Pixar's RenderMan Workshop: Dylan Sisson at VIEWConference,

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Pixar's RenderMan Workshop: Dylan Sisson at VIEWConference,

Post by gscarcella »

Hi everybody!
VIEWConference has come back! The premiere international event in Italy on Computer Graphics, Digital Cinema, 3D Animation, Gaming, VFX and Interactive Techniques, will take place in Turin from 26th to 29th October, followed by the VIEWFest, the Computer Animation Festival (from 29th to 31st october).

Once again Dylan Sisson, the main Pixar's RenderMan expert, will teach at VIEW in an exclusive workshop the secrets of the famous Pixar's RenderMan software, including topics such as the software's story and origins, and its use in the last Pixar's masterpiece, TOY STORY 3.

Dylan Sisson:
"Talking Trash about Toy Story 3"
Shading and Lighting with Pixar's RenderMan

First Part
The climatic scenes of Toy Story 3 take place in a perilous incinerator, featuring vast amounts of trash ... these scenes were some of the most technically challenging in the movie. During this workshop Dylan Sisson will explore some of the strategies used to shade and light this enormous amount of trash, with a focus on Pixar's core rendering technology, RenderMan. Dylan will present some of the advanced lighting and shading techniques that were essential for creating final result, and will show how Pixar's shading tool, Slim, was used to create sophisticated layered shaders for the trash.
Second Part
During the second half of his talk, Dylan will give an preview and demonstration of the upcoming release of RenderMan Studio 3.0, Pixar's suite of rendering tools for Autodesk's Maya. The entire presentation will demonstrate how both large and small VFX studios may expect to benefit from Pixar's RenderMan tools.

This workshop will take place everyday from 14:15-16:15.
All information is on the website: www.viewconference.it
Free entrance, register online to access the conference
VIEWConference 2010 (26-29 October, Conference Center Torino Incontra,Via N. Costa 8, Turin, Italy)