Overlay relative positioning behavior of nested containers

Minor issues with the Ogre API that can be trivial to fix
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Joined: Mon Jan 31, 2011 5:46 pm

Overlay relative positioning behavior of nested containers

Post by wasurepoi »

I am relatively new to development using the Ogre 3D engine, but noticed some odd behavior when trying to design an overlay for an industrial project.

If a container is nested within a parent, and its metrics_mode is set to relative, it seems to use the top-left corner of the parent container as its origin, but all "distance" values are relative to the whole screen. This includes, top, left, width and height values.


Code: Select all

	container Panel(Battery_Indicator)
		metrics_mode pixels
		left 20
		top 20
		width 100
		height 100
		material RotaryIndicator1
		container Panel(Battery_Indicator/Amps)
			metrics_mode relative
			left 0.1
			top 0.1
			width 0.8
			height 0.2
Instead of the child container's top-left corner being (30, 30) and dimensions of 80x20 pixels (as I had expected), the actual coordinates on an 800x600 screen resolution are (100, 100) and 640x160.

If this is the intended behavior, please disregard this report.

- Rob