MOC - Minimal Ogre Collision 1.0 - [Update 03.May.2009]

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Re: MOC - Minimal Ogre Collision 1.0 - [Update 03.May.2009]

Post by Ident »

sailingboy wrote:I have similar problem like this:
Jdog wrote: Second, and this is more related to MOC, my character movement works on WASD - collisions work unless I hold down 2 keys at once and move diagonally (for instance, W and A) - is there any way to prevent this without messy if statements?
Maybe someone know how solve it?

btw Thanks very much for these tools!
I use WASD, too, and move diagonally, and it works fine

You dont tell us when or where you test your collisions, i assume you do in every key check of those 4 keys - but if you want us to help you you need to tell us more because no one here (i think) is a wizard and can see your code thru some kinda fancy orb

what you might want to do is, moving your character with a vector, which can be a bit complicated cause you might need a lot of manipulations on that, or just check the collision outside your input function, if you check it in there at all (as i said, no magicians here)
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Re: MOC - Minimal Ogre Collision 1.0 - [Update 03.May.2009]

Post by sailingboy »

thank you for quick reply! :)
that's part of my code, my camera is child of tank, method bool frameStarted(const FrameEvent &evt) is the most important from this part:

Code: Select all

MoveDemoListener( RenderWindow* win, Camera* cam, SceneManager *sceneMgr,Tank &t1, Tank &t2)
		: ExampleFrameListener(win, cam, false)
		mSceneMgr = sceneMgr;

	virtual bool processUnbufferedKeyInput(const FrameEvent& evt)

			return false;






		return true;

	bool frameStarted(const FrameEvent &evt)

	   if (change)
			Vector3 oldPos = _t1.getPosition();//real position of tank
			Vector3 oldPos2 = _t1.getPosition2();//collision point of tank(one of corner)
			Vector3 oldPos3 = _t1.getPosition3();//collision point of tank(one of corner)
			Vector3 oldPos4 = _t1.getPosition4();//collision point of tank(one of corner)
			Vector3 oldPos5 = _t1.getPosition5();//collision point of tank(one of corner)
			Vector3 oldPos6 = _t1.getPosition5();//collision point of tank(one of corner)

			_t1.goRight(mSceneMgr,evt.timeSinceLastFrame);//yaw right(rotate)

			_t1.goLeft(mSceneMgr,evt.timeSinceLastFrame);//yaw left(rotate)





		if (oldPos.squaredDistance(_t1.getPosition()) > 100)

		mCollisionTools = new MOC::CollisionTools(mSceneMgr);

		if (mCollisionTools->collidesWithEntity(oldPos2, _t1.getPosition2(), 2.5f, 0.0f, ENTITY_MASK))

	    else if (mCollisionTools->collidesWithEntity(oldPos3, _t1.getPosition3(), 2.5f, 0.0f, ENTITY_MASK))

		else if (mCollisionTools->collidesWithEntity(oldPos4, _t1.getPosition4(), 2.5f, 0.0f, ENTITY_MASK))

		else if (mCollisionTools->collidesWithEntity(oldPos5, _t1.getPosition5(), 2.5f, 0.0f, ENTITY_MASK))

		return ExampleFrameListener::frameStarted(evt);

	AnimationState *mAnimationState;
	Entity *Body;                
	SceneNode *mSceneNode;             
	SceneNode *mSceneNode1;  
	SceneManager *mSceneMgr;
	MOC::CollisionTools* mCollisionTools;

	Vector3 transVector1;
	Tank _t1;
	Tank _t2;
	bool a,w,s,d;
	bool up,down,left,right;
	bool change;

Maybe now will be better to help. I tried make sth with mouse but without effect :|
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Re: MOC - Minimal Ogre Collision 1.0 - [Update 03.May.2009]

