So now it is working, but I have some minor issues and the libgii documentation, mailing lists and forums suck.

1) When in full screen mode my mouse input works but my keyboard does nothing. Windowed mode works fine as long as my ogre window has focus. What could cause this?
2) Windowed mode does not capture my mouse, but allows it to go in or out of the window. How can I capture it?
3) I have a move sideways button, 'a' and a right mouse drag will change my camera angle. If while pressing 'a', I right click and quickly move my mouse all the way to the side then down or up to the corner my key released event gets lost and effectively my key gets stuck. If I press the same key, I get a new event and can release, but my camera moves twice as fast in that direction because it is missing a release. Sounds like a bug in libgii, what do you think?
4) With libgii I get my xwindows cursor, whether in full screen mode or windowed mode. I'm also using CEGUI and injecting the coordinates from libgii. This works, but the cegui mouse curosr is so much slower and jumpier than the Xwindows cursor. It looks like I have cursor trails turned on (in windows). Why is cegui so slow in displaying a mouse pointer? Does it really suck that bad? I may just keep the Xwindows pointer, but how do I turn it off if I want to?
5) My mouse pointer has an absolute boundary of my screen size, whether in windowed mode or full screen mode. If I want to rotate all the way around with my camera, I can only go a full screen width before movement stops, even though I have more mouse pad to traverse. I have to release, move my mouse to the left and drag more. How can I reset libgii's mouse position? I have this in my init: giiarg.ptralwaysrel = false