AticAtac wrote:Near Paunzhausen ?
I live in Paunzhausen

i'm in walterskirchen, so we're almost neighbors =)
is there any project you are currently working on ?
AticAtac wrote:
Could you write a bit about the last meeting ? What you guys discuss, show, etc.
I will try to be on next meeting.
we welcomed mirlix who was there for the first time, and he told us a bit about what he is working on, it also involves ogre but there was no website yet.
moe showed us a new map in the diccuric project, a port city with lots of buildings and a huge dungeon below an old church, they sure got cool artists, and the custom scenemanager they wrote displays all of it without transitions.
i showed the current version of sfz project, there isn't much fun yet, but you can fly around, shoot asteroids and two pirates, and repair your ship at a station.
we talked a bit about iris and a nasty segfault we've been searching for a while, and an upcoming merge with a code-clean branch.
there was also an interesting discussion about procedural map generation between varan and mitrix, who both also work on different projects involving something like this.
later i talked with hagish a bit about how to implement walking around inside a spaceship in sfz.
i guess that sums up the most important points i remember right now, of course there was also "offtopic" talk and chatting

so if anyone is interested in dropping by, please join the mailinglist : ... amedev-muc
the sooner the better, we'll probably meet again soon, but it's usually on short notice without much planning ahead, and it is only announced via the mailinglist usually.