Ogre Version: 3.0.0
Operating System: Windows 11
Hello. Following the instructions, I was able to run the EmptyProject with Visual Studio 2022, I just had to delete the ALL_BUILD project and to change the Debugging, Working Directory to $(OutDir) (rather than to EmptyProject/bin/Release, since I'm building and running the Debug configuration).
I want to let you know however, that I wasn't able to find instructions on how to run the other Tutorials/Samples. I replace the contents of EmptyProject.cpp with the contents of Tutorial00_Basic.cpp and this should work, but it doesn't because the MainEntryPoints methods (createSystems, destroySystems, getWindowTitle) are not implemented there. The instructions mention that we can link against OgreSamplesCommon.lib and that should take care of the issue. OK, I'm adding OgreSamplesCommon_d.lib to Linker, Input, Additional Dependencies, but that doesn't change anything.
Some other errors on that page ("Using Ogre in your App") that I noticed:
"Ogre 2.1" instead of the current version, or just "Ogre Next".
"Include build/Release/include (that's where OgreBuildSettings.h is)" - that directory doesn't exist, that file is actually in build/include
"Add the link path build/Release/lib/" - should be build/lib/Release
Folder "build Internally used by CMake. Ignore it." - Can't ignore it (in Windows), because the solution and project files are generated there.
By the way you can't register in the forum with a Gmail email address.
You should link from the website to the Ogre Next documentation too.
In Learning Resources you are advertising some 14 to 22 year old books (Packtpub links are broken). Are they still usefull? You should at least add a note that they are outdated.