I have some strange problems with the release build only.
I have a small scene with some trees in it. The trees are made out of a few polygons using an albedo texture with an alpha channel (for the transparency of the leaves). Well, the standard way...
Then, in order to display my little "forest" correctly, I use the following material for a tree:
Code: Select all
material SimpleTree
scene_blend alpha_blend
depth_write off
texture Textures/Tree.tga
If I don't use the flag "depth_write off", there are no "pseudo-z-fighting" problems no more, but well - the transparency is screwed up, of course.
I already checked the clipping planes, but they are alright. All the non-transparent objects in the scene are allright - so, this behaviour can't be z-fighting - the problems stay the same even if two trees aren't close at all.
Thanks for your help