Post by Ident »

as i said, i dont know if thats the problem but i assume so:

you have goright and goleft and so on -> what if you make 1 function where you instead collect all the input and change the position ONCE (so goLeft and goAhead become one diagonal movement) and check the ray then once

i havent looked thru the code exactly but i assume the problem is coz you once check for only left and then for only ahead, instead of doing both in one check

however, if it fixes it or not -- i would do it like i said anyways and make a combined movement instead of a weird split, it more... organized, imho...

try it

and beat me if it doesnt work, and sorry for the late reply, i saw your pm but i was busy dude
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Re: MOC - Minimal Ogre Collision 1.0 - [Update 03.May.2009]

Post by sailingboy »

I was trying solve this problem for few hours and I tried make this what you said in post, but without effect :x
I saw that problem is no only with 2 buttons but in general problem is with rotate (when I put tank near wall by w or s and try rotate by a or d my tank are rotate through the wall and after that i can press w and go through wall).

That's my code after same changes:
Class Tank:

Code: Select all

class Tank
	Ogre::SceneNode *_bodyNode;
	Ogre::SceneNode *_holderNode;
	Ogre::SceneNode *_gunNode;
	Ogre::SceneNode *_bodyNode1;
	Ogre::Entity *_body;
	Ogre::Entity *_body1;
	Ogre::Entity *_holder;
	Ogre::Entity *_gun;
	Ogre::SceneManager *mSceneMgr;
	int _x;
	int _z;
	int _number;
	Real mSpeed;
	Real mRotate;
	Vector3 transVector;


	void createTank(Ogre::SceneNode *parentNode, int x, int z, int number)
		transVector = Vector3::ZERO;
		_bodyNode = parentNode->createChildSceneNode("bodyNode"+number,Vector3( x, 0, z  ));
		_body = _bodyNode->getCreator()->createEntity(_bodyNode->getName() + "::_ent", "cialoLeo.mesh");
		_bodyNode -> scale (88, 88, 88);

		_holderNode = _bodyNode->createChildSceneNode("holderNode"+number,Vector3( 0, 0, 0  ));
		_holder = _holderNode->getCreator()->createEntity(_holderNode->getName() + "::_ent", "wiezyczkaLeo.mesh");

		_gunNode = _holderNode->createChildSceneNode("lufaNode"+number,Vector3( 0, 0, 0  ));
		_gun = _gunNode->getCreator()->createEntity(_gunNode->getName() + "::_ent", "lufaLeo.mesh");


    void setPosition(Vector3 transVectorPOS)

	void setOrientation(const Ogre::Quaternion & transVectorPOS)

	Vector3 getPosition()
     return _bodyNode->_getDerivedPosition();

	const Ogre::Quaternion & getOrientation()
     return _bodyNode->_getDerivedOrientation();

    Vector3 getPosition2()
	const Ogre::AxisAlignedBox& bbox = _body->getWorldBoundingBox(true); 
    return bbox.getCorner(AxisAlignedBox::FAR_RIGHT_TOP);

	Vector3 getPosition3()
	const Ogre::AxisAlignedBox& bbox = _body->getWorldBoundingBox(true); 
    return bbox.getCorner(AxisAlignedBox::NEAR_LEFT_TOP);

	Vector3 getPosition4()
	const Ogre::AxisAlignedBox& bbox = _body->getWorldBoundingBox(true); 
    return bbox.getCorner(AxisAlignedBox::NEAR_RIGHT_TOP);

	Vector3 getPosition5()
	const Ogre::AxisAlignedBox& bbox = _body->getWorldBoundingBox(true); 
    return bbox.getCorner(AxisAlignedBox::FAR_LEFT_TOP);

	void goDiagonalLeft(Real evt)
		_bodyNode->translate(_bodyNode->getOrientation() *  Vector3(0,0,300) * evt);
		_bodyNode->yaw(Degree(mRotate * evt), Node::TS_LOCAL);

	void goDiagonalRight(Real evt)
		_bodyNode->translate(_bodyNode->getOrientation() *  Vector3(0,0,300) * evt);
		_bodyNode->yaw(Degree(-mRotate * evt), Node::TS_LOCAL);


