Design Workshop : Distributed post-production techniques in

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Design Workshop : Distributed post-production techniques in

Post by cose »

A workshop around motion capture and game design will be held in Telc ( Czech Republic ) for dates 17 -20 June with Viktor Antonov, (France/Bulgaria/USA) Artistic Director of Half life 2.
you can have more information on the website :

The Prodigies
by Viktor Antonov

The Prodigies is a ground breaking European animated feature produced by Fidelite Films, Onyx and Studio 37.
Viktor Antonov will take you through the creative process from the conception to the production and post production of a new generation 3d animation film with an original visual identity, combining latest motion caption technologies with principles of classic cinematography and painting. The innovations of the film include a new style of rendering, evolving with the storyline. “The Prodigies" is a New York-set thriller that turns on five young geniuses who go off the rails,plot crime in New York and have to be hunted down.

The workshop will include technical and theory practice of motion capture and will be vizualized with ogre3d come with your applications and lets plugin !
Happy coding,