Code: Select all
set-campos 100 200 30
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set-camera-position 100 200 30
Code: Select all
set-campos 100 200 30
Code: Select all
set-camera-position 100 200 30
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clock.overlay = OverlayManager:createOverlay()
clock.panel = Panel( 0, 738/768, 300/1024, 30/768 )
clock.panel.element:setMaterialName( "gui/dialog.background" )
clock.overlay:add2D( clock.panel.element )
clock.text = Text( 150/1024, 5/786, "Clock" )
clock.panel:addChild( clock.text )
function clock.update()
while clock.stop == false do
clock.text.element:setParameter('caption', )
clock.stop = false
createTask( clock.update )
Your Lua solution too !merlinblack wrote:Very cool!
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require 'mylibrary'
Gosh! Been busy huh?jacmoe wrote:I did a TinyScheme interpreter as well.
TinyScheme is the interpreter used in Script-Fu for the Gimp.
I'll put it up there - or link to it.
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else if (*pos =='\t')
line.push_back (' '); ///< Push at least 1 space
while ((column%tabWidth)!=0) ///< fill until next tabWidth
line.push_back (' ');
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if( *pos == '\n' || column > CONSOLE_LINE_LENGTH )
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void LuaConsole::print( std::string text )
string line;
string::iterator pos;
int column;
pos = text.begin();
column = 1;
while( pos != text.end() )
if( *pos == '\n' || column > CONSOLE_LINE_LENGTH )
lines.push_back( line );
if( *pos != '\n' )
--pos; // We want to keep this character for the next line.
column = 0;
else if (*pos =='\t')
// Push at least 1 space
line.push_back (' ');
// fill until next multiple of CONSOLE_TAB_STOP
while ((column % CONSOLE_TAB_STOP )!=0)
line.push_back (' ');
line.push_back( *pos );
if( line.length() )
if( lines.size() > CONSOLE_MAX_LINES-1 )
lines.push_back( line );
// Make sure last text printed is in view.
if( lines.size() > CONSOLE_LINE_COUNT )
start_line = lines.size() - CONSOLE_LINE_COUNT;
textChanged = true;
I'll *hopefully* give my project a test run on Windows this weekend - and specifically run a test in Release. I think it's vs2005 I have installed , been awhile since I booted Windows at home!KakCAT wrote:I suppose the answer is no, but has anyone had problems with the LuaConsole in release mode? (vs2005, sp1)
I'm getting a fault in frameStarted (in the 'text' object)
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Ogre::LogManager::getSingletonPtr()->logMessage("*** Initializing OIS ***");
OIS::ParamList pl;
size_t windowHnd=0;
std::ostringstream windowHndStr;
m_pKeyboard->setTextTranslation(OIS::Keyboard::TextTranslationMode::Unicode); //I added this thinking it'll help, it didn't :(
>_< yup your spot on. I was using key up events so that answer wasn't vague at all!merlinblack wrote:Its been awhile since I've looked at OIS (it's working in my project, so I haven't touched it) but I remember that it only fills in the 'text' member on Key Down events, and that buffered vs non-buffered may have an effect too. Sorry for the vague answer - I'm at work.
Short Answer: It overrides it, yes.Yati wrote:I do have another question though. In the consolePrint.lua file the function myprint replaces the default print? Override it?
Thanks!shanefarris wrote:Merlin, I like the console you created and I took a look at your test engine, and I really like the use of scripts in your engine too. For the most part when I see projects utilizing scripting abilities, most people will use Lua, or whatever as data for level loading and things like that. I think scripting data is ok if that's what you need it for, but you can do so much more with it like actually create logic with it. I like using a DB for data, and scripting for logic, and looks like you've utilized Lua very nicely.
How can I use this console to control ogre like this video?
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Hi all,
I know its an old topic, but maybe someone has an answer:
I'm also want to use the lua console to print out results. For example:
If I print 1 + 2, I want the result placed in the console. In this case 3
print(1 + 2)
\>> 3
Has anbody an idea how to accomplish that?
Best Regards
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