In general, I'll be required to do rooms with windows and furniture, with the textures on the walls, floor, furniture and other scene elements able to be selected at runtime, and the results rendered to a file on disk.
The scenes are static.. nothing is moving around, and once textures are assigned, I just need to render the scene once, then move on to another scene/texture combination and render that one, and so on......
here are my questions:
1. since the scenes are static, with little or no reflective elements, can I ligtmap the scene ONCE no matter how I change the textures applied to the models ??
2. are there any issues with changing the textures assigned to a mesh at runtime ??
and 3. I presume that render-to-texture will be used.. can someone stick up a code snippet for putting that rendered texture to a file on disk ??
Any other suggestions appreciated !!