Milkshape mesh exporter: Animation not correct.

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Milkshape mesh exporter: Animation not correct.

Post by Gray »

When I export my mesh and its skeleton together with the animations, everythings works and looks fine at first. But when I take a closer look, the animations aren't correct.

For example:
frame1(keyframe): model stands with arms next to body
frame15(keyframe): model stands with arms horizontaly (90degrees)
frame30(keyframe): model stands with arms next to body

Now, I export it using the exporting utility plugin tool and the animation seems to work, BUT, the arms only move 45degrees!!! really weird. I also made a walking animation and the steps are way too small, arms aren't moving enough etc.. I read the manual chapter dealing with exporting, and I made sure everything is done correctly. So I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Maybe this is some kind of bug?
I also noticed, when I tried to move my model entirely forwards, it actually moved sidewards!! And when i moved my model sidewards, it moved upwards! And when i moved my model upwards, it moved forwards.. So I think the axes are kinda messed up too or something.

Any ideas on how to fix this? (I hope this is the correct forum)

Download the model with animation here if you want to test it out
(1-30: Idle, 31-60: Walk)
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Post by sinbad »

You've probably got both animations enabled at once and it's blending between them; the default is a weighted / normalised blend therefore 50% of each animation. So 'Idle' is dampening 'Walk'.
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Post by Gray »

sinbad wrote:You've probably got both animations enabled at once and it's blending between them; the default is a weighted / normalised blend therefore 50% of each animation. So 'Idle' is dampening 'Walk'.
oh cool, I didn't know there was such a thing, thanks!

but what about the axis switching and the moving in the wrong direction? or is that also the same problem?

edit: the blending was one thing, fixed now, but the moving (translating?) of the joints isn't happening correctly. Moving the Bip01 joint from a HL smd model (its the joint that control the total skeleton) over the Y-Axis results in upwards movement in Milkshape, but when I export the animation, I get _sidewards_ movement in Ogre.
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Post by sinbad »

Hmm, translation works ok in the models I have. Perhaps there is some rotation in the base bind pose which is throwing it out? Should really deal with that but like I said, I've never seen this before (the robot and ninja both have translations in their animations and were exported from Milkshape just fine).
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Post by Gray »

sinbad wrote:Hmm, translation works ok in the models I have. Perhaps there is some rotation in the base bind pose which is throwing it out? Should really deal with that but like I said, I've never seen this before (the robot and ninja both have translations in their animations and were exported from Milkshape just fine).
ok thanks I'll start over then, I've must've done something wrong :)
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Post by sinbad »

Well, maybe not - you might just have created a situation we haven't seen yet. If you can't solve it, post or email me the model and I'll take a look.