after some minor code fixes, got it built on AMD64 running Ubuntu Linux.
Would be interested by a patch against latest cvs.
OK I will do... but it won't be for a while. I'm very busy working on a grad school project. I can do this in about a month.
So, granted I'm a [Ogre]Bullet newbie but I don't see any obvious place where one can be notified of a collision
It seems I just missed implementing that one, as I use it as a physic engine, not collision engine, even if I paid much attention making it seperated.
Feel free to add that and more (a collision only demo)... or if you don't feel implementing it, I can add it to my todo-list (which is huge, but if I find it simple and fast to implement, I'll do it.).
Out of curiosity, what are you using for CD?
I did notice that the library built by OgreBullet didn't include any of your OgreBulletCollision wrapper code I added that.
I created a notification class already but haven't tested it much... I'll update this thread with any future updates.
I need gravity, user-controlled kinetic movement of a "player object", and custom collisions for my RPG-style game. Am I correct in assuming that at this time it's safer to implement what I need from bullet by directly implementing the library into my code? Or is ogrebullet in useable form yet for the things I'll need?
I've got it all (mostly) working using OgreNewt, but I'd like to see how it could be done under bullet as an alternative. I'm particularly interested in how bullet seems to "add in" the kinetic movement on top of the dynamic forces. This has proven to be a bit of a struggle for me under newton, as calling setVelocity() on an object essentially ignores any forces/acceleration.
I am having "strange" errors while compiling.
..\..\src\Shapes\OgreBulletCollisionsTrimeshShape.cpp:66: error: no matching function for call to `btBvhTriangleMeshShape::btBvhTriangleMeshShape(btTriangleMesh*&)'
C:/OgreSDK/bullet/Nouveau dossier/bullet/src/BulletCollision/CollisionShapes/btBvhTriangleMeshShape.h:25: note: candidates are: btBvhTriangleMeshShape::btBvhTriangleMeshShape(const btBvhTriangleMeshShape&)
C:/OgreSDK/bullet/Nouveau dossier/bullet/src/BulletCollision/CollisionShapes/btBvhTriangleMeshShape.h:31: note: btBvhTriangleMeshShape::btBvhTriangleMeshShape(btStridingMeshInterface*, bool)
..\..\src\Shapes\OgreBulletCollisionsTrimeshShape.cpp: In member function `bool OgreBulletCollisions::TriangleMeshCollisionShape::drawWireFrame(OgreBulletCollisions::DebugLines*) const':
..\..\src\Shapes\OgreBulletCollisionsTrimeshShape.cpp:80: error: `btMyTriangle' was not declared in this scope
..\..\src\Shapes\OgreBulletCollisionsTrimeshShape.cpp:80: error: expected `;' before "myTri"
..\..\src\Shapes\OgreBulletCollisionsTrimeshShape.cpp:82: error: `myTri' was not declared in this scope
what must i do?It looks like as if some function were wrong...
i correct the bug(it was my fault).But now,when i try to compile demos,i have a lincker error:
..\..\..\..\bullet\lib\Debug/libbulletdynamics_d.a(btDiscreteDynamicsWorld.o):btDiscreteDynamicsWorld.cpp:(.text+0x30c): undefined reference to `btSimulationIslandManager::btSimulationIslandManager()'
..\..\..\..\bullet\lib\Debug/libbulletdynamics_d.a(btDiscreteDynamicsWorld.o):btDiscreteDynamicsWorld.cpp:(.text+0x656): undefined reference to `btSimulationIslandManager::btSimulationIslandManager()'
..\..\..\..\bullet\lib\Debug/libbulletdynamics_d.a(btDiscreteDynamicsWorld.o):btDiscreteDynamicsWorld.cpp:(.text+0x2363): undefined reference to `btSimulationIslandManager::buildAndProcessIslands(btDispatcher*, std::vector<btCollisionObject*, std::allocator<btCollisionObject*> >&, btSimulationIslandManager::IslandCallback*)'