ArtifexTerra Terrain Editor [1.2 Beta Release 10.3.14 Pg.16]

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Re: ArtifexTerra - Terrain editor [0.90RC2b - Up again]

Post by drwbns »

I think it works now, I may have had the popup blocked :oops:
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Re: ArtifexTerra - Terrain editor [0.90RC2b - Up again]

Post by Beauty »

Thanks Nauk for re-publishing your website and your editor :D

Which is the used Ogre version?

I read that your editor is based on Editable Terrain Manager.
Did you modify this scene manager or do you "just use it" as add-on.
For the second case (add-on), I suppose it's not usable with the current Ogre version, because ETM wasn't updated for a longer time (as far as I know).

Great would be if this editor can export terrain data to the format of the new terrain component.
But I think this is just a dream. Or do you have such plans?

Do you want to continue development of Artifex Terra (now or somewhen in future) or will you never touch the code again?
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Re: ArtifexTerra - Terrain editor [0.90RC2b - Up again]

Post by Beauty »

There seems to be a problem with the download.
It starts, but it seems to be aborted at a random point. (Although I get no error message.)
The archive size is 146MB.
As result of 7 download tries I got file sizes like this: 123MB, 74MB, 117MB

With my internet connection I never had download problems.
Tomorrow I want to try it on an other computer (internet accesspoint) again and hope I will get the complete zip file.
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Re: ArtifexTerra - Terrain editor [0.90RC2b - Up again]

Post by Thoran »

It actually worked for me, so if Nauk agrees I can provide it to you with a special link on my webserver, temporarily, which I would send you by PM.
Could be a good idea, as I am also loacted in Germany, so you can at least minimize the risk of connection issues.

Nauk let me know if it is ok for you.

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Re: ArtifexTerra - Terrain editor [0.90RC2b - Up again]

Post by kidyboy2003 »

I can not download AT from this link:
I got the same problem which Beauty met! Can someone help me?

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Re: ArtifexTerra - Terrain editor [0.90RC2b - Up again]

Post by deshan »

I was looking for this for long time. Now it's up again. just downloaded it.

Thanks nauk.

one thing, after looking at your screen shots i feel that you not only has programming skills but also very good designing skills.
Even with a 100% perfect designer i can never make such beautiful scenery.

[EDIT]seems Download problems exist, used firefox and firefoxed informed me download completes but only 46mb downloaded[EDIT]
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Re: ArtifexTerra - Terrain editor [0.90RC2b - Up again]

Post by Beauty »

On my working place I could download ArtifexTerra without problems (with Firefox).
Maybe because of a very fast internet connection?
Maybe the server has a limited life-time for downloads?

I have a problem with ArtifexTerra:
Mostly I don't see the mouse pointer. There is only a minimal dark point. When I move the mouse it often got out of my focus and it's difficult to find it again.
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Re: ArtifexTerra - Terrain editor [0.90RC2b - Up again]

Post by Beauty »

I created a temporary mirror of the project archive. (146 MB)
The file will be deleted automatically at end of June 2011.
I suppose until then the download of the official website is fixed.
Nauk, if you dislike this mirror, just tell me and I will remove it immediatelly.

Download link:
[s] ... 6174729e8a[/s] . . . . . . . lifetime is over

Browsers show a warning page (sometimes it's looking similar to file not found pages).
You need to add an exception for the SSL certificate of my university! Then you can download the project.
Last edited by Beauty on Thu Jul 07, 2011 9:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: ArtifexTerra - Terrain editor [0.90RC2b - Up again]

Post by kidyboy2003 »

Beauty wrote:I created a temporary mirror of the project archive. (146 MB)
The file will be deleted automatically at end of June 2011.
I suppose until then the download of the official website is fixed.
Nauk, if you dislike this mirror, just tell me and I will remove it immediatelly.

Download link: ... 6174729e8a

Browsers show a warning page (sometimes it's looking similar to file not found pages).
You need to add an exception for the SSL certificate of my university! Then you can download the project.
Oh! Thank Beauty alot! :)
You're realy beauty! ^^
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Re: ArtifexTerra - Terrain editor [0.90RC2b - Up again]

Post by Nauk »

I added a rapishare download too, and of course if anyone wants to host it additonally, I'd totally appreciate it. So go for it Thoran and thanks for offering :). I don't know what the problem is, DL works fine for me.

Here is the rapidshare link:!download|968l3 ...

@Beauty: The loss of the mousepointer is a Navi problem, seems the texture buffer is messed up at one point, you can get it back with a rightclick over a gui element.
Last edited by Nauk on Mon May 16, 2011 5:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: ArtifexTerra - Terrain editor [0.90RC2b - Up again]

Post by Nauk »

deshan wrote:I was looking for this for long time. Now it's up again. just downloaded it.

Thanks nauk.

one thing, after looking at your screen shots i feel that you not only has programming skills but also very good designing skills.
Even with a 100% perfect designer i can never make such beautiful scenery.

