BSP loading problem again

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BSP loading problem again

Post by MaxPal3D »

This is a very simple question, but I have not found any similar on this forum. There is a topic where they advise not to mention bsp malfunction, but in my case it simply crashes.
I have a problem with loading some custom maps in ogre 1.4.0rc1 in form of std::bad_alloc exception which is thrown from Plugin_BSPSceneManager_d.dll. I use sdk without sources so I cannot determine on which statement it fails exactly. But I use standard quake 3 bsp map made with quark and compiled with q3map_2.5.16_win32_x86.
The problem could be reproduced in the following way. When I make simple map (4 walls, sky and border) in quark it is loaded and displayed as it should be. But if I add a sphere (in fact in quark it doesn't look quite as sphere rather complex polyhedron) ogre fails to load on the following statement

Code: Select all

ResourceGroupManager::getSingleton().loadResourceGroup(		ResourceGroupManager::getSingleton().getWorldResourceGroupName(),
			false, true);
in the Plugin_BSPSceneManager_d.dll. At the same time this map is loaded and displayed in quake3 and in other engines (for example Irrlicht) without any problems, and it doesn’t contain any holes or non-standard materials. All other standard maps are loaded as they should.
I use ogre 1.4.0rc1 for VS2005 SP1, on WinXp SP2 (it has been reproduced on Vista :( ). Please tell me is it something I forgot or is it a bug in ogre?
Posts: 15
Joined: Tue Mar 13, 2007 12:46 pm
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Does anybody care about bsp manager?

Post by MaxPal3D »

I just wanted to find out whether it is a known issue or whether there is any workaround. Because I use very simple map with standard example not changing any line of code and it crashes.