	void goAhead(SceneManager *mSceneMgr, Real evt)
		_bodyNode->translate(_bodyNode->getOrientation() * Vector3(0,0,300) * evt);

	void goBack(SceneManager *mSceneMgr, Real evt)
		_bodyNode->translate(_bodyNode->getOrientation() * Vector3(0,0,-300) * evt);

	void goRight(SceneManager *mSceneMgr, Real evt)
		_bodyNode->yaw(Degree(-mRotate * evt), Node::TS_LOCAL);

	void goLeft(SceneManager *mSceneMgr, Real evt)
		_bodyNode->yaw(Degree(mRotate * evt), Node::TS_LOCAL);



virtual bool processUnbufferedKeyInput(const FrameEvent& evt)

Code: Select all

	virtual bool processUnbufferedKeyInput(const FrameEvent& evt)

			return false;

		return true;

bool frameStarted(const FrameEvent &evt)

Code: Select all

bool frameStarted(const FrameEvent &evt)
//goLeft and goRight are rotates
		Vector3 oldPos = _t1.getPosition();
		const Ogre::Quaternion & oldOrientation= _t1.getOrientation();
		Vector3 oldPos2 = _t1.getPosition2();
		Vector3 oldPos3 = _t1.getPosition3();
		Vector3 oldPos4 = _t1.getPosition4();
		Vector3 oldPos5 = _t1.getPosition5();
		Vector3 oldPos6 = _t1.getPosition5(); 

		if (change&&change1)


		else if(change1&&!change)


		else if (change&&(!change1))



		if (oldPos.squaredDistance(_t1.getPosition()) > 10)

			mCollisionTools = new MOC::CollisionTools(mSceneMgr);

			if (mCollisionTools->collidesWithEntity(oldPos2, _t1.getPosition2(), 2.5f, 0.0f, ENTITY_MASK))

			else if (mCollisionTools->collidesWithEntity(oldPos3, _t1.getPosition3(), 2.5f, 0.0f, ENTITY_MASK))

			else if (mCollisionTools->collidesWithEntity(oldPos4, _t1.getPosition4(), 2.5f, 0.0f, ENTITY_MASK))

			else if (mCollisionTools->collidesWithEntity(oldPos5, _t1.getPosition5(), 2.5f, 0.0f, ENTITY_MASK))

		return ExampleFrameListener::frameStarted(evt);

	AnimationState *mAnimationState;
	Entity *Body;                
	SceneNode *mSceneNode;             
	SceneNode *mSceneNode1;  
	SceneManager *mSceneMgr;
	MOC::CollisionTools* mCollisionTools;

	Vector3 transVector1;
	Tank _t1;
	Tank _t2;
	bool a,w,s,d;
	bool up,down,left,right;
	bool change, change1;
	int x;

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Re: MOC - Minimal Ogre Collision 1.0 - [Update 03.May.2009]

Post by Ident »

sorry i have no time to look thru all your code - but i try to help you anyways as far as i can

so: do you also have this problem, as you said, when you move like with w and a ? so if you move diagonally can you move thru walls?
you said you could, right? and there is no rotation involed there, is it?
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Re: MOC - Minimal Ogre Collision 1.0 - [Update 03.May.2009]

Post by sailingboy »

When I press a and w i go diagonal and this is with rotate:

Code: Select all

  void goDiagonalLeft(Real evt)
      _bodyNode->translate(_bodyNode->getOrientation() *  Vector3(0,0,300) * evt);
      _bodyNode->yaw(Degree(mRotate * evt), Node::TS_LOCAL);
Ok is only when I make rotate (goLeft/Right, goDiagonalLeft/Left) with distance from wall and after that goAhead or goBack.

thank you for reply
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Re: MOC - Minimal Ogre Collision 1.0 - [Update 03.May.2009]

Post by Ident »

i dont really fully understand you,..