[EDIT]seems Download problems exist, used firefox and firefoxed informed me download completes but only 46mb downloaded[EDIT]
Thanks a lot for the very nice compliment!
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Re: ArtifexTerra - Terrain editor [0.90RC2b - Up again]

Post by Nauk »

Beauty wrote:GREAT !!
Thanks Nauk for re-publishing your website and your editor :D

Which is the used Ogre version?

I read that your editor is based on Editable Terrain Manager.
Did you modify this scene manager or do you "just use it" as add-on.
For the second case (add-on), I suppose it's not usable with the current Ogre version, because ETM wasn't updated for a longer time (as far as I know).

Great would be if this editor can export terrain data to the format of the new terrain component.
But I think this is just a dream. Or do you have such plans?

Do you want to continue development of Artifex Terra (now or somewhen in future) or will you never touch the code again?
It is all more or less Ogre 1.6 vanilla and etm 2.3(?) nothing modified, apart from the shader a bit. Good point with the new terrain. I try to add it soon, all is needed is to make another loader for Ogre 1.7, shouldnt be a big thing.
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Re: ArtifexTerra - Terrain editor [0.90RC2b - Up again]

Post by milamber08 »

Nauk wrote:
Beauty wrote:GREAT !!
Thanks Nauk for re-publishing your website and your editor :D

Which is the used Ogre version?

I read that your editor is based on Editable Terrain Manager.
Did you modify this scene manager or do you "just use it" as add-on.
For the second case (add-on), I suppose it's not usable with the current Ogre version, because ETM wasn't updated for a longer time (as far as I know).

Great would be if this editor can export terrain data to the format of the new terrain component.
But I think this is just a dream. Or do you have such plans?

Do you want to continue development of Artifex Terra (now or somewhen in future) or will you never touch the code again?
It is all more or less Ogre 1.6 vanilla and etm 2.3(?) nothing modified, apart from the shader a bit. Good point with the new terrain. I try to add it soon, all is needed is to make another loader for Ogre 1.7, shouldnt be a big thing.
Hi All,
Just thought I would mention that I got the artifexloader and its sample app to work with Ogre 1.7.1 and OIS 1.2.0. This took me about 10 minutes and the only things I had to edit were some ambiguous namespace errors that Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Express gave me regarding the map and vector types ( I set it to std::map and std::vector) and I also had to change (commented out) the references to some OIS member functions that do not exist in OIS 1.2.0. That and the project file got run through the vc 10 conversion wizard and I had to set the header and linker search paths as appropriate.
Otherwise everything worked fine.
That said I do not know if it is actually using the new Ogre 1.7.x terrain component or not - the artifexterra version I used was artifexterra3d.0.90b.rc2.21.12.2010. Perhaps Nauk has already ported the loader to Ogre 1.7.x for this version of artifexterra.

On another point - Nauk do you have any plans to implement saving of the PG Grass layer(s) soon? If so, may I be so forward as to ask if you have a rough timeline and whether that feature will be usable in the free version? I will admit to being more than just a little bit curious about this project and its future.

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Re: ArtifexTerra - Terrain editor [0.90RC2b - Up again]

Post by Nauk »

Good to know that it still works with Ogre 1.7 and thanks for sharing that info Milamber :) - The grass saving is implemented just not enabled in the free version. I am going to release a small update soon with ogre 1.7 loaders and grass saving enabled.
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Re: ArtifexTerra - Terrain editor [0.90RC2b - Up again]

Post by Beauty »

Thanks Milamber for your detailed feedback. I'm happy to hear that this great project also works with the current Ogre version.

I like this project (although I didn't use it). So I polished up the wiki page about Artifex Terra. The page was just a stub, now it contains all important information (grabbed from the first post). If you miss important details, please tell it here or just edit the wiki page yourself.

The file download is still not working !!
The download seems to abort (silently) and the result is a defect RAR file.
Nauk, please look for a better way to offer the download.
My mirror is dead now. It was limited for just 3 months.

Is there a terrain loader available for Mogre?
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Re: ArtifexTerra - Terrain editor [0.90RC2b - Up again]

Post by Jastina13 »

Well, I'll give a try when 0.90 version will be out :). I'm making my game with how does levitra work Caelum so ... grass - (Artifex will be using grass form PG) I really believe -will be great.
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Re: ArtifexTerra - Terrain editor [0.90RC2b - Up again]

Post by Kosmos »

hello. Could anyone answer on my questions? I am new here and starting do learn all things from the very start.
i didn't find anywhere any code sample that used to load terrains created by ArtifexTerra by ogre3d project. i saw some code example on page 6 of this thread, but it looks like it used outsourced libs to load terrain.
is it possible to load terrain created by ArtifexTerra without using any outsourced libs like ETM?
If it possible, could any one share with some code example or create any tutorial for that?
if it impossible, i have another question - how to use ETM for game? It's name shows that terrain can be edited, but usually in games players do not edit terrains.
is it possible to disable terrain edition while using ETM to load terrains?
sorry for such questions, i am just starting to use ogre and do not know a lot of things.

