Just wanted to post these screenshots to promote these packages a little bit.. they're really nice for a low price.
Don't mind the crappy jpg compression.
Scene created in max with oFusion plugin, updated all max materials to ogre materials using the Upgrade Materials option of oFusion. Directly exported to oFusion and loaded it into my viewer.
Very old, but I just thought I'd mention that the resources are now all available for free on the original website: http://www.loopix-project.com/
They were made free for a while already, but I recently discovered that the download links for them are back up!
I also made a link on the wiki.
I've used some of those trees, or modified versions of them, and really think they are quite nice. Their low polycount makes them ideal for use with Paged Geometry for creating massive forests.
Thanks for your great work and generosity, Loopix!
bstone wrote:I had some hard time finding foliage for a quick demo a while back.
Yeah, it can be hard if you need them for a decent looking test, but you're a mediocre artist or just don't have the time to make them yourself.
Together with this package I managed to produce a decent foliage library, that was different from the usual pinetrees and fantasy swamp trees for a change