As for my concern, there are two libraries for general input and graphics available that can be used with OGRE. One is of course, SDL, the native input library used for the demos and the other one is GGI ( I've never heard of GGI but I think it has a great potential to become a good input library if I'm to make OGRE-based applications.
According to OGRE's Wiki, there are some special stuff that needs to be done when interfacing direct SDL into OGRE unlike in GGI. The two windows dilemma or some sort. Haven't studied that much yet. GGI on the other hand can merge itself directly to OGRE's GLX so there's no trouble on using it along the engine.
You see, SDL is mature while GGI is somewhat of a newcomer (correct me if I'm wrong. I just read about it today) but both can be useful in OGRE. But which one will you people recommend when making a game based on OGRE? SDL or GGI?
Advance thanks for the upcoming advice from the gurus.