Does diagonal movement work now or does it not?

Does your rotating collision work now because you fixed it or is it still to be done?
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Re: MOC - Minimal Ogre Collision 1.0 - [Update 03.May.2009]

Post by sailingboy »

Ident wrote:i dont really fully understand you,..

Does diagonal movement work now or does it not?

Does your rotating collision work now because you fixed it or is it still to be done?
Diagonal movement(it part is rotate) and rotate work fine, but without collision.
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Re: MOC - Minimal Ogre Collision 1.0 - [Update 03.May.2009]

Post by Ident »

well i guess the problem is, that whenever you rotate an object, they rays get rotated too, but the startpoint of the rays at the end of the rotation may lay at a point where they dont have a collision like if you rotate something and it's partially inside another mesh at the end of the rotation

also if you rotate and translate, i personally would first rotate, then translate, otherwise the rotation wont have an effect on the translation in this step (only next step it will) but it doesnt matter much in this case i guess

when you said move diagnoally, i thought you mean moving forward + strafing to the side, not rotating and moving forward, whatever

i dont know a real solution for the problem with rotating, you d have to cast rays into different directions so you wont rotate into another object, i guess, but thats not a nice solution (performance and not accurate) hmmm...
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Re: MOC - Minimal Ogre Collision 1.0 - [Update 03.May.2009]

Post by hedphelym »

I try to use this CS file for Mogre,
when i import it into my project it says : "cannot resolve symbol 'TerrainInfo' in the code.

Is there something I'm missing?

thanks in advance.
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Re: MOC - Minimal Ogre Collision 1.0 - [Update 03.May.2009]

Post by Ident »

hedphelym wrote:Hi,
I try to use this CS file for Mogre,
when i import it into my project it says : "cannot resolve symbol 'TerrainInfo' in the code.

Is there something I'm missing?

thanks in advance.
look into the header file, there it says what you have to do in case you don't use the special terrain
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Re: MOC - Minimal Ogre Collision 1.0 - [Update 03.May.2009]

Post by Ident »

I'm using MoC and create ManualObjects in runtime which then get converted into Meshes. However although, whenever i cast a ray into the direction of that mesh generated from a ManualObject i get a crash.

Same problem as here basically: ... 57#p264657

i use OT_TRIANGLE_FAN at the moment

crash appears in this function: Ogre::Math::intersects()

being called here:

Code: Select all

for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(index_count); i += 3)
					// check for a hit against this triangle
					std::pair<bool, Ogre::Real> hit = Ogre::Math::intersects(ray, vertices[indices[i]],
						vertices[indices[i+1]], vertices[indices[i+2]], true, false);
i = 24
index_count = 26
vertex_count = 25

indices array has valid values till [23] (although it should be filled till [24] afaik)
vertices array has valid values till [24]

this is all i found out during debugging,- just seems like the i+=3 is set for triangle lists, won't work at all or not completly correct for strips and fans.
i won't mind rewriting this as this is just some graphic object which i ll tag with a certain QueryFlag so this is done for me, but just wondering why no one really served a fix or an explanation for this so far- so maybe this gives someone some more information than i could find
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Re: MOC - Minimal Ogre Collision 1.0 - [Update 03.May.2009]

Post by lmas19820607 »

I found a tiny bug in your code.

bool CollisionTools::raycastFromPoint(const Ogre::Vector3 &point,
const Ogre::Vector3 &normal,
Ogre::Vector3 &result,Ogre::MovableObject* &target,
float &closest_distance,
const Ogre::uint32 queryMask)
// create the ray to test
static Ogre::Ray ray;
ray.setOrigin(point - normal * 1000); //Modified by #lium back move the start point, or can't get correct closest_distance
return raycast(ray, result, target, closest_distance, queryMask);

I don't know whether anybody has refer that, too much replys in this thread. Hopes it helps.
Btw, the MOC works perfectly in my project, thanks for share.
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Re: MOC - Minimal Ogre Collision 1.0 - [Update 03.May.2009]

