PacoRG wrote:Hi Xiao, now the autoLOD system starts after the terrain have been saved, however, once it is started I still get the same crash. I have tested it two times, in the first, the crash was very quickly. In the second test the crash ocurrs after one minute flying over the terrain. The crash seems aleatory or it could be related to the camera position.
Regarding to the edition support, I agree with you. I think it would be interesting to improve the example in this sens because the terrain edition posibility is the personality of the current OgreTerrain. Also, would be a good idea to include a sensible key or a little widget in order to enable the paging mode, because do not make sense to modify and to compile the sample to probe the paging system when the example is named "TerrainPaging". Besides, in order to avoid problems when a terrain is edited while its highest LOD is not loaded, it will be a good idea to force automatically the highest LOD load previously the edition of this terrain is done without taking into account its distance to the camera.
Sounds strange, it never crashed on my computer since applying the last patch. I'll have more testing.
About the sample, my plan is to remove the TerrainPagingSample, because most of its functions( and code ) are the same with TerrainSample. There is no need to have two samples doing similar things. Let TerrainSample show the basic terrain rendering and edition, and a new EndlessWorldSample (described in my proposal, coming later) show the support to vast large terrain, such as asynchronous-loading and paging techniques.