Materials and depth buffer

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Materials and depth buffer

Post by manowar »


I have a simple material used to render an objet always on the top of the scene. I Thought that adding depth_check false would do the trick.

Code: Select all

material Mat/Green 
			depth_check false

				colour_op_ex source1 src_manual src_current 0 1 0
However the 'depth_check test' does not work for some reason. To have the expected results I have to call setDepthCheckEnabled(false); in a frame listener. Also calling setDepthCheckEnabled(false); in CreateScene() does not work too. Could you please tell me why the setting in the script do not work ?
Thanks a lot

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Post by sinbad »

Because anything that's rendered after it, and in front of it, will still obscure it. If you want something to always be on top you have to do 2 things - turn of depth check AND make sure it gets rendered last. Assign it to a later render queue to do this.