Post by Ident »

how is this a bug or a bugfix? why 1000? this is random and makes the collision not work anymore
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Re: MOC - Minimal Ogre Collision 1.0 - [Update 03.May.2009]

Post by lmas19820607 »

sorry for your confuse, I should describe the detail.
I just use GetHeight function and never use Collision Detecting.
Before my fix, GetHeight function can't get correct result... I don't know how the fix affect collision detecting.
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Re: MOC - Minimal Ogre Collision 1.0 - [Update 03.May.2009]

Post by Ident »


but why is the value 1000?

just an idea but maybe you can give the method used by collision and the height function calculateY a parameter and when using calculateY you can pass normal*1000 as parameter and add it and else 0 and add the parameter at the point you changed the code

but i dunno why this would be necessary at all

are you maybe elevating th character by 1000 before callin the function?
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Re: MOC - Minimal Ogre Collision 1.0 - [Update 03.May.2009]

Post by Ident »

i implemented some small changes in my collisionTool

first to give my raycasts a maximum distance, as very far away objects shouldn't be checked in my case, to save some performance, in the raycast(..) method i added an else if(){}

Code: Select all

		for (size_t qr_idx = 0; qr_idx < query_result.size(); qr_idx++)
			// stop checking if we have found a raycast hit that is closer
			// than all remaining entities
			if ((closest_distance >= 0.0f) &&
				(closest_distance < query_result[qr_idx].distance))
			else if(query_result[qr_idx].distance > MAX_CHECK_DISTANCE) // if distance bigger than ... don't check - added by Lukas
ususally you won't need this

what could be useful however is this code snippet i added after the code i just posted:

Code: Select all

//For just checking some Entities' Bounding Boxes instead of the raycasting them to polygon level
			else if(query_result[qr_idx].movable->getQueryFlags() == ONLY_CHECK_BOUNDINGBOX_MASK)
				if ((closest_distance < 0.0f) ||
					(query_result[qr_idx].distance < closest_distance))
					// this is the closest AABB so far, saving it
					closest_distance = query_result[qr_idx].distance;
					target = static_cast<Ogre::MovableObject*>(query_result[qr_idx].movable);
					closest_result = query_result[qr_idx].movable->getWorldBoundingSphere().getCenter();
					//Hitpoint = not correct (middle Entity)

	// only check this result if its a hit against an entity
			else if ((query_result[qr_idx].movable != NULL)  &&
				(query_result[qr_idx].movable->getMovableType().compare("Entity") == 0))
this might be useful if you don't need an exact raycast for every entity, but only for some - the flag makes the difference

again this might save some performance, and also make it easier to click on some smaller objects (which is the main reason i do this)

just wanted to share this, maybe it's useful for anyone
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Re: MOC - Minimal Ogre Collision 1.0 - [Update 03.May.2009]

Post by kurty »

hi nauk , any problem with ? i can't get on the site since 1 week or more ...
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Re: MOC - Minimal Ogre Collision 1.0 - [Update 03.May.2009]

Post by Nauk »

Sorry guys for not supporting MOC at the moment the way I should, but I have too many other things going on. About the Aritfex website: ... 00#p367540 - thanks for telling me Kurty, I hope it will be up soon again.
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Re: MOC - Minimal Ogre Collision 1.0 - [Update 03.May.2009]

Post by aerique »

Nauk wrote:Sorry guys for not supporting MOC at the moment the way I should, but I have too many other things going on.
Thanks for the update, I was wondering what the status was. Especially with all the small additions people have posted in this thread.
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Re: MOC - Minimal Ogre Collision 1.0 - [Update 03.May.2009]

Post by CorPetit09 »


At first, sorry for my english. I'm using MOC and I 'm having problems for collides one object (which I can move) with another object (it is a static object, like a house or wall) that I translated in the X and Z axis.
In some parts of the static object, collision works fine, but in anothers parts, my first object doesn't collides with my second object.
I have done a lot of tests and if I don't translate the static object, it works fine always. I don't know if is a problem of the .mesh or if a programming problem.

