Open Source for Games Developers - A Debate on New Business
Date: Tuesday 28 October 2008
Time: 6:00-9:00pm (presentation and panel discussion from 6-8pm followed by drinks/networking until 9pm)
Westminster Kingsway College
Hopkins Street
Book your free place to attend, please visit: www.
Independent games developers adapting open source technology and finding new ways of publishing their games are still perceived as bedroom programmers having fun rather than as serious contenders for big business. In fact, the established games makers are making headlines as leading opponents of illicit file-sharing citing heavy losses through piracy as serious threat to their business. But will their recent successes in court and ever more sophisticated technical developments in digital rights management prevent them from having to adapt to the realities of the digital age? Do innovative methods in technology and rights management currently developed by enthusiastic entrepreneurs provide the clue to the future of the games industry or are they really just a minority with idealistic ideas that don’t have any commercial value for the sector.
Own-it in cooperation with Open Rights Group have invited a panel of independent and corporate video games developers, joined by a specialist lawyer, who will discuss alternative business models based on open source technology and whether or not they could influence the future of the games industry.
This event is aimed at those over the age of 18, who are considering or in the process of setting up a business.
Open Source Games Developers - Debate on Business Models
- Gnoblar
- Posts: 2
- Joined: Thu Oct 09, 2008 3:57 pm