by the way, there is a bug in latest version - if i expand window to full size mouse pointer disappears and never appear again.
also download always fails around 54% maybe that php script timeout so it stop sending info to browser? i successfully downloaded it on fast internet for 40 seconds, and failed to download many times on slow internet
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Re: ArtifexTerra - Terrain editor [0.90RC2b - Up again]

Post by Beauty »

Kosmos wrote:hello. Could anyone answer on my questions? I am new here and starting do learn all things from the very start.
Welcome to the Ogre world. For the first steps it's good to process the "Ogre Basic Tutorials". Also the "Mad Marx Tutorials" are good for newcomers (written just a few months ago).
Kosmos wrote:i didn't find anywhere any code sample that used to load terrains created by ArtifexTerra by ogre3d project. [...]
If it possible, could any one share with some code example or create any tutorial for that?
As far as I know there are usage examples in the download package of ArtifexTerra. This you can download from the project website. Often the download fails. I hope Nauk (the project leader) will fix this issue. Perhaps I will recreate a temporary mirror for the file.
Kosmos wrote:is it possible to load terrain created by ArtifexTerra without using any outsourced libs like ETM?
I'm not sure, but I think no. Nauk said that he want to create an exporter for the new Ogre terrain component, but we don't know if he find time to create it. So don't wait for this. We just hope that it will done somewhen in the future.
Terrain is always outsourced to external libraries. (Some of them are/were officially supported.) I suppose the reason is to keep the Ogre core small, because not everybody needs terrain.
ETM is an extendet version of the old official Terrain Scene Manager. The development stopped, but it's still usable (at least upto Ogre 1.6 - for 1.7 I don't know).
Kosmos wrote:is it possible to disable terrain edition while using ETM to load terrains?
is it possible to disable terrain edition while using ETM to load terrains?
ETM is an extendet Scene Manager with edition capability. As far as I know it's a plain library without GUI. Only the ETM demo has a GUI to see what's possible. ETM basically offers "only" an interface for Terrain Modification. Artifex Terra is an application which uses this interface and created a sweet GUI and useful tools (e.g. height brushes) for manipulation.
The game creater can use it for building the world. The end user (player) also can use AT/ETM, but doesn't has access to the edition features. So if your game doesn't use the edit functions, the player can't use it, too.
Kosmos wrote:sorry for such questions, i am just starting to use ogre and do not know a lot of things.
Don't worry. I purpose to start with the tutorials, not with a whole game. :wink:
Kosmos wrote:by the way, there is a bug in latest version - if i expand window to full size mouse pointer disappears and never appear again
I also recognized this bug. It's not a bug of Artifex Terra, it's a bug of the GUI library which is used by AT. Look a few posts above. There is an answer related to this problem (with solution).
Kosmos wrote:download always fails around 54% maybe that php script timeout so it stop sending info to browser? i successfully downloaded it on fast internet for 40 seconds, and failed to download many times on slow internet
I'm very sad that Nauk didn't care about this long known problem. The "php script timeout" is a good idea for the reason.

If this problem can't be solved, it would be good to additionally offer a second download option with splitted files (e.g. 10 RAR files) and a note for the download problem. Or offer an external mirror.
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Re: ArtifexTerra - Terrain editor [0.90RC2b - Up again]

Post by Kosmos »

thanks for the answers and pointing on basic tutorials :D
i already read some ogre book and though it time to start searching for terrain editor, but it looks like i need to read more tutorials :P
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Re: ArtifexTerra - Terrain editor [0.90RC2b - Up again]

Post by Beauty »

Especially have a look to Basic Tutorial 3. It's related to the current official terrain component.
Terrain for this terrain component you can create by the editor Ogitor:
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Re: ArtifexTerra - Terrain editor [0.90RC2b - Up again]

Post by Giggzee »

already began to nail the third tutorial. and looks like i need to get acqainted with Ogitor)

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Re: ArtifexTerra - Terrain editor [0.90RC2b - Up again]

Post by Beauty »

The download problem wasn't fixed for several months.
Now I offer a mirror on my private webspace.

Download of Artifex Terra 0.90b RC2 (2010-12-21) ...
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Re: ArtifexTerra - Terrain editor [0.90RC2b - Up again]

Post by Nauk »

Beauty wrote:The download problem wasn't fixed for several months.
Now I offer a mirror on my private webspace.

Download of Artifex Terra 0.90b RC2 (2010-12-21) ...
Wow thanks a lot for all your efforts here Beauty, pretty cool, big thumb :)

I had posted an alternate rapidshare download link some posts back that still should work, but here again for those that missed it:!download|968l3 ...

Let me know if that works and sorry for the inconvenience with the downloads.
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Re: ArtifexTerra - Terrain editor [Triplanar Shader last Pag

Post by Nauk »

Finally, after a week of try and error and a lot of frustration, I managed to get a triplanar splatting shader going, heavily inspired and based on that post. Thanks to all the contributors for sharing! No normal-mapping yet (coming soon) and downside is splatting with the usual 9 textures takes 3 passes instead of 1. I am getting CG compile errors as soon as I want to multiply a 4th texture in.

Image Image

Image Image

Going to repack the whole thing alongside with a new .exe that has grass-saving enabled :)