What's a good PyOgre environment?

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What's a good PyOgre environment?

Post by jwatte »

Allegedly, the reason to use something like Python for developing with something like Ogre, is that you can tweak things while running, without having to shut down, make changes, and start up again.

I downloaded PyOgre (the previous version, for Python 2.3) and ran the demos, but I don't understand how to stop in the middle of a demo and, say, change one of the methods of the frame listener. What's a suitable environment where I could do this? (I'm on Win32)
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Post by ibrown »

What you mention is probably an advantage ... but not the most obvious one. The biggest advantage of pyOgre (IMHO) is that you can do the same thing as in c++ but with far fewer lines of code. Also, your code is inherently portable and you don't need to worry about the various configuration issues across platforms.

Getting back on topic though, have you looked the thred about the new pyOgre (see end of post for link)? Towards the end Istari has posted a framwork class that integrates wxWidgets and pyOgre. When you run the sample, you get the Ogre window and also a pycrust shell (pycrust is an enhanced python shell which is part of wxWidgets). Somthing like this sounds like what you're looking for.


thread mentioned is here:
http://www.ogre3d.org/phpBB2/viewtopic. ... 5&start=25
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Post by jwatte »

I'm very fluent in C++ and a fast typist. I also just write code for myself, and evenso, I have good portability habits. So, to me, the iterative development really would be the main draw.

Thanks for the pointer; I'll have a look at that!