourceManager for type VoxMesh
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.429] [OGRE] [info] MovableObjectFactory for type 'VoxMeshItem' registered.
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.429] [AV] [info] Initialise plugin 'ProceduralExplorationGameCore'
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.429] [AV] [info] End load dynamic plugins
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.796] [SQUIRREL] [info] **********************************
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.796] [SQUIRREL] [info] ** UN-NAMED RPG GAME            **
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.796] [SQUIRREL] [info] ** 0.7.0-Debug-alpha-8e9f63e9   **
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.796] [SQUIRREL] [info] ** Engine: 0.1.0-Debug-unstable **
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.796] [SQUIRREL] [info] **********************************
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.796] [SQUIRREL] [info] Setting up game profile pre setup 'EnableRightClickWorkarounds'
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.796] [SQUIRREL] [info] Setting up game profile pre setup 'ForceWindowed'
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.796] [SQUIRREL] [info] Setting up game profile pre setup 'DisableEnemySpawn'
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.796] [AV] [info] Adding a parsed animation definition with name 'gizmoEnemyTarget'.
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.796] [AV] [info] Adding a parsed animation definition with name 'EXPOrbAnim'.
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.796] [AV] [info] Adding a parsed animation definition with name 'CollectableItemAnimation'.
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.796] [AV] [info] Adding a parsed animation definition with name 'CoinAnim'.
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.796] [AV] [info] Adding a parsed animation definition with name 'HealthOrbAnim'.
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.796] [AV] [info] Adding a parsed animation definition with name 'PlaceBeaconIdle'.
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.797] [AV] [info] Adding a parsed animation definition with name 'RegularSwordSwing'.
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.797] [AV] [info] Adding a parsed animation definition with name 'RegularTwoHandedSwordSwing'.
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.829] [SQUIRREL] [info] Added compositor with id 0
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.829] [SQUIRREL] [info] Added compositor with id 1
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.855] [SQUIRREL] [info] Setting up game profile post setup 'EnableRightClickWorkarounds'
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.855] [SQUIRREL] [info] Setting up game profile post setup 'ForceWindowed'
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.855] [SQUIRREL] [info] Setting up game profile post setup 'DisableEnemySpawn'
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.855] [SQUIRREL] [info] Setting up screen for layer 0
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.862] [OGRE] [info] Shader 300000000VertexShader_vs compiled successfully.
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.865] [OGRE] [info] Shader 300000000PixelShader_ps compiled successfully.
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.867] [OGRE] [info] Shader 300000001VertexShader_vs compiled successfully.
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.870] [OGRE] [info] Shader 300000001PixelShader_ps compiled successfully.
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.872] [OGRE] [info] Shader 300000002VertexShader_vs compiled successfully.
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.874] [OGRE] [info] Shader 300000002PixelShader_ps compiled successfully.
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.875] [OGRE] [error] WARNING: Rendering was interrupted. Likely because a StagingBuffer was used while inside HlmsPbs::fillBuffersFor; but could be caused by other reasons such as mipmaps being generated in a listener, buffer transfer/copies, manually dispatching a compute shader, etc. Performance will be degraded. This message will only appear once.
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.875] [OGRE] [error] Dumping callstack at the time rendering was interrupted: 
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.880] [OGRE] [error] 0   RenderSystem_Metal                  0x0000000102bb1ef4 _ZN4Ogre25MetalRenderPassDescriptor19performStoreActionsEjb + 136
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.880] [OGRE] [error] 1   RenderSystem_Metal                  0x0000000102bb9488 _ZN4Ogre17MetalRenderSystem23endRenderPassDescriptorEb + 96
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.880] [OGRE] [error] 2   RenderSystem_Metal                  0x0000000102bba364 _ZN4Ogre17MetalRenderSystem25_notifyActiveEncoderEndedEb + 64
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.880] [OGRE] [error] 3   RenderSystem_Metal                  0x0000000102b85f18 _ZN4Ogre11MetalDevice16endRenderEncoderEb + 140
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.880] [OGRE] [error] 4   RenderSystem_Metal                  0x0000000102b8615c _ZN4Ogre11MetalDevice14getBlitEncoderEv + 60
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.880] [OGRE] [error] 5   RenderSystem_Metal                  0x0000000102be013c _ZN4Ogre18MetalStagingBuffer9unmapImplEPKNS_13StagingBuffer11DestinationEm + 244
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.880] [OGRE] [error] 6   Ogre                                0x0000000104ead19c _ZN4Ogre13StagingBuffer5unmapEPKNS0_11DestinationEm + 400
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.880] [OGRE] [error] 7   Ogre                                0x0000000104927198 _ZN4Ogre13StagingBuffer5unmapERKNSt3__16vectorINS0_11DestinationENS1_9allocatorIS3_EEEE + 64
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.880] [OGRE] [error] 8   Ogre                                0x0000000104926c74 _ZN4Ogre15ConstBufferPool25uploadDirtyDatablocksImplEv + 1332
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.880] [OGRE] [error] 9   Ogre                                0x0000000104926654 _ZN4Ogre15ConstBufferPool21uploadDirtyDatablocksEv + 76
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.880] [OGRE] [error] 10  OgreHlmsUnlit                       0x00000001025c3868 _ZN4Ogre9HlmsUnlit15preparePassHashEPKNS_20CompositorShadowNodeEbbPNS_12SceneManagerE + 5992
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.880] [OGRE] [error] 11  av                                  0x0000000100b39064 _ZN7Colibri14ColibriManager6renderEv + 300
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.880] [OGRE] [error] 12  av                                  0x0000000100b81c30 _ZN4Ogre24CompositorPassColibriGui7executeEPKNS_6CameraE + 292
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.880] [OGRE] [error] 13  Ogre                                0x0000000104835b70 _ZN4Ogre14CompositorNode7_updateEPKNS_6CameraEPNS_12SceneManagerE + 592
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.880] [OGRE] [error] 14  Ogre                                0x0000000104863efc _ZN4Ogre19CompositorWorkspace7_updateEb + 1592
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.880] [OGRE] [error] 15  Ogre                                0x0000000104817ad8 _ZN4Ogre18CompositorManager221_updateImplementationEv + 792
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.880] [OGRE] [error] 16  RenderSystem_Metal                  0x0000000102bc0338 _ZN4Ogre17MetalRenderSystem23updateCompositorManagerEPNS_18CompositorManager2E + 36
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.880] [OGRE] [error] 17  Ogre                                0x00000001048177b4 _ZN4Ogre18CompositorManager27_updateEv + 36
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.880] [OGRE] [error] 18  Ogre                                0x0000000104cb00d4 _ZN4Ogre4Root23_updateAllRenderTargetsEv + 32
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.880] [OGRE] [error] 19  Ogre                                0x0000000104caff8c _ZN4Ogre4Root14renderOneFrameEv + 124
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.880] [OGRE] [error] 20  av                                  0x000000010075d854 _ZN2AV4Base6updateEv + 652
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.880] [OGRE] [error] 21  av                                  0x000000010066b7b0 main + 244
[2024-12-03 13:20:20.880] [OGRE] [error] 22  dyld                                0x00000001954f4274 start + 2840

I haven't tested this on any platform other than MacOS and Metal yet.