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Re: MOC - Minimal Ogre Collision 1.0 - [Update 03.May.2009]

Post by shadow82 »

For my project I made a little extension to MOC. For every method in the CollisionTools class I added an argument bool testPolys, which decides in the raycast()-method, where the actual work is done, if the test is done only on the bounding box or on the mesh polygons. I know that I actually don't need MOC for testing bounding boxes, which can also be done via RaySceneQuery. But I didn't want to use two different collision APIs for slightly the same thing, also because MOC uses RaySceneQuery for testing bounding boxes too. For this reason I see MOC as a wrapper for both purposes.
So I can use the convenient methods such as raycastFromCamera() for example, even if I only need the bounding box result, which is a lot faster than testing on polygon level.

If anyone is interested in this little adaption of the code, I can modify it a little further so that the interface stays the same and can be used it in your projects exactly like before. I only have to pass a default value (true) for my new argument bool testPolys.
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Re: MOC - Minimal Ogre Collision 1.0 - [Update 03.May.2009]

Post by so0os »

I implemented method to text collisions with single entity / object

Code: Select all

	bool CollisionTools::raycastSingle(const Ogre::Ray &ray, Ogre::Vector3 &result,Ogre::Entity* target,float &closest_distance, const Ogre::uint32 queryMask) 
		return raycastSingle(ray, result, (Ogre::MovableObject*)target, closest_distance, queryMask);

	bool CollisionTools::raycastSingle(const Ogre::Ray &ray, Ogre::Vector3 &result,Ogre::MovableObject* target,float &closest_distance, const Ogre::uint32 queryMask)
    closest_distance = -1.0f;
		Ogre::Vector3 closest_result;
		Ogre::MovableObject *pentity = target;

		// mesh data to retrieve
		size_t vertex_count;
		size_t index_count;
		Ogre::Vector3 *vertices;
		Ogre::uint32 *indices;

		// get the mesh information
		GetMeshInformation(((Ogre::Entity*)pentity)->getMesh(), vertex_count, vertices, index_count, indices,

		// test for hitting individual triangles on the mesh
		bool new_closest_found = false;
		for (size_t i = 0; i < index_count; i += 3)
			// check for a hit against this triangle
			std::pair<bool, Ogre::Real> hit = Ogre::Math::intersects(ray, vertices[indices[i]],
				vertices[indices[i+1]], vertices[indices[i+2]], true, false);

			// if it was a hit check if its the closest
			if (hit.first)
				if ((closest_distance < 0.0f) ||
					(hit.second < closest_distance))
					// this is the closest so far, save it off
					closest_distance = hit.second;
					new_closest_found = true;

		// free the verticies and indicies memory
		delete[] vertices;
		delete[] indices;

		// if we found a new closest raycast for this object, update the
		// closest_result before moving on to the next object.


	// return the result
	if (closest_distance >= 0.0f)
		// raycast success
		result = closest_result;
		return (true);
		// raycast failed
		return (false);
It's mostly a rewrite but it might be helpful.

Also I cannot seem to get collisions with movable objects working :(
Sos Sosowski :)
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Re: MOC - Minimal Ogre Collision 1.0 - [Update 03.May.2009]

Post by aoth »

While trying the binary demo I noticed some problem with the edges of the house - if you don't walk straight into walls, but with a angle around the edges, you sometimes run up/on top of the house. (Professional paint screens attached. :P)
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Re: MOC - Minimal Ogre Collision 1.0 - [Update 03.May.2009]

Post by crazymath87 »

I just got moc to work. I like a lot it's really lightweight and easy to use. For me there is only one Problem, i have to check if the two vectors I call collidesWithEntity() with, are actually different (otherwise I get a black screen). It seems to me that this should be done by moc internally. Or is there a reason not to do it?
