April 11, new additional details and more plan A&B consideration.
Maybe this project about animation seems very ambitious, for example, IK had been tried several times and AnimationTree and BlendTree are always in
demanding list. Here I want to clear all these doubt and considerations.
First and most important, I have cognized my communication issue, and am trying to overcome it totally.
Second, I think already existing stuff on animation in Ogre is enough to give it well workable solution for users.
Third, my proposal's framework is extensible for further specific extensions, other developers can add new BlendNode with more powerful blending algorithm,
add new IK algorithm and behavioral API, add PATH-finding using motion graph etc.

the gameplay and then he hadn't enough time to focus on his real work. I chose the agile developing style, I will go through my project by examples progressively.
April 8, a workable example of AnimNodeBlendPerBone .
User can control the weight interactively between 0. and 1. to "Run" or "Walk" animatiom of jaiqua.

video is here
the code is in the attachment
just copy them to the skeletalAnimation example include and src folder, and add the files to the SkeletalAnimation project.
Press key "I" and "O" to increase and decrease the weight for "Run" and "Walk" animation.
This project is aiming to create BlendTree class for animation blending: TecnoFreak(http://www.ogre3d.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=45260) provides code and he can help a lot. And then IK support will be added as blending skeletion animation with procedural animation: noche's IK with Ogre(http://www.ogre3d.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=35712) is a great work and it is a patch for Ogre, I should have to change its interface for blendNode( component of BlendTree).Maybe it seems to be an assembling work so far, but there are some problem beyonds them.
Proposal detail:
There are three basic tasks and two further ones.
• Blending by posture only works well for similar ones, so good blending postures must be selected first , my motion graph metric function (posture distance calcuation can do this),see my tutorial of animation http://www.ogre3d.org/forums/viewtopic. ... 17#p336616
• Weights must be assigned carefully for Blending multiple animation in BlendTree to each animation or even each bone, this really effect the result animation's reliability.
• Connecting successive animations must concern timing, for example, transition or blending run to/and walk animation must match the foor step because the speed of each animation is not the same.
• IK is only applied to arm/leg's end part and only when there are environment interaction, otherwise IK's opps will show totally over skeletal animation
• Motion graph can be used as long as some SceneManager problems be solved.
The main classes need to be added for AnimBlending.

(click for full size)
Task 1 Blend without timing(already completed)
April 20 -- April 26
The fundamental class for animation blender and for further extension to IK controller.
AnimNode class: this class is the original class which can handle Animation, that is to hold animationTrack , TickAnimation and GetPosture, though the way varies according to different AnimBlendNodes.
AnimNodeBlendBase class: the basic animNode that can blend different animation channel, one animation channel means an result blendBuffer output from one child of this BlendNode.
AnimNodeBlendperbone: a hierarchical blend algorithm go through a skeleton's bones.
You can reference to attachment for code detail.
Task 2 Blend with timing
While blendperBone(there may be blendmask, each bone has specific weight and effect) or by posture is blending animationTrack in space at exactly the same time,
BlendCrossFader, BlendBySpeed, BlendDirectional and BlendKeyFrames are concerned about timing seriously.
Basic method:
BlendTree can blend two different animations with different time duration, no time wrapping is carried on, for we don’t want to change any time stepping in each animations. This is done as follows: assume animation1 has keyframes k10(t0),k11(t1) ,k12(t3) animation2 has keyframes k21(t2) k22(t4), t1,t2,t3,t4 is timestamp, and t0 < t1< t2 <t3 <t4, we first create a new dummy animation ---- animation3, which will be the blended animation for final use. At t1, there is only k11 in animation1, we need the corresponding keyframe in animation2, so called k21’, we use dual quaternion linear to create the k21’ = DLB(t1; k20,k21), k31 = DLB(w;k11,k21’), w is the weight between animation1 and animation2.
April 27 – May 20
BlendCrossFader: This is used when transition occurs, the most event in MotionGraph synthesis.Blenders can benefit from contact information and posture similarity table calculated from MotionGraph.
The most difficult issues are: Choosing which timestamps in successive animation to blending, the blending duration time, the overlayed parts and the weight changing function, for example maybe a sine/cosine is chosed.
May 21 – May 31
BlendDirectional: This is a hard stuff assuming you want to get result without foot-sliding. It is also the reason while IK or other interpolation algorithm(like Geostatistical Motion Interpolation) is needed.
Here we need motiongraph to give local coordinate system translation information to blending.
June 1 – June 10
Blendbyspeed: Culculating the translation of root and the blending weight between different moving animation to archieve a good looking BlendbySpeed weights.
June 11 – June 30
BlendKeyFrames: Most animators are used to using keyframes to author animation, this blendNode is for this. Users can select different preprovided keyframes or animation snapshot to edit a keyframe sequence, then the animation system will using all of already developed AnimNodeBlend and motiongraph to generate a final animation.
Task 3 IK Controller, this is roughly summizing and enhancing work, and behavioral API adding
July 1 – July 15
Summarize all existing work of IK in Ogre
http://www.ogre3d.org/forums/viewtopic. ... 9&start=25
Try existing IK(http://www.ogre3d.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=35712) in Ogre first, and polish them,
then forget about them(too many concern may slow new thought and developing process), add API
July 16 – July 31
BlendIKNode: Add IK for grab, lookat and step action.
The action is fired by trigger system. For example, if there is a belle, the player will lookat her by head turning ( there is also body bones' change) while running.
Here we set the IKBone to the end Acitve Bone( assuming we use CCD IK algorithm) -- head, and there are also whole body restriction that will prevent the player leaving its running path.
We can do this in nearly two functions and one API. setActiveBone and setIKType( LookAt), API is actor->addNewTrigger(new belle);
August 1 – August 10
Assemble all together, polish code, write document and complete tutorial.
Future Extensions
A good editor for

Something to clarify, last year I was too focusing on my code, thus take less time to make my code marketing. Therefore doubts on my work's practicability arise, whether it is correct or it is helpful for users' daily work.
Motion synthesis support interactive control of actor and scripted animation, and AI can be added to actor as an extension.