So for example: I load a level using the generic scene manager that uses the default rendering plugin. I have a specified amount of actions that will be done. I then record mostly FPS and triangles counted and stuff to a log. Then I do the same thing again, but with, let's say the dotSceneOctree. I'd like to have all my data to show the difference.
Now what I am looking for suggestions for is not how to profile and record and do that stuff, I can do all that. What I need help on is how I should go about setting up different configrations for the projects to run.
Right now, the way I see it, I can utilize a data driven aproach so I can modify one file that loads the engine up and tell it to run this test or that. For that I guess I would have to make seperate .CFG files for the plugins at minimal. Another test would be the difference from using trimesh for an entire level compared to me making all boxes for the objects (XODE). Now that I guess will require some more hard coding in.
Is that all I should do though? Does anyone have any comments or suggestions? Thanks for any help provided! I *think* I know what I need to do, I'd just like to see whatever